时文热点专题一 序号 1 2 3 4 题型 阅读理解 阅读理解 语法填空 语法填空 内容 互联网时代的个人信息保护草案 为了吸引更多的年轻工人,南京放宽了户口规定 脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利 建立绿色低碳循环经济 Passage1 China's first draft law on personal information protection will be revised to deal with technological challenges in the internet era and help the country solve data collection amid the COVID-19 outbreak, a senior legislator said. Considering that health QR codes on smartphones have contributed to pandemic control and the reopening of businesses nationwide, the draft law, which was deliberated in October by the Standing Committee of National People's Congress, the country's top legislature, stipulates that some personal information can be used in public health emergencies or urgent incidents to protect people's safety. "But the collection of information and how it is used in these situations must be clarified and disclosed to the information providers to protect and ensure information safety," said Wang Ruihe, director of the Economic Law Department from the NPC Standing Committee's Legislative Affairs Commission. He stressed the requirement in February, adding that his department has planned to solicit opinions about the draft from people of more walks of life to amend and improve it. Personal information protection has also aroused attention among deputies to the NPC, "as it's close to everyone's daily lives and interests," said Fu Yuhang, an NPC deputy from Sichuan province. Before this year's annual session of the NPC, which will open on Friday, Fu said she will continue following the draft law and suggest the top legislature give stronger legal support to personal information protection amid the outbreak. Guo Weimin, spokesman for the fourth session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the country's top political advisory body, said at a news conference on Wednesday that many members of the CPPCC National Committee have paid great attention to the issue. They believe that figuring out how to regulate internet enterprises to collect, store or use personal information in line with laws and to effectively ensure information safety are important and urgent issues, Guo said. He added that some members from enterprises pledged to safeguard personal information safety by improving self-regulation, taking responsibility and balancing the relation between providing information service and managing information. Cai Weiping, an NPC deputy from Guangzhou, Guangdong province, recently told Guangzhou Daily that protecting privacy and preventing online bullying in the collection and use of pandemic-related personal information is an urgent issue.In his view, some government agencies responsible for preventing the pandemic had gaps in information management and protection that caused information leaks about a few patients and their family members and led to secondary damage. Given that pandemic control has become normal, he called for the country to promptly unify standards on what information should be collected and how to do it, he added. To better solve new problems, such as collecting personal information through facial recognition in some public places, Wang, the legislator, said such biological information must be collected and handled more prudently and strictly. "We'll also improve relevant parts in the draft after doing more research on these new technologies and new online applications," he added. 1. What can we conclude from Paragraph 1? A. The reason why China is to revise the law on personal information protection is that help the country’s management in data collection . B. To meet the development of technology , China will issue a law on personal information protection. C. China's first draft law on information protection is to be made again. D. China's first draft law on personal information protection has been issued before. 2. The word “leaks” in the last sentence can be replaced by._____________. A. correct B. ignore C.spread D.lose 3. The text could be entitled ______. A. Data collection amid the COVID-19 B. Draft law protects personal information in internet era C. Different opinions about the law on personal information protection D. The problems about the transformation of personal information Passage2 Nanjing relaxes hukou rules as cities strive to attract more young workers Rules for obtaining hukou-permanent household registration-are being eased in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, as it competes with other cities for an infusion of yo

doc文档 专题1:时文热点专一-2021高考英语时文热点原创阅读理解+语法填空专练

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