上海市崇明区 2018-2020 年三年中考二模英语试题汇编-首字母填空专题 2020 年上海市崇明区九年级质量监控(二模)英语试题 C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的 词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) The Dong People(侗族人) and Their Indigo cloth(靛蓝色布) Yang Xiuying, 74, sits at wooden loom (织布机). As her fingers pass the shuttle (梭子) back and forth through the cotton threads, the old machine comes to life. Ever since she was a young girl, Yang has been making indigo cloth. “This type of handmade cloth is extremely rare. You h___81___ buy it at the market,” she said. For the Dong people in Guizhou, making indigo cloth has a long tradition. The s___82___ has been passed down from mother to daughter over generations. Nearly every family makes its own cloth. This traditional way of making indigo cloth, unfortunately, is now in danger. It will disappear slowly in the modern industry society. Young people show little interest in it. Some of them have m___83___ to big cities to find better jobs. Local officials want to save the tradition. They are trying to change young people’s a___84___ towards it. One program has set up several cloth-making factories in Guizhou. After learning how to make indigo cloth, young Dong people can find jobs easily. They can also work closer to home. The Dong people consider indigo cloth as i___85___ as rice. Many Dong women spend countless hours making the cloth. They rise and start working very early in the morning. To make the cloth shiny, it must be rubbed (搓) and beaten hard. The noise of cloth being beaten often w___86___ the whole village up. Almost every Dong women over 40 has a tub for indigo dye (染料). The cloth has to be put in the dye for many rounds to gain the rich color. The p___87___ of coloring usually takes two weeks. Yang holds out her purple and wrinkled (有皱纹的) hands. “They say she who has the darkest hands makes the best cloth,” she says proudly. 【答案】81. hardly 82. skill 83. moved 84. attitude 85. important 86. wakes 87. process 【解析】 文章主要介绍了侗族的传承文化——靛蓝色布,以及人们为拯救这一濒危文化做出的努力。 【81 题详解】 句意:你在市场上几乎买不到。 根据句意理解及前句 This type of handmade cloth is extremely rare. 这种手工布料非常罕见。可知,这里说 的是“几乎不能买到”,故答案为 hardly。 【82 题详解】 句意:这项技能世世代代都是由母亲传给女儿的。 根据句意理解及前文 As her fingers pass the shuttle (梭子) back and forth through the cotton threads, the old machine comes to life. 当她的手指在棉线上来回拨动梭子时,这台旧机器开始运转了。可知这是一种技能, 英语是 skill,及句中的动词 has 可知,这里主语应该用单数形式,故答案为 skill。 【83 题详解】 句意:他们中的一些人搬到大城市去寻找更好的工作。 根据句意理解及前句 Young people show little interest in it. 年轻人对此不感兴趣。可知这里表达的是“搬到 大城市”,英语是 move,而句中用的是现在完成时,空格前有 have,所以这里应该用过去分词,故答案为 moved。 【84 题详解】 句意:他们正试图改变年轻人对此的态度。 根据句意理解及前句 Local officials want to save the tradition. 当地官员希望保留这一传统。可知这里表达的 是“改变人们的态度”, 英语中表达“对……的态度”是一个固定结构 attitude towards sth,而这里的 attitude 表达抽象含义,所以这里用原形,故答案 attitude。 【85 题详解】 句意:侗族认为靛蓝布和大米一样重要。 根据句意理解及后句 Many Dong women spend countless hours making the cloth. They rise and start working very early in the morning. 许多侗族妇女花了无数个小时来制作这种布。他们一大早就起床开始工作。再由 结构 as … as 可知,这里需要用形容词或副词的原级,结合句意可知,这里表达的是“和大米一样重要”, 英语中“重要的”是 important,故答案为 important。 【86 题详解】 句意:拍打布的声音经常吵醒全村人。 根据句意理解及前句 The noise of cloth being beaten often 可知,这里表达的是“吵醒”,英语是 wake,而句 子主语是 noise,所以谓语动词用三单形式,故答案为 wakes。 【87 题详解】 句意:着色过程通常需要两周。 根据句意理解及前句 The cloth has to be put in the dye for many rounds to gain the rich color. 这种布料必须经 过多次染色才能获得丰富的颜色。可知这里表达的是“染色的过程”,英语中“过程”是 process,谓语动词是 takes,所以主语应该是单数形式,故答案为 process。 2019 上海市崇明区中考二模英语试题 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) What kind of story is most exciting? What story keeps you reading u___81___ the very end? The answer is the detective story. Detective stories are probably the most written, read and discussed stories in the world. They can be novels, animation and movies. When we start reading a detective story, we always wish to find out the truth before we reach the end. But it can be quite difficult to s___82___ the problem as quickly as the detective does. Paying attention to the following elements may help you find the truth. Motive (动机) Motive is the reason b___83___ a crime. Some common motives are money, love, revenge and hiding a secret. Does this person have a motive? This is a question always asked by detectives. To answer that, detectives would look into one’s personal relationships and past experience. People w___84___a motive can be trusted. Suspect Suspects are those who may have done the crime. Usually there is more than one suspect in a case. Detectives have to find out the real criminal a___85___ t

docx文档 上海市崇明区2018-2020年三年中考二模英语试题汇编-首字母填空专题

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