2021 年上海高三英语一模完形填空汇编 1.宝山区 A study from Switzerland’s Université de Genève(UNIGE) looked to answer the question of which came first: a decrease in physical activity or cognitive (认知的) decline? “Interrelationships have been ____ 41____ between these two factors, particularly in ter ms of memory but also regarding the growth and survival of new neurons (神经元).” said Boris Cheval, a researcher at UNIGE’S Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences (CISA) in a press release. “But we have never yet ____42____ tested which comes first: Does physical activity prevent a decline in cognitive skills or ____43____ ? That’s what we wanted to ____44____ .” Earlier studies have considered that physical activity ____45____ cognitive decline. But ac cording to Cheval, recent studies may ____46____ that past research has “only told half the story … since those recent studies demonstrate that our brain is ____47____ when it comes to engagi ng in physical activity.” Researchers at UNIGE tested the two possible ____48____ by using data from the Survey o f Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe, a socioeconomic database covering more than 25 cou ntries across the continent. Over the course of 12 years, 105, 206 adults ____49____ in age from 50 to go were tested e very two years on their cognitive abilities and their physical activity. Researchers ____50____ cognitive abilities with a verbal fluency test that saw participants name as many animals as they could in 60 seconds. They also tested cognitive abilities with a ____51____ test where they memorized 10 words before reciting them. Physical activity was me asured using a scale from 1 to 4. A 1 indicated participants “never” ____52____ physical activity while a 4 meant they were physically ____53____ “more than once a week”. The study found that the ____54____ of what past studies concluded was true ― cognitive a bilities mostly influence physical activity, not the other way around. “This study backs up our theory that the brain has to make a real effort to get out of a sittin g lifestyle and that by ____55____ cognitive capabilities, physical activity will follow,” Cheval s aid. 41. A. neglected B. prevented C. confused D. established 42. A. formally B. separately C. individually D. casually 43. A. at times B. vice versa C. by chance D. in part 44. A. release B. admit C. confirm D. oppose 45. A. prevents B. encourages C. influences D. reduces 46. A. mislead B. contradict C. ignore D. indicate 47. A. abandoned B. involved C. entertained D. processed 48. A. factors B. elements C. options D. subjects 49. A. ranging B. judging C. expanding D. varying 50. A. balanced B. restricted C. surveyed D. measured 51. A. observation B. reflection C. memory D. imitation 52. A. concerned about B. engaged in C. stood for D. gave up 53. A. motionless B. casual C. active D. passive 54. A. consequence B. similarity C. difference D. opposite 55. A. working on B. reflecting over C. crossing out D. putting off 答案:41--45DABCA 46—50DBCAD 51—55CBCDA 原文出处: https://www.ajc.com/lifestyles/study-says-cognitive-ability-influences-physical-ability-not-t he-other-way-around/75tJMxUfDO5xGJAo5SwWEM/ 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了早期的研究认为,体育活动可以防止认知能力下降,而 最近的研究发现,认知能力也会影响人们进行体育活动的情况。文章介绍了研究开展的过 程以及这项研究的意义。 【41 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这两个因素之间已经建立了相互关系,特别是在记忆方面,但 也是关于新神经元的生长和存活。A. neglected 忽视;B. prevented 阻止;C. confused 困惑; D. established 建 立 。 根 据 前 后 文 语 境 “ Interrelationships have been … between these two factors”可知此处指建立这两个因素之间的相互关系,应用 establish。故选 D。 【42 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:但我们从未正式测试过先有哪种情况:体育活动能防止认知能 力的下降,还是反之?A. formally 正式地;B. separately 分别地;C. individually 个别地;D. casually 随便地。结合后文“tested which comes first”以及“That’s what we wanted to”可知,研 究人员还从未正式测试过先有哪种情况,所以这是他们想要确认的。故选 A。 【43 题详解】 考查固定短语辨析。句意:但我们从未正式测试过先有哪种情况:体育活动能防止认知能 力的下降,还是反之?A. at times 偶尔;B. vice versa 反之亦然;C. by chance 偶然;D. in part 部分地。根据倒数第二段中“ cognitive abilities mostly influence physical activity, not the other way around.”可知此处是问题是:体力活动能防止认知能力的下降,还是是与之相反 的。故选 B。 【44 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这就是我们想要确认的。 A. release 释放;B. admit 承认;C. confirm 确认;D. oppose 反对。结合上文中“But we have never yet … tested which comes first” 可知,因为从未测试过,所以如今测试就是为了确认哪种情况先发生。故选 C。 【45 题详解】 考 查动 词词 义辨 析。 句意 :早 期的 研究 认为 ,体 育活 动可 以防 止认 知能 力下 降。 A. prevents 阻止;B. encourages 鼓励;C. influences 影响;D. reduces 减少。根据倒数第二段中 “The study found that the … of what past studies concluded was true ― cognitive abilities mostly influence physical activity”可推知,早期研究认为体育活动可以防止认知能力下降,

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