Uni t 4 Our World Topic 1 Which do you like better, plants or animals? I. 基础知识 1. Hey, Wang Wei, what are you thinking about? think about 思考,考虑…… think of 认为,想起…… think over  仔细考虑 实战演练 ① That’s too expensive, I’ll ______. A. think about it B. think of it C. think over it D. think it about ② 他们正在考虑买一辆新车。 ____________________________________________________________ ③ 我想不起他的名字。 ____________________________________________________________ ④ 让我好好想一想。 ____________________________________________________________ 【答案】:They’re thinking about buying a new car. I can’t think of his name. Let me think it over. 2. People can enjoy the beauty of nature there. the beauty of nature 自然的美 beauty (n.) (adj.) beautiful nature (n.) (adj.) natural  (adv.) beautifully (adv.) naturally 实战演练 ① 请根据括号内的提示,用恰当形式填空。 (1) They think that old people have no right to be (2) This year’s best photo shows the (beauty). (beauty) of the West Lake successfully. (3) Sandy not only sings well but also dances (beauty). (4) Children are (nature) curious about everything around them. 【答案】:1. beautiful 2. beauty 3. beautifully 4. naturally 3. I thank the sheep are the nicest of all. 单复数同行,即这些名词单数复数不分。 如:sheep, fish, deer, Chinese, Japanese 实战演练  ① There are a lot of _______ down there but hardly any _______. A. sheeps; people B. sheep; people C. sheeps; peoples D. sheep; peoples 【解析】sheep 单复数同形,people 人们,是复数形式 4. The cat is running after a mouse and the dog is playing with the rabbit. run after追赶,追逐 run into 撞上,偶然碰见 run to 跑向,趋向  实战演练 ① 去电影院的路上,我遇到了一个老同学。 ____________________________________________________________ ② 那个男孩正在追一只狗。 ____________________________________________________________ ③ 他们迅速跑向学校。 ____________________________________________________________ 【答案】I ran into an old classmate on my way to the cinema. The boy is running after a dog. They run to school quickly. 5. I like cats best because they are cuter than other animals. other + 名词复数 = others another + 名词单数 another + 数词 + 名词复数 one ... the other ... 一个……另一个……(两个) some ... (the) others ... 一些……另一些(有无范围)  实战演练 ① Here are two apples, one is for me, ___________ is for you. ② Children should be taught how to get on well with ___________. ③ What ___________ things can you see in the picture? ④ Would you like ___________ cup of tea? ⑤ There are forty-five students in our class. Twenty of them are boys, ___________ are girls. ⑥ He is taller than any ___________ student in his class. ⑦ I’ll be here for ___________ two weeks. ⑧ Some like physics, ___________ like chemistry. ⑨ Could you please pass me ___________ magazine? I have finished reading this one. ⑩ You have given us two examples. Will you give us ___________ example,please? 【答案】1. the other 2. others 3. other 4. another 5. others 6. other 7. another 8. others 9. another 10. another 6. As we know, they are both important to us. As we know 众所周知 = It’s known that ... 拓展: It’s believed that It’s said that It’s reported that  人们相信…… 据说…… 据报道…… 实战演练 ① 众所周知,太阳从东方升起,西边落下。 ____________________________________________________________ ② 据说明天那里将会有一场音乐会。 ____________________________________________________________ ③ 人们相信吸烟能够导致癌症。 ____________________________________________________________ ④ 据报道成千上万的婴儿因为假奶粉(fake powdered milk)生病。 ____________________________________________________________ 【答案】As we all know, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It’s said that there is going to be a concert there tomorrow. It’s believed that smoking can cause cancer. It's reported that thousands of babies fell ill because of fake powdered milk. 7. Michael likes animals better because he thinks they are friendlier. because 引导原因状语从句  实战演练 ① 我喜欢钓鱼,因为它能使我放松。 ____________________________________________________________ ② 狮子很懒惰,因为它们不喜欢走劫。 ____________________________________________________________ 【答案】I like fishing because it can make me relax. Lions are very lazy, because they don't like walking. 8. Rainforests cover 6% of the earth’s surface. (1) cover v. 覆盖、控制 cover n. 盖子、覆盖物 (2) discover v. 发现(已存在但不为人所知) 【拓展】cover…with… 用…覆盖… 9. They provide places to live for thousands of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth. (1) thousands of = thousands and thousands of 成千上万的 当 hundred, thousand, million, billion 等表示不确定的数目时,常用复数形式,后面跟介词 of,意为“数以百 计的,成千上万的,数以百万计的,几十亿”。 (2) nowhere 不在任何地方 somewhere 某些地方 everywhere 每一个地方 anywhere  任何地方 实战演练 广场上聚集了数百万人。 ____________________________________________________

doc文档 专题12 Unit 4 Topic 1(知识点完美讲与练,仁爱通用)-2019-2020学年仁爱英语八年级上册知识点完美同步讲练测大礼包

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