长春吉大附中力旺实验中学九年级下学期第三次大练习 中考英语模拟试卷 九年 班 姓名 一、基础知识(共 15 分) I. 从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 1. Mike is a new student in our class and I'm the first A. make friends with him. B. to make C. making 2. Now we can sleep longer on weekdays. I always fall A. awake B. asleep D. made at 9:00 pm. C. sleep D. sleepy 3. Jim is a book lover. He spends lots of money on books A. even though B. so that C. because 4. We have been inspired by a speech A.who 5. —There —Sounds great! A. will be he is not rich. D. if was given by Ivy! Now we are full of hope and passion. B. where C.it D. which a wonderful movie next Sunday evening. Why not watch it? B. will have C. has D. is going to have 6. Please value the time with your family! You should spend as much time as you can A.stay B. to stay C. stayed 7. We’ve decided that we will go somewhere interesting A.as soon as B. so 8. —I will meet Jane at the station. Please —Sure. A. count B. choose with them. D. staying the holiday begins. C. so that D. as far as what time she will arrive. C. check D . catch 9. Which sentence has a different meaning? A. The Nile is the longest river in the world. B. The Nile is longer than any other river in the world. C. No river is as long as the Nile in the world. D. The Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world. 10. We invited Nick to come to our party. But he A. turned down it B. turned it down . C. turned it up D. turned up it 11. —Which of these two coats will you take? —I'll probably take A. both 12. The novel . They look nearly the same, and I just need one. B. either C. none D. all be Jack’s. He doesn’t like novels at all. Science is his cup of tea. A. mustn't B. may not 13. — Mom, do you know C. can't D. needn't ? — Maybe next month. He is busy designing the new bridge. A. when dad will come back B. when did dad come back C. when dad came back D. when will dad come back 14. —Have you seen Mary ? —Yes, I met her in the bookstore the day before yesterday. A. lately B. gradually 15. —Hi, . —Yes. It has been quite a while. C. completely D. quickly A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. Long time no see. D. Nice to meet you. 二、交际运用(共 5 分) II. 完成对话(5 分) 根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。 A: Hi, Tom. How are you? B: Not bad, Jerry. I just miss my winter vacation. 16. A: I went skiing in Changbai Mountain this winter vacation.17. B: That must be very exciting and pretty cool! Who taught you skiing? A: My father. 18. That’s when I had an interest in skiing. B: That’s great! It seems that skiing is more and more popular especially in 2022 because of the Beijing Winter Olympics! I had much fun watching the competitions. A: Me, too! Beijing is the only city to have hosted both the summer and winter Olympic Games. Our country is much stronger. 19. B: That’s true. China has shown the power and strength to the whole world . A: What other games will be held in China? I really want to be a volunteer. 20. B: Good idea! A. He took me to skiing when I was just four years old. B. Let’s search the Internet and sign one. C. I don’t like skiing at all. D. What did you do? E. Skiing is my cup of tea. F. I am really proud of being a Chinese. 三、阅读(共 45 分) III. 完形填空(15 分) 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A 25-year-old man had a(an) 21. experience in Beijing on Monday after getting a heart problem on a badminton court(羽毛球场地) just a few meters from six off-duty(下班的) 22. . The six doctors from Peking Union Medical College Hospital 23. at the Beijing Dongdan Badminton Hall when the middle-aged man had a sudden heart problem nearby. The quick-thinking doctors took action 24. thinking twice. They used the medical machine in the hall and 25. 120 for emergency services(紧急服务). After more than ten 26. of rescue(急救) at the badminton court, the man's heartbeat was OK. The man was then brought to Tongren Hospital for treatment(治疗). He 27. and was able to talk with others half an hour later. With further treatment, the man came back to 28. in the end. The incident(事件) got wide attention after someone 29. the video online. It's said that this is not the 30. time that medical workers from Peking Union Medical College Hospital have helped 31. people in the Dongdan area. Netizens( 网 民 ) voiced their 32. on the news. One wrote that it's good for doctors 33. a walk near Peking Union Medical College Hospital so that one can be saved by them 34. . Some others encouraged sports centers to let more doctors to exercise for 35. . In this way, i

doc文档 吉林省长春吉大附中力旺实验中学2022年九年级英语下学期第三次大练习试题

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