考点 02 七选五——2020 届高三《新题速递·英语》 (1)2020 届湖南省永州市高考第二次模拟英语试题 What does it mean to be intelligent? It seems that everyone goes to college now, whether or not they find themselves interested in studying something long term. Even though I know there are different ways to be intelligent, I struggle due to society’s influence, which maintains that intelligence is quantifiable ( 可量化的) and that academic intelligence is one and the only. Where do IQ tests come into play when one considers intelligence? Do they fall closest to priority when considering this unquantifiable concept? Intelligence simply cannot be reduced to an IQ test, which are not effective. While designed to measure “intelligence,” all they measure are biological developments that can change as one grows. 36. There are many factors that can indicate an intelligent being, such as academic intelligence, emotional intelligence, and worldly intelligence. For instance, if a student realizes that they haven’t studied appropriately for an exam, he or she would have the ability to acknowledge that, and then make revisions to his or her study habits accordingly. 37. Emotional intelligence is the intelligence that fosters self-awareness, self-reflection, and selfimprovement. 38. We cannot function without forming relationships and communication. This proves that being aware of oneself and reflecting in order to further better communication skills is an evidence to intelligence. Where would you be if you were a terrible communicator, unaware, and unwilling to improve, but academically thriving? Emotional intelligence is what surpasses ( 超 越 ) those who are hard-headed. Those who maintain academic intelligence may still be a bit dull and unaware of themselves. 39. Even as a college student, there are certain skills such as teamwork and communication that require awareness and an open mind in order to further their growth. 40. Academia is not only pictured and taught unfairly, or even close to what intelligence is if you were to quantify it. If you want to strive for mental growth, and maintain self-awareness through self-reflection, you can apply that to any intelligence category. A. All of life is communicatory. B. Specifically, this is emotional intelligence. C. Intelligence is determined by many factors. D. Stubbornness is a barrier towards communication. E. In fact, there are many with low IQ scores that are intelligent. F. Some connections exist between intelligence and communication. G. So there is academic intelligence, emotional intelligence, and worldly intelligence. 【答案】 36. E37. B38. A39. D40. G 【语篇解读】这是一篇议论文。文章主要论述智商测试结果不能完全反应人的智力,因为人的智力除 了学术智力,还包括情商智力和世俗智力等。只有具备各种智力人们才能正常的生活和工作。 36. 前文 Where do IQ tests come into play when one considers intelligence?(考虑智力的时候,智商测试在哪儿 起作用呢?)与 E. In fact, there are many with low IQ scores that are intelligent.(事实上,有很多智商低但很聪 明的人)首尾呼应,表明智力不仅仅表现在智商测试得分上。故选 E 项。 37. 前文 For instance, if a student realizes that they haven’t studied appropriately for an exam, he or she would have the ability to acknowledge that, and then make revisions to his or her study habits accordingly.(例如,如果一 个学生意识到他们没有为考试进行适当的学习,他或她有能力承认这一点,然后相应地修改他们的学习习 惯)与 B. Specifically, this is emotional intelligence.(具体来说,这是情商智力)承接自然,选项中的 this 指代前 文“承认自己没有适当学习,并做出相应改变”的行为。故选 B 项。 38. 下文 We cannot function without forming relationships and communication.(如果不建立关系和交流,我们 就无法正常工作)与 A. All of life is communicatory.(所有的生命都是交流的)话题相同,都强调了交流对于生 命体的重要性。故选 A 项。 39. 前文 Those who maintain academic intelligence may still be a bit dull and unaware of themselves (那些坚持学 术 智 力 的 人 很 有 可 能 有 点 迟 钝 , 并 且 对 自 己 认 识 不 够 清 楚 ) 与 D. Stubbornness is a barrier towards communication.(固执是交流的障碍)承接自然,选项中的 stubbornness 就是上文中提到的坚持学术智力的人。 故选 D 项。 40. G. So there is academic intelligence, emotional intelligence, and worldly intelligence.(因此,有学术智力,情 感智力和世俗智力)用来总结上文提到的各种智力,且照应第三段提到的 There are many factors that can indicate an intelligent being, such as academic intelligence, emotional intelligence, and worldly intelligence.(有很 多因素可以表明一个智力个体的存在,如学术智力,情商智力和世俗智力)。故选 G 项。 (2)2020 届安徽省六安市省示范高中高三教学质量检测 I have been a teacher for some years. In my opinion, I don't believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) could replace my teaching career. I have always been interested in human connection, and the ways in which I can use these connections to inspire change and make a difference. 36. , there are other ways where AI could make a more efficient and effective difference than I could on my own. My teaching experiences over the

doc文档 2020届高三《新题速递·英语》2月第01期 (考点02七选五)

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