2020-2021 学年广州七年级上册期末新题型专练 《语篇填词》 训练 1:2020 学年第一学期七年级英语学科期末模拟题 语篇填词(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 根据短文内容及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。(每空限填一词) I’m in a travel 1.c___________.The members(成员) usually meet once a month.At our meeting yesterday, my friend Ben told us about his 2.t___________ to Seattle. In the morning, he visited the Space Needle.It is a very tall3. b___________. He took an elevator(电梯)to the top. The Space Needle stands in the Seattle Centre. People could see other things there such as great museums. Ben also went to visit famous 4.m___________.For Ben, it was interesting to watch traders(商人)sell their things. He also had some 5.s___________there. After that, Ben walked down to the waterfront(滨水区).He bought gifts for everyone in his family there. 参考答案:1.club 2.trip 3. building 4.market 5.snacks 训练 2: Mr.Brown was 1.f___________yesterday so he went for a walk in his community(小区).However,he found something 2.u___________ in the garden. Someone was 3.s___________! Mr. Brown thought the melody(旋律)was beautiful. But he could4. h___________ hear the sound because he was far away from that person. So he 5.f___________the voice and went ahead to find out that person.Something was interesting. It was not a person. It was a parrot! 参考答案:1.free 2.unusual 3. singing 4.hardly 5.followed 训练 3: Come and study in Los Angeles! We can offer you great summer English courses (课程). You are sure to learn a lot from the course and understand more about the beautiful 1. c___________----America. You can stay in a hotel or with an American family. Don’t worry. People in these families are very 2. f___________.Do not forget to bring a pair of sunglasses. The summer in Los Angeles is sunny and hot. The Sun shines 3. b___________the whole summer. The sunglasses can4. p___________your eyes from sunlight. Everyone is welcome in our courses but you must make sure to take good care of 5 y.___________. 参考答案:1.country 2.friendly 3. brightly 4.protect 5.yourself 训练 4: My grandmother loves making bread and cakes. And she is always 1.s________ that the rest of our family never do any baking(烘焙). So we planned to 2.a______a baking class. The cooking part was wonderful. Our teacher Michael 3. t________us how to make bread and pizzas. We made some pizzas and put toppings(配料)on them. Before the pizzas were done, we all went to visit a farmhouse nearby. It is very famous. That special farmhouse, with 4. s ________power and fresh homegrown vegetables, was fantastic. Then we went back and ate our pizzas. They tasted really nice! It's amazing to learn a new 5. s________. 答案:1.surprised 2.attend 3.taught 4.solar 5.skill 训练 5: I'm Li Hua from China. Spring Festival is very 1. i________in my country. Like Christmas, it happens every year, but not on the same day. It 2.u________comes in February, but sometimes it comes in January. A 3.f________days before Spring Festival, we clean our homes and sweep away bad luck. In the Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner. People 4.r ________home and gather(聚集)together.We eat a lot of delicious food, such as jiaozi. It is a type of Chinese 5.t________food. After dinner, we watch TV or chat with families. My father always gives me a hongbao. It means lucky money. 答案:1.important 2.usually 3.few 4.return 5.traditional 训练 6: Dear Mandy, Thanks for the email. My dad and I a________ the town fair last Friday. At the fair, my dad asked some farmers to teach him how to grow vegetables. I played with some other children. Later, I couldn’t find my favourite red jacket(夹克衫).It 2.d________.I wanted to buy another one. But a few minutes later,an old lady found it and gave it back to me! I was very 3.s________. People in small 4.t ________ are so nice! The old lady asked me to visit the town again. Do you have 5.f________like this in your country? Best wishes, Kelly 答案:1.attended 2.disappeared 3.surprised 4.town 5.fairs 训练 7: Last Sunday, I went on an adventure with the Hiking Club. I woke up 1.r________early on Sunday morning because I was so excited. I hurried to school and met the other students and Mr Li, our trip leader. When we were all there, we 2.l________for Lucky Island. When we got there, we went on a long walk and saw some pretty flowers and colorful birds. It's a good chance(机会)to enjoy the natural 3.b ________.After the hike, we sat on the beach, ate some snacks, played games and took pictures. We enjoyed 4.________. Finally it was time to go home. It was a nice 5.t ________! 答案:1.really 2.left 3.beauty 4.ourselves

doc文档 2020-2021学年广州七年级上册英语期末新题型训练:《语篇填词》(含答案)

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2020-2021学年广州七年级上册英语期末新题型训练:《语篇填词》(含答案) 第 1 页 2020-2021学年广州七年级上册英语期末新题型训练:《语篇填词》(含答案) 第 2 页 2020-2021学年广州七年级上册英语期末新题型训练:《语篇填词》(含答案) 第 3 页 2020-2021学年广州七年级上册英语期末新题型训练:《语篇填词》(含答案) 第 4 页
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