考点 02 七选五——202 《新题速递·英语》 0 届高三 (1) (安徽省江淮十校 2020 届高三第二次联考) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空 白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Many college students pursue internships( 实 习 ), but only a few of them have the chance to turn that experience into a future career. attention. 36 But there are still strategies interns can employ to win their employer’s 37 ●Treat challenging projects as a way to test yourself. The company may be in a field that is new to you, so the projects you work on may be equally unfamiliar. Adapting to a new environment without having prior experience can be scary. 38 When you show that you can take on every project with a positive attitude, your employer will know how valuable you could be as a full-time employee after graduation. ●Let your boss know you are interested in a job. If you love your internship and want to work at the company in the future, tell your boss before you leave. It might seem direct. But it is worth putting yourself on your boss’s radar while you are still in the company. 39 If it is more than a few semesters away, tell him or her that you will follow up as the date gets closer. ● 40 Internship supervisors(主管)and colleagues are valuable members of your professional network. They know your work and abilities. They can recommend you not only for jobs at their company, but also when you apply for other companies. Remember to send e-mails or text messages to your former bosses a few times a year. Let them know what you are doing as you progress in college. A. Keep in touch when your internship ends. B. Get your supervisors to recommend you. C. This could be because of the tough job market. D. Let your supervisor know when you will graduate. E. Your boss’s interest on you will allow you to graduate easily. F. But try to look at your internship as the ideal opportunity to learn a new skill. G. Here are some suggestions for students to make the most of their internship. 36. C 此题设空在中间,根据前面一句很少有实习生在实习过后能够把实习的经历为未来的事业所用, 后面紧跟着就解释了原因。C 选项中的 this 很好的指代了前一句话。 37. G 此题在段末,前面讲了可以利用一些技巧,后面就指出本文就是提出一些建议的。 38. F 根据设空前面一句可知,没有经验适应一个新环境很恐怖,后面就建议要用积极的态度去承担每 一件事情,可推出 F 为正确答案,虽然会很恐怖,但是可以将实习看做是一次学习新的技巧的理 想的机会,这也和后一句的积极的态度联系起来。 39. D 从设空后“如果还有几个学期……”可得知前面提及了时间,即 D 中让你的主管知道你什么时候毕业。 40. A 该题设空在标题上,可知是对这个段落的概括。根据下面一段中的发邮件,发短信等描述可知该 段主要讲要和实习时的主管和同事保持联系。 (2) (山东省 2020 届决胜新高考・名校交流十一月联考卷)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白 处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 You probably spend a lot of time preparing for job interviews. But it's not just about being ready with answers to the interviewer's questions. 36 You should come prepared with insightful questions to learn more about the role and to make sure the company is a good fit. 37 . Companies are looking woo (争取)candidates in this job market and want to put their best foot forward— but it's important that you go into the conversation knowing what you are looking for from an employer. Asking what a typical day looks like can give you a helpful sense of the workplace balance and responsibilities. Ask about career growth and development 38 . But be careful with how you ask this question. You don't want to come off as if you are expecting a promotion before even starting the job. Asking about employee support and development programs can also show how much an employer invests (投资) in employee development. Ask how to be successful 39 , so be sure to ask about it. To help get a sense of what employers will be looking for, try asking something like: "What does success look like for someone in this role?" or "How will my performance be evaluated Ask autonomous questions While most interviewers will finish the meeting asking if you have any questions, you don't have to wait for that moment. 40 , ask a question to get more details. That not only shows you are listening, but also engaged and want to learn more. A. Ask what it's like to work there B. The process is a two-way street C. If you have some important questions D. We all want to make a living by working hard E. If the interviewer says something interesting or vague F. Knowing how your performance is going to be measured is important G. We all want to work at a place where we have the opportunity to grow professionally (3) (湖北省鄂州市颚南高中 2019-2020 学年高三 10 月联考英语试题) Some Myths You Strongly Keep Believing Are Untrue There are varieties of false myths we spread from day to day.36.. Otherwise, people will continue to believe such ridiculous myths undoubtedly. You will realize some of the most acceptable facts are completely untrue. Men get

doc文档 2020届高三《新题速递·英语》12月第01期 (考点02七选五)

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