Unit 2 The United Kingdom 核心短语 1. consist of 由……组成 13. be divided among...中分配 2. divide...into 把……分成 14. at one's convenience:在...方便时 3. break away (from) 摆脱(束缚);脱离 15. it is convenient for sb to do 对某人来说做 4. to one' s credit 为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬; 某事是方便的 在……名下 16. have a strong attraction for 对...有强烈的 5. leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑 吸引力 6. take the place of 代替 17. out of/in place 乱的/有序的/在适当的位 7. break down (机器)损坏;破坏 置 8. make a list of 把……列出清单. 18. much to one’s delight 很让某人高兴的是 9. on special occasions 在特殊场合 19. then came a loud noise 然后传来一声巨 10. feel proud of 对…感到骄傲 响 11.consist in 存在于 20. take delight in 以……为乐 12. belong to 属于... 一、根据首字母提示填空 1. The common interests u_________________ the two countries. 2. The class c___________________ of 56 members. 3. Our class is d_______________ into two groups during the discussion. 4. What he said in the meeting p______________________ all of us. 5. The bad i______________of the flood is that no people are dared to swim in that river. 6. The c_______________ of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village. 7. Her beautiful singing drew the a_____________ of the professor. 8. The film "Hero" has much a________________ for the youth. 9. The habit of c____________________ stamps benefit him a lot. 10. The i_____________ area of this area made more pollution to the air compared with agricultural area. 11. The place is very attractive. It a ____________ huge numbers of tourists. 12. He should a ____________the books on the shelf. 13. He f ____________the letter up and put it into the envelope. 14. He is expected to c ____________ his position today. 15. To their d ____________, their son was admitted into a famous university. 16. Our team c ____________ of ten members. 17. He can a ____________ more work in a day than anyone else I know in the company. 18. A witness has given the police a very detailed d____________ of the man who robbed the bank. 19. The ______________ of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village. 20. It is impossible that she will make a full recovery. That is to say, there is no p____________ that she will make a full recovery. 21. If something is done for your c_____________, it is done in a way that is suitable or useful for you. 22. An a_____________ is something that people can go for interest or enjoyment, for example a famous building. 23. A p_______________ is a question, game or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly. 24. U______________ is a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police,the army,etc. 【答案】 1. united 2. consists 3. divided 6. convenience 7. attention 11. attracts 16. consists 12. arrange 4. puzzled 8. attraction 13. folded 5. influence 9. collecting 14.clarify 10. industrial 15. delight 17. description 18. description 19. convenience 20. possibility 21. convenience 22. attraction 23. puzzle 24. uniform 二、根据中文提示填空 1. She____________ ( 折叠) the letter in half and put it into her pocket. 2. It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century don't____________ ( 吸引) visitors. 3. The United Kingdom____________(...组成) of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 4. What the man said was not____________(一致的) with their investigation. 5. He is expected to____________ (阐 明) his position at the conference. 6. I often_____________ (吵 架) with my parents when I was a teenager. How I regret now! 7. They had no time to___( 筹 备 、 安 排 ) their own wedding, so theyhad it organized by a company. 8. If something is done for your________(方便), it is done in a way that is useful to you. 9.To our________ (高兴),we all passed the exam. 10. It is not wise, even foolish, to end_________(冲突) with violence. There must be good ways to solve the problem. 11. His_______(光辉的) image will forever live in the hearts of thepeople. 12 The beauty of the sunrise is beyond____________(描述)。 13. We can____________ (实现) whatever you can, and with better results. 14.He was____________ (不愿意的) to pay the fine. 15. The school laid out the rule of wearing school____________ (制服) at school. 16. Why you debate this wonderful opportunity so carefully is a ______(困惑) to me. 17. The ________ _______ ________tigers ( 老 虎 保 护 工 程 ) will be launched after the meeting. 18. She is good at ____________flowers(插花)。 19. If you continue working like that, your body will________ _________(垮下来)。 20. Their____________(婚礼) will_________

doc文档 Unit 2 The United Kingdom-2020-2021学年高二英语上学期重点词汇通关练(人教版必修5)

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