2019-2020 学年四川成都外国语学校 初一下学期期中英语试卷 试卷满分:150 分 考试说明: 1. 考试时间为 120 分钟, 满分(150)分, (120)分及以上过关; 2. 考试期间, 需遵守考场规范, 否则取消考试资格; 3. 解答题要有过程, 不得只有答案, 只有答案者视为无效; 4. 注意答题工整, 笔迹不清也视为错误答案。 一、Multiple choice (本大题共 15 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 15 分) 1. Children's Day is coming, and the kids are a little happy. A. a few B. some C. kind of D. a lot 2. Teresa and her friends _________ the zoo so early. They both like pandas. A. go to B. arrive at C. arrive in D. come to 3. Where is Mark? He ___________ playing the drums. A. practice B. is practicing 4. Koalas are so cute, and they are a symbol of A. Switzerland C. practices D. are practicing ________________. B. Polish C. Australian D. Australia 5. The artist wants to draw good pictures_____________ the criminals. A. of B. for C. with D. to 6. Pink is popular _________American people and she usually exercises _______ Sunday night. A. to; on B. with; on C. for; at D. with; at 7. What isn’t the rule for the library? A. We must be quiet. B. Don't make a noise. C. We can't eat D. Never be late. 8. —Can you and Mark make pizzas? —Mark can't make pizzas, and I can't ______________. A. too B. either C. to D. also 9. Sarah ___________ born in 2001. Albert is her mother's father. He is Sarah's ________. A. was; uncle B. is; aunt C. was; granddad D. is; uncle 10. The 3-year-old kid really likes drawing. Her picture looks so beautiful. That's _____! A. amazing B. terrible C. awful D. amazed 11. It _________ the pop group three weeks to write the song. It really ________ good. A. spend; sounds B. takes; sounds like C. takes; sounds D. spends; sounds like 12 —Bob, do you like _________? -No, I don't, but I am good at _________. A. playing soccer; sing B. playing the soccer; singing C. to play soccer; sing D. to play soccer; singing 13. Sally _________ the windows when she gets up. She wants to go to the museum today. It ___________from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. A. opens; is open B. is open; open C. open; is open D. is open; opens 14. Candy and Tina _______ their new flats. And they ___________ work hard. A. has got; both B. have got; both C. has got; all D. have got; all 15. —Thanks for your great help, or I will get lost in the woods. A. No problem B. That's all C. Not bad D. It's OK. 二、Cloze test (本大题共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) Frank works as a bus driver in London. Most people think driving a big bus is very 1 . But Frank is always happy. And people feel happy on his bus, too. This story tells us 2 . This morning, Frank starts his 3 . A man is 4 at the first bus stop. "How are you, Mr. James?" says Frank with a big smile. " Fine, thank you. " says Mr. James. "This is a 5 day. Just WONDERFUL!" says Frank. At 6 stop, a man gets on the bus and asks. "I have to catch a train at seven. Can you 7 me to the station? " "Now, just sit down. Hl drive a little 8 . We will be there in time. " Frank drives just a little faster. The man really gets to the station before seven! "Thank you! You are the best bus driver in the city!" says the man. As Frank drives on, he 9 singing happily. The bus ride is full of fun. "I like singing, 10 it makes other people want to sing, too. " says Frank. 1. A. easy B. hard C. interesting D. great 2. A. what B. why C. when D. who 3. A. trip B. job C. homework D. work 4. A. seeing B. riding C. laughing D. waiting 5. A. fine B. bad C. terrible D. delicious 6. A. the first B. the next C. the other D. the best 7. A. carry B. bring C. take D. help 8. A. later B. slower C. faster D. earlier 9. A. remember B. starts C. stops D. finishes 10. A. but B. and C. or D. when 三、Reading comprehension (本大题共 15 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 15 分) A Kids' Activity Corner Saturday, 12 October 2019 2:00 p. m. to 4:00 p. m. Event Stage AVAILABLE ACTIVITIES √ Reading corner √ Lego builder set √ Board games and puzzles √ Painting corner Sign up on the spot! Only $ 5. 00 each child for 2 hours. It's a shop haven (天堂)for mums and dads. (1) How long is Kid's Activity Comer open? A. 1 hour. B. 2 hours. C. 3 hours. D. 4 hours. (2) Perhaps this poster (海报)is for _____________. A. parents B. teachers C. students D. singers (3) What can kids do at the activity comer? A. Read books. B. Play cards. C. Eat food. D. Ride bikes. (4) If three children play at the comer for two hours, it will cost . A. 5 dollars B. 10 dollars C. 15 dollars D. 20 dollars (5) You might see this poster in ______________________. A. a shopping mall B.

doc文档 四川省成都外国语学校2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题(文字版含答案)

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