人教版英语七年级下册 语法选择专练 (一) The same as Chinese schools, American schools begin  1   September after a long summer holiday. 2   two terms in a school year. The first one is from September to January and the   3   is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. They usually   4   twelve years in primary school ( 小 学 )and middle school. Most students are seventeen years old when they  5  middle school. Middle school students take four   6   five subjects each term, such as math, science and so on. They are helpful and   7   .The students go to classes happily every day. Their homework is always a book report. To finish homework,   8   need to go to the library a lot. They   9   have many activities after school. Some are about sports, like   10   and ball games. Some are about art, like singing, dancing and drawing. Students have a lot of fun from these activities. (  )1 .A.on  B.in  (  )2.A.There are  (  )3.A.first  C.at  D.of B.There is   B.second  C.There have  D.There has C.one  D.two (  )4.A.spends  B.is spending C.spent  (  )5.A.finished  B.are finishing  (  )6.A.or  D.spend C.finish  D.finishes B.and  C.but  D.so (  )7.A.interest  B.interesting  C.interested  (  )8.A.they B.them  C.their  (  )9.A.too  B.much  C.as well  D.also D.interests D.themselves (  )10.A.swimming  B.to swim  C.swim  D.swam (二) When July comes, children know they’ll have   1   final examinations( 期 末 考 试 )and the school year will end soon. Boys and girls will have a nearly two  2  holiday, and they’ll leave school by train or by car  3 their fathers and mothers at home. The summer holidays are the best time 4   the year for most children. The weather is usually good, so everyone can 5   a good time.   6   one lives in the country, he can go back into the fields(田野).If one lives in a big town, he can usually go to  7  park. The best place for a summer holiday is the seaside. Some children are   8   to live near the sea.   9   makes children like the seaside so much? I think it is the sand, the sea and the sun, not anything else. Of course, there   10   many new things to see, nice things to eat, and interesting things to do. But the feeling of sand under their feet, of salt water on their skin, and the feeling of the warm sun on their backs make them happier. (  )1.A.them  B.they  C.their  D.theirs (  )2.A.month B.months’  C.month’s  D.months (  )3.A.see  B.saw  C.seeing D.to see (  )4.A.of  B.with  C.about  D.on (  )5.A.has  B.have  C.to have  (  )6.A.But  B.So  (  )7.A.the  B.a  D.having C.And D.If C.an  D./ (  )8.A.lucky  B.luckily  C.luck  D.unlucky (  )9.A.When  B.Where  C.What  D.Which (  )10.A.is  B.are  C.have  D.has (三) Nick is a middle school student. He studies hard,  1   he is very naughty (淘气的).In the summer holiday, he often plays with his friends in the park. The park is near his house. One day he   2   some new clothes as his birthday present. He feels very  3 .He really wants to show them to others. “Mum, can I go cycling( 骑 车 )with my friends? I want them   4   my new clothes,” asks Nick. “Yes, but please keep your clothes  5 ,” says his mother while she is doing some   6   in the kitchen. “We’ll have dinner after you come back. Don’t come back  7 .” Two hours later, Nick goes home  8  dinner.When his mother sees him, she is very angry and asks, “Why are  9  clothes so dirty?” “I’m sorry, Mum,” answers Nick. “I have no time to take of (脱)my clothes when I fall of(从……摔倒)  10  bike.” (  )1.A.and  B.but  (  )2.A.get  B.gets  C.so  D.because C.got  D.getting (  )3.A.happy B.happily  C.happiness D.unhappy (  )4.A.to see  B.seeing  C.sees  (  )5.A.clean  B.cleaning C.cleans  D.saw D.cleaned (  )6.A.cook  B.cooks  C.cooker  D.cooking (  )7.A.later  B.latest  C.lately  D.late (  )8.A.with  B.of  (  )9.A.you  B.yours  (  )10.A.a  C.to  D.for C.yourself  B.an  C.the  D.your D./ (四) Every school has its own rules. How many   1   are there in your school? At some schools, the students   2   to wear uniforms on school days. But many students don’t want  3   the school uniforms. They think the uniforms are ugly clothes. But the school doesn’t allow students to wear   4   own clothes at school.  5  some students draw cartoons or other famous singers on their uniforms. They think it is very   6   that all the students wear the same. It isn’t very good that teachers and students are wearing   7   .But most

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