Unit 5 First aid -高中英语单词背诵【默背小卷】 2020-2021 学年高二必修 5(人教版新课标) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 评卷人 得分 单 词 拼 写 1.I think an expression of thanks to our host would be _______________ (适当的). 2.After graduation, my brother went to Shenzhen, where his career _______________ (突然开始成功). 3.This deep tiredness makes it hard to imagine how to ________________ (挤出) any more energy to take care of ourselves. 4.Mr. Liu _______________ (担任) the group leader while Mr. Zhang was ill. 5.In my opinion, believing in yourself ________ (对……极重要的) your future success. 6.It has been proved _______________ (反复) that patience is a virtue that so many people hold. 7.Some people rub their ears with hands when their hands ________ (烫伤) by hot dishes. 8.___________ (各种各样的) reasons were offered for the delay of the important conference. 9.She was taken to hospital with serious head ________ (injure) yesterday. 10.The students in my class come from a ________ (various) of different backgrounds. 11.Fat people who are unable to squeeze ________ a single seat will have to pay nearly double to fly with Air France-KLM. 12.This father claims he has had proof that his daughter ________ (poison), which goes against the survey results. 13.The doctors discussed various approaches to the ________ (treat) of his disease and got a good plan. 14.I am extremely busy these days and it is almost ________ (bear) for me. 15.Years of research work have failed ________________ (find) a cure for the disease. 16.I ________ (accident) broke the vase, which was bought from Europe last year. 17.I can’t invite you to dinner this week as I am having my house __ (decorate) at the moment. 18.When harvest came around, he was always selling vegetables in the market ________ people from the town met regularly. 19.If ________ (convenience), I will visit you this weekend and discuss what to do next with you. 20.Once ________ (encourage), he will have confidence to overcome the difficulties. 21.—Mary, how about going to the movies after supper? —________ (sound) great. 22.Though ________ (surprise) to see us, the old man gave us a warm welcome. 23.He rushes out of the room as if ________ (meet) some important person. 24.Knowing his trouble, I had nothing to do but ________ (inspire) him to continue his work. 25.Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street, but his father told him not ________. 26.If ________ (possibility), I’d like to work in the Ministry of Finance because I am good at mathematics and know much professional knowledge about finance. 27.________ (be) I a bird, I would fly to see you at once. 28.—Who should be responsible for the accident? —The boss instead of the workers. They just carried out the order as ________ (tell). 29.The soldier was honoured with an award for his ________ (勇敢) in the Vietnam War. 30.“I ________ (对待) every game like it’s my last game because this is my favorite sport — football,” said Grant. 31.The results of this research can be ________ (应用) to new developments in technology. 32.Just like any family on a t__________ budget, America has to start living within its means. 33.I have no idea whether I can attend John’s graduation c____________. But I would like to. 34.He sat down and started vomiting (吐) blood, forcing his friend to call an ____ (救护车) . 35.They were f_______________ convinced that they were the rightful owners of the land. 36.People are doing everything they can do to make a d____________ in these people’s lives. 37.The hospital will still have a role in treating ________ (复杂的), life-threatening diseases and serious injuries. 38.His eyes were red and ________ (肿胀的) and we gave him our gas masks. 39.I think that it is hard to tell the ________ (different) between British English and American English. 40.I feel highly ________ (honour) by the kind things you say about me. 41.Unfortunately, they face unfair ________ (treat) and discrimination in that country. 42.The cut on his finger kept ________ (bleed) so his mother took him to hospital at once. 43.The ________ (press) from the crowd made it impossible for me to stand still. 44.Time would heal almost everything. If your ________ (wound) have not been healed up, please wait for a short while. 45.It is ________ (doubt) if our food supply will run out in two or three days. 46.She added that she then ran to a nearby hotel to hide from the ________ (attack). 47.There is no doubt ________ we’ll make great progress in English if we study hard. 48

doc文档 Unit 5 First aid-2020-2021学年高二英语单词默背小卷(人教版必修5)

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