写作 一、学会审题:写人、写事、写物,还是提出某种观点,必须清楚作文的题材。 二、分类列举 (一)、写人:应介绍谁,职业、年龄、爱好、学习工作情况,也可描写外貌、身高、体重、出身地等。 常用的句型:Mr Black is a…….He was born in ……he could……He likes……He is good at…… He used to….., but now he…… My name is Jenny. I'm thirteen years old. I live in Shanghai. I'm easygoing. One of my favorite subjects is English, because I think English is very important, and talking with my friends in English also makes me feel happy and relaxed. In my free time, I often play sports like football and basketball I enjoy music, and I'm interested in listening to music. I can play the electronic organ well. I have lots of friends; I like to spend time with them. (二)、写事:应介绍时间、地点、人物,事情起因、发展、结局等,叙事要有条理、完整,时态一 般用过去时,按事情发展顺序写,或按时间顺序写。 常用的句型:last Sunday, we did something ( planted trees in the park, went on a picnic). At first,……Then, …..After that,…….Finally,……. We enjoyed every minute of it. Every morning I go to school by bus. I have 6 lessons a day. I learn 7 subjects, such as English, Chinese, Maths, History, PE lessons and so on. All the teachers in our school work very hard. They do their best to help us with our studies. We are busy having lessons in the morning. At noon, we can borrow different kinds of books from the library. During the PE lesson, many boys like to play ball games while girls like to play badminton. (三)、写物:应写明什么东西、用途、来历、尺寸大小、形状等,还应突出其特点,与众不同之处。 常用的句型:We use….to….. it can……It was given by…..It is as…..as (四)、写景:应介绍地名、位置、历史、面积或几个风景点。 常用的句型:It is located in )on, at )….. It has a history of…..It covers an area of…. It is famous for…. More and more people come to visit it Shanghai is in East China. It is an international city. Shanghai is famous for its night views and shopping centers. It is one of the largest cities in the world. It is also known as The “Shopping Paradise” because there are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centers. Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year. (五)、写观点:应开门见山,直接表明观点,然后可以举例论证,最后归纳。 (六)应用文(信、e-mail、请假条):要有 Dear…的称呼,第一行的右边要有日期。正文部分要开门见 山,把时间、地点、事由都交代清楚,结束语和签名写最后。 Dear Miss White, I am sorry I can’t come to school today because I am ill. I have got a bad cold and coughed a lot since yesterday morning. I also had a fever yesterday. Mum took me to the hospital yesterday. The doctor said that I had caught a bad cold. He told me to take some medicine and have a good rest. So I have to ask for leave of two days. Yours, Tom

doc文档 专题10 写作-2019-2020学年下学期六年级英语期末复习(上海牛津版)

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专题10 写作-2019-2020学年下学期六年级英语期末复习(上海牛津版) 第 1 页 专题10 写作-2019-2020学年下学期六年级英语期末复习(上海牛津版) 第 2 页 专题10 写作-2019-2020学年下学期六年级英语期末复习(上海牛津版) 第 3 页
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