考点 03 完形填空——2020 届高三《新题速递·英语》 (1)2020 届广西玉林、柳州市高三第二次模拟英语试题 The movie, Alita—Battle Angel, tells a story of a girl with robotic arms and fighting powers. And in 41 life 43 . As she grew, her mother tried to get her to 44 13—year—old Tilly Lockey also has the most advanced robotic arms like Alita. Tilly lost her arms 42 a rare disease when she was a various prosthetic(假肢). At the age of three, she got her first 46 from nerves(神经) in the skin. But these only “They were really heavy”. In the end she 46 47 45 arms, which moved the fingers by picking up Tilly to move her fingers one at a time. Tilly recalls: wearing them and learned to do things without arms. 49 , not long ago, she got two robotic arms of which she has 51 . The movie makers arms have 52 50 the use! Tilly’s new arms came as a to pay for a new pair of arms called Hero Arms for an amputee(被截肢者).Robotic 53 for a decade but these Hero Arms cost less. They are also lighter and more have come before. Moreover, these new versions are Tilly is 56 54 than any that 55 proudly machine like. with her new-found skills. She has been Arms. She says: “When I go into school now, I don’t have a 57 exactly what she can do now with her Hero 58 . I feel I have something that looks super 59 .” Tilly is now working with the tech company to 60 robotic arms for other differently-able people, to help them lead better and happier lives. 41. A. natural B. dreaming C. unique D. real 42. A. due to B. instead of C. thanks to D. regardless of 43. A. teenager B. student C. baby D. mother 44. A. take B. wear C. lead D. earn 45. A. electric B. wooden C. secondhand D. common 46. A. promises B. feelings C. signals D. concerns 47. A. returned B. allowed C. mistook D. avoided 48. A. expected B. stopped C. found D. remembered 49. A. Frequently B. Normally C. Surprisingly D. Fortunately 50. A. risked B. demanded C. mastered D. noticed 51. A. tradition B. joke C. burden D. gift 52. A. ordered B. believed C. advised D. offered 53. A. existed B. disappeared C. proved D. treated 54. A. entertaining B. limited C. flexible D. expensive 55. A. trained B. designed C. discovered D. pretended 56. A. embarrassed B. annoyed C. pleased D. calm 57. A. showing off B. staying up C. coming back D. getting away 58. A. strength B. solution C. choice D. weakness 59. A. cool B. funny C. simple D. formal 60. A. relax B. develop C. control D. charge 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 Tilly Lockey 从小因为疾病而失去双臂,后来得到了制 片人的帮助获得了一款新式假肢,从而快乐地去上学的故事。 41.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在现实生活中,13 岁的 Tilly Lockey 也拥有像电影中的 Alita 一样先进的 机器人手臂。A. natural 自然的;B. dreaming 做梦的;C. unique 独特的;D. real 真实的。文章的主人公 Tilly 是现实生活中的人,此处表示她像电影中的 Alita 一样有着机器人手臂。故选 D。 42.A 考查短语辨析。句意:Tilly 在小的时候,因为一种罕见的疾病失去了双臂。A. due to 由于;B. instead of 代替;C. thanks to 多亏了;D. regardless of 不管。此处表示失去手臂的原因是她患有一种罕见的疾病。 故选 A。 43.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意: Tilly 在小的时候,因为一种罕见的疾病失去了双臂。A. teenager 青少年; B. student 学生;C. baby 婴儿,婴孩;D. mother 母亲。由“At the age of three she got her first … arms”可知, 她还是一个婴孩时就没有了双臂。故选 C。 44.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:慢慢的 Tilly 长大了,她的妈妈尝试让他去穿戴各种各样的假肢。 A. take 拿走;B. wear 穿戴;C. lead 领导;D. earn 赚钱。由“In the end I …wearing them”可知,她的妈妈让她穿戴 假肢。故选 B。 45.A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:3 岁的时候,Tilly 拥有了她的第一个电动的胳膊。A. electric 电动的;B. wooden 木制的;C. secondhand 二手的;D. common 共同的。由这副假肢能够接收神经信号可知,选择 electric 是合适的,表示假肢是“电动的”。故选 A。 46.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:电动的胳膊能够接收到皮肤神经传来的信号,从而移动手指。A. promises 诺言;B. feelings 感受;C. signals 信号;D. concerns 担心。pick up signals:接收信号。神经将信号传递到 电动假肢,它开始移动手指。故选 C。 47. B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但这只能够让她一次动一根手指。 A. returned 回到;B. allowed 允许;C. mistook 弄错;D. avoided 避免。allow sb to do sth:允许某人做某事。此处指电动手臂让她移动手指。故选 B。 48.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终她停止佩戴电动胳膊并学会了不用手臂去做事情。 A. expected 预期; B. stopped 停止;C. found 发现;D. remembered 记得。由 learned to do things without arms 可知,她自后停止 穿戴假肢了。故选 B。 49. D 考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,不久以前她获得了两只机器人手臂而且她已经掌握了如何使用 它们。A. Frequently 经常;B. Normally 正常地;C. Surprisingly 令人惊讶地;D. Fortunately 幸运地。由下文 的新假肢轻便可知,这是幸运的事情。故选 D。 50. C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,不久以前她获得了两只机器人手臂而且她已经掌握了如何使用 它们。A. risked 冒险;B. demanded 要求;C. mastered 掌握;D. noticed 注意到。既然得到新假肢是幸运的 事情,那她应该是掌握了它的使用。故选 C。 51.D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的新胳膊是给她的一份礼物。A. tradition 传统;B. joke 玩笑;C. burden 负担;D. gift 礼物。由电影制片人购买了一副叫做 Hero Arms 的新胳膊可知,这是送给她的一份礼物。故 选 D。 52.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:电影制片人为被截肢者主动购买了一副叫做 HeroArms 的新胳膊。 A. ordered 命令;B. believed 相信;C. advised 建议;D. offered 提供。Order,believe 和 advise 在主动结构中一 般不能直接接 to do,offer to do:主动提议做某事,合乎语境。故选 D。 53.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:机器人手臂已经存在 10 年了,但是这对 Hero Arms

doc文档 2020届高三《新题速递·英语》3月第02期 (考点03完形填空)

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