第三讲 被动语态及不规则动词表 【Target】  掌握:被动语态的构成;一般现在时、一般过去式和一般将来时及含情态动词的被动语态  熟悉:被动语态的常考词组和常考动词不规则变化  了解:被动语态的特殊用法 【语法总览】 语态是动词的一种形式,用以说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语的语态共有两种,即主动语态和被动 语态。 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。 被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式,一般说来,只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态。汉语往往 用"被"、"受"、"给"等词来表示被动意义。 如:He opened the door.他打开了这扇门。(主动语态) The door was opened by him.这扇门被打开了。(被动语态) Tom broke the window ② ③ ① The window ③ was broken by Tom ② ① 【被动语态的构成】 被动语态由"助动词 be+及物动词的过去分词"构成。 被动语态的时态变化只改变 be 的形式,过去分词部分不变。疑问式和否定式的变化也如此。 常考动词过去分词的不规则变化有: 1. read _________ 6. build _________ 11. teach ________ 16. lend _________ 17. find _________ 18. hear _________ _ 2. become _________ 7. leave _________ 12. bring ________ _ 3. keep _________ 8. put _________ 13. choose ________ _ 4. fall _________ 9. pay _________ 14. spend ________ 19. think _________ 20. know _________ _ 5. steal _________ 10. write _________ 15. drive ________ _ 一、被动语态的时态较常见的三种: 1. 一般现在时的被动语态(am/ is/ are +done) 例题: 1) English __________ (speak) by lots of people in the world now. 2) A class meeting __________ (hold) on Thursdays. 3) He __________ (tell) to get up early every day. 4) Football ________ (play) all over the world. 5) Many trees ____________ (plant) in North China every year. 6) The flowers ______________ (water) three times a week. 7) A camera ________ (use) for taking photos. 8) I ________often________ (ask) to do this work. 2. 一般过去时的被动语态(was/ were +done) 例题: 1) The cup _____________ (break) by the boy just now. 2) He ______________ (save) at last. 3) The house ______________ (build) in 2010. 4) All the students____________ (ask) to bring a kite with them last Sunday. 5) The car ____________ (clean) by my dad yesterday. 6) I ________ (order) to wait for him right here ten minutes ago. 7) When ________the present ________ (give) to him by his mother? 3. 一般将来时 (will be +done; be going to be done) 例题: 1) A speech _______________ (give) this afternoon. 2) A new road ______________ (build) next year. 3) These films _________________ (not develop) until tomorrow morning. 4) Hundreds of jobs ___________ (lose) if the factory closes. 5) A party is going to ______________ (organize) tonight. 6) The work ______________ (finish) soon. 7) If it doesn't rain tomorrow, the sports meet ______________ (hold) in the playground of our school. 8) The book ______________ (publish) in a month. 二、含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+be+过去分词;其时态及句型的变化仅由情态动词完成。 例题: ( ) 1. The computer ________ in an hour. A. can use ( ( C. can be used D. can be using ) 2. The poor boy must ______ to hospital because of his illness. A. send ( B. can be use B. be send C. be sent D. to be sent ) 3. Students ______ to use mobile phones. A. is not allowed B. shouldn’t be allow C. shouldn’t allow D. shouldn’t be allowed ) *4. —When can you mend my TV set well? —It ______ well tomorrow morning. A. will be repair ( B. will repair C. can be repaired D. can be repair ) 5. —It’s difficult for the village children to cross the river to school. —I think a bridge ________ over the river. A. should be built B. should be builded C. should build D. will be build 【能力强化】 ( ) *1. The mobile phone has influenced people’s life a lot since it _________. A. invents ( B. has invented C. is invented D. was invented ) *2.—Have you finished your project? —Not yet. I’ll finish it if I _______ ten more minutes. A. give ( B. am given C. will give ) *3. Annie _______ to the party. She had a wonderful time with us. D. will be given A. invites ( B. is invited D. has invited ) 4. Han Han’s books are popular. They _______ by many teenagers. A. is read ( C. was invited B. was read C. are read D. were read ) 5.—At present, one of the best ways to study is working in groups. —More chances _______ to students to learn from each other. A. offer ( B. are offered C. have offered D. are offering ) *6.—I want to borrow the book, but I don’t know how long it may ________. —For two weeks. A. keep ( C. borrow D. be kept ) 7.Many trees _______ on the streets every year. So the air is very fresh now. A. plant ( B. be borrowed B. are planted C. planted D. were planted ) 8.—Didn't you see the sign "No Parking!" on the right? —Sorry, I didn't. But now I know parking _______ here. A. wasn't allowed ( B. isn't allowed C. won't allow D. doesn't allow ) 9. —A new park _______ in our hometown next year. —Really? Our hometown m

docx文档 第03讲 动词被动语态-2020年广东中考英语语法复习专题【2019原创资源大赛】

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