Unit 6 单元测试卷 一.选择题(共 10 小题 10 分) ( )1.Be quiet!A bird A.ate something on the window. B.eats ( ) 2.- C.will eat D.is eating ? -He is swimming in the river. A.What does Tom do B.Is Tom swimming C.What is Tom doing D.When is Tom swimming ( )3.-What is Mary doing? --A.She is washing the dishes C.She exercises D.She goes to the movies ( )4.His parents A.are drinking B.She often washes the dishes tea at a tea house now. B.drinking C.are drink D.drinks ( )5.-Where is Tom? -He A.read today's newspaper at home. B.is reading ( )6.-Is your brother A.watching;looking C.looking;watching C.to read TV?-No,he's D.reads a newspaper. B.watching;reading D.watching;read ( )7.-Would you like to go shopping with me? .---- A. Yes,I'd love to B. That sounds good C. Let's go D. Yes, please ( )8.--Is Alice playing basketball? - .She is playing soccer. A.Yes,she is B.No,she is C.Yes,she does D.No,she isn't ( )9.We must A.go to school at seven thirty. B.going C.are going ( )10.On the wall there are two pictureis D.to go Tom's and is Mary's. A.One;one B.One;other C.One;the other D.One;others 二.完形填空(共 1 小题 10 分) It's a summer afternoon in the city of Jinan.The weather is sunny and1.2are staying at home.Mr.Green is3a storybook on the sofa.Mrs.Green is4.What is Bill doing?He's doing his homework5.Bill's parents6in the living room now.Bill's sister.Mary,isn't7.She's swimming in the lake with her friends.They don't like hot weather,8they can do9to keep it away.The radio says it will be cool later on and they are all10to hear that.They hope they can enjoy themselves then. ( )1.A.cold ( )2.A.Mr.Green B.hot c.rainy B.Mrs.Green D.cloudy C.The Green D.The Greens ( )3.A.reading B.looking ( )4.A.doing some washing C.do a washing ( )5.A.under the bed C.seeing D.looking at B,doing some washing clothes D.do many washing B.in his study C.on the table D.in the kitchen ( )6.A.is watching TV B.watch TV C.watching TV D.are watching TV ( )7.A.on ( )8.A.and ( )9.A.something ( )10.A.sad B.in C.away B.because B.but B.sorry D.stay at home C.but C.nothing C.angry D.so D.anything D.happy 三.阅读理解(共 3 小题 30 分) A Mr.Turner is standing near the window.His wife,Mrs.Turner,is sitting behind him.She is reading a book.She closes the book(合上 书)and asks her husband(丈夫),"What are you looking at?" "I'm looking at a boy,"Mr.Turner answers."He's under the tree near our house.He's looking at my bike." "Oh,"Mrs.Turner says,"what is he doing now? "He's cleaning the seat(座),"says Mr.Turner."Now he is riding my bike." Mrs.Turner looks out of the window and then she says,"Ah,don't you know who he is?He is our son!He is going to school.You must wear glasses!" ( )1.Mr.and Mrs.Turner are A.under a tree B.near the house C.in the garden D.in the room ( )2.Mrs.Turner is reading . A.a book B.a magazine C.a newspaper D.a picture book ( )3.Mr.Turner is looking at . A.Mrs.Turner B.a tree C.a boy D.some birds ( )4.Mr.Turner's bike is . A.in the room B.near the window C.under a tree D.in the garden ( )5.The boy is A.a thief B.their son C.a worker D.their neighbor. B 阅读短文,回答问题 Bob is my cousin.He likes eating meat very much.He doesn't like vegetables or fruit.So he is a little fat.My aunt worries about him and doesn't want him to have so much meat. It's Sunday.Bob and my aunt go to the zoo to see animals.They see tigers and bears.Bob likes them very much.It's time for lunch.The keepers(饲养员)bring some meat for them. "Mom,do tigers and bears have meat every day?"Bob asks. "Yes,they do,"my aunt says."It's time to have lunch.Let's eat out.What do you want for lunch?""Meat." "Oh,Bob.You are a little fat.Eating too much meat is not good for you." "No,Mom.Tigers and bears eat meat every day,and they are very strong.I want to be strong,too." 6.Why is Bob fat? 7.Is Bob's eating habit healthy? 8.What do tigers and bears in the zoo eat for lunch? 9.Why does Bob want to eat meat for lunch? 10.What is the relationship(关系)between the writer's aunt and Bob? C 阅读短文,判断对错 .I am new to New York.An old woman lives next door.She gives me a big box of fruit and vegetables.The kind neighbor(邻居)is Aggie. The fruit and vegetables are from Aggie's garden(花园).Aggie doesn't have sons or daughters.But she is happy.She likes working in her garden.She loves those plants.Sometimes,she talks to them. One day,I don't see Aggie in the garden.Some days later,I see people take many boxes from her home.Grass grows in the garden.The p

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