2020-2021 学年上学期高一英语期末复习题型专项训练 (新人教 版) 专练 6 完成句子(含解析) 一、完成句子 01 根据所给汉语意思完成句子。 1. 我们很惊讶地发现没有人受伤。 We ________________________ that no one was hurt. 2. 她出生于一个贫穷家庭。 She ________________________________. 3. 我的梦想就是建立我自己的公司。 My dream is ________________________ my own company. 4. 我们希望你来看望我们。 We ________________________________ come and visit us. 5. 望早日回信。 I’m ________________________________ you soon. 6. 听讲座的时候你得记笔记。 You ________________ when listening to the lectures. 7. 她性格外向,给别人留下了很好的印象。 She has an ________________,which makes ________________ others. 8. 从当班长中获得的经验帮助我变得更加自信。 The experience I gained from being monitor helped me ________________. 9. 在高中,你应该多思考、学习和探索。 At senior high you should think, study and ________________. 10. 正在建造的地铁将对人们出行很有用。(be of+名词) The subway under construction ________________________ for people to get around. 二、完成句子 02 根据所给汉语意思完成句子。 11. 总而言之,对于英语学习者来说,拥有丰富的词汇是重要的。(动词-ing 形式作主语) As a whole, ________________________ is important for English learners. 12. 无论我走到哪里,家永远是一个(用来)休息且温暖的地方。(no matter+疑问词) Home is always a place of rest and warmth________________________. 13. As one of the oldest folk arts in China, paper-cutting can ________________ (追溯到) the 6th century. 14. 有那么多人把目光集中在他身上,他感到很紧张。(with 结构) ________________________________________, he felt very nervous. 15. 这份工作最吸引我的地方是有机会去旅行。 ________________________ to the job is the chance ______________. 16. 他考试没及格(fail),这使他父母很生气。 He ______________ the exam, _______________(make) his parents annoyed. 17. The relationship between China and America has seen ____________________(起伏) in the past fifty years. 18. ___________________________(无论哪里) you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. 19. Everyone is ____________________ (震惊) about what has happened. 20. 这次地震死亡的人数还在增长。 ________________________ deaths from the earthquake is still increasing. 三、完成句子 03 根据所给汉语意思完成句子。 21. 多达 100,000 人观看了这场拳击赛。 ________________ 100,000 people watched the boxing game. 22. 杰西卡看到露易丝,向她挥手。 Jessica caught sight of Lois and ________________________. 23. 1976 年唐山发生的地震震惊了全世界。 The earthquake ______________________ in 1976 in Tangshan shocked the people all over the world. 24. 据报道本规则自 2020 年 5 月 1 日起生效。 It's reported that this regulation will ________________________ from May 1, 2020. 25. 阅读传统文化的书籍会对儿童有良好的影响。 Reading books of traditional culture can ____________________________ the children. 26. The headmaster ____________________________ (发表重要演说) at the meeting yesterday which left a deep impression on his students. 27. ____________________________ (使我印象最深的是) was the enthusiasm of the local people. 28. 在一位路人的帮助下,她设法走到了警察局求助。 ______________________a passerby, she managed to walk to the police station for help. (aid n.) 29. 在紧急情况下,我们应该保持镇静,这点至关重要。 We should ______________________ in case of emergency, which matters much. 30. By the time he realizes he has ____________________ (落入陷阱), it'll be too late for him to do anything about it. 四、完成句子 04 31.他直接上床睡觉了,没有关电视。 He went to bed straight, ___________________________. 32.看起来好像我们队要赢得比赛了。 It looks _______________ our team is going to win the game. 33.It is dangerous ___________________ (躲避) rain under a tree especially during a summer rainstorm. 34.The house ___________________ (保护我们免受) the wind and the sun. 35.Drinking too much will _______________________(损害你的健康). 36.On seeing ______________________(他对邻居的房子造成的损害), the child felt ashamed. 37.你去登记,我付出租汽车司机钱。 You go and _____________________ while I pay the taxi driver money. 38.你们还有什么特殊要求? Do you have any _________________________? 39.尽管消息是非官方的,但是几乎确凿无疑。 The news is almost certainly true, although __________________________. 40.这两个问题紧密相关。 The two issues are ___________________________. 五、完成句子 05 41.你更喜欢哪种类型的交通方式? ______________________________ do you prefer? 42.这个地区作为绿茶产地很出名。 The area ___________________________ a green tea producing place. 43.期待你的评论和建议。 I ______________________________ your comments and suggestions. 44.无可奉告。我什么都不知道。 ________________. I don't know anything. 45.________________ (在我看来), playing computer games is a waste of time. 46.我盼望着你告诉我你的假期安排。 I am looking forward to being told about your ___________________________________. 47.她把房间租给了大学生。 She ____________________ university students. 48.It’s hard to _______________________ (改变你的行为), even harder to keep it changed. 49.I set off for ________________________ (一次新的冒险) in the United States on the first day of the new year. 50.她喜欢谈钢琴,每天忙着在音乐室里练习。 She likes playing the piano and____

doc文档 专练06:完成句子-2020-2021学年上学期高一英语期末复习题型专项训练(人教版2019)

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