河南范县第一中学 2019 届高考英语质量提升卷 一、阅读理解 1.Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Guided Tour Castle Clinton, a ferry ride, Liberty Island, and Ellis Island are just some of the highlights of this Statue of liberty and Ellis Island Guided Tour in New York City. Hop on the ferry with a guide and make stops on Liberty Island and Ellis Island. Free time is given after the final stop on this four-hour guided tour. This tour is perfect for anyone wanting to learn more about America and the people who came to America to start a now life. The views from the ferry are unbelievable, so make sure to bring a camera. The educated guide will provide interesting historical information regarding both islands and their importance. This is the ideal trip for the family or for anyone who had family come through Ellis Island. Additional Information : • Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the tour. The tour departs promptly and if late, you will NOT be able to catch up and will miss the lour. There are no refunds for missing the tour. • Please note the 8:30 am tour will have the least wait. Later tours will encounter longer wait times. • Food available for purchase on the ferry, at the Statue of Liberty, and on Ellis Island. • The lour operates in all wealher conditions; please dress appropriately. • This tour is not wheelchair accessible. • Children 3 and under free with paid adult tickets 1.How long will the guided tour last? A.15 hours. B.4 hours. C.3 hours. D.8 hours. 2.What will you obtain on the tour? A.A camera. B.Free food. C.Knowledge of history. D.Wheelchair service. 3.Which of the following are tourists requested to do? A.Wear proper clothes. B.Ask for money back if missing the tour. C.Take their children. D.Pay for any child they take. 2. A 71 -year-old Frenchman—armed with a block of foie gras(鹤肝酱) and a bottle of Sautemes—has set off to sail the Atlantic in a barrel(木桶船). Jean-Jacques Savin barreled out of El Hierro in Spain’s Canary Islands on Wednesday and headed toward theCaribbean, some 3 000 nautical miles away, in a bright orange, barrelshaped capsule that will use ocean currents alone to move him, the BBC reported. He hopes lo reach his destination in just three months, the reporter said. “The weather is great. I’ve got a swell of one meter (3 feet) and I’m moving at 2 - 3 kilometers an hour... I’ve got favorable winds forecast until Sunday,Savin told AFP shortly after he set off. His barrel is strong enough to survive attacks from killer whales and was built to withstand constant battering from the waves. It contains a bed,kitchen,storage areas and a window in the floor that Savin can use to watch fish. It also has a solar panel that generates energy for communications and GPS positioning, and Savin will be dropping markers along his trip to help oceanographers study currents. The former military paratrooper(伞兵), park ranger and pilot has had some access to social media and his most recent update said the barrel was "behaving well" and the trip was off to a smooth start. His budget for the journey, ,$ 68 000, was raised largely through crowd funding. Savin hopes to reach Barbados but would prefer a French island like Martinique to make paperwork easier and fcifor bringing the barrel back". As for the foie gras and Sauternes, Savin planned to save it for New Year’s Eve. He also saved a bottle of red wine for his 72nd birthday on Jan. 14. 1.What would the old Frenchman do in three months? A.He would have a trip to the Atlantic. B.He would study currents for oceanographers. C.He would use ocean currents alone to move him. D.He would plan to save the red wine for his birthday. 2.What can we infer about Saving barrel? A.Heavy and strong. B.Solid and perfect. C.Strong and small. D.Small and heavy. 3.What did the old Frenchman do before? A.Park cleaner. B.Flyer. C.Captain. D.Swimmer. 4.How did Savin get the money for his trip? A.By collecting. B.By stealing. C.By borrowing. D.By being offered. 3.Martin Lewis issued an email scam (诈骗) warning to This Morning viewers to explain what to look out for and how to know if you're being scammed. He advised people to be careful of the wording of certain emails to tell if they are a scam, especially poor grammar or indistinct spelling in emails. He added that there is a four-word phrase you need to look out for to identify a scam email. If they start the email with “dear sir or madam",this often means it’s not from a legal company. He also provided a number of other general rule

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