八年级上学期考点总结 1. Jimmy is _______ honest boy and he can play _______ violin very well. A. a; the B. an;/ C. a;/ D. an; the 2. Would you please ______ the children ______ with fire? A. ask; not to play B. to ask; not to play C. ask; not play D. ask; don't play 3. — ______ does the baby panda weigh? 一 About 100 grams. A. How B. What C. How many D. How much 4. — As your closest friend, I will try every ______ way to help you. — Thank you very much. I’ll always remember your kindness. A. important B. possible C. difficult D. correct 5. We all know that it’s dangerous to get out of the car in the wild animal park because the animals ______ hurt you. A. must B. shall C. may D. should 6. Linda drew ______ than ______ girl in her class. A. more careful; any other B. more carefully; any other C. more careful; the other D. more carefully; the other 7. The woman with a baby quickly _______ the coach and went towards the hospital. A. got off B. got back C. got up D. got on 8. We are glad to hear that Zhalong Nature Reserve _____ food and cover ______ giant pandas. A. provides; with B. offers; for C. provides; to D. provides; for 9. The sentence structure of "I saw him run into the building" is _______. A.S+V+P B. S+V+IO+DO 10. — _________ A. How's he? C. S+V+O D. S+V+DO+OC 一 He's friendly and helpful. B. What's he like? C. What's he? D. What does he like? 代词 (17-18) 21. ---How many mistakes did you make in the text? ---Luckily, __________. I will get full marks this time. A. No one B. none C. some D. nothing (18-19) 21. ---There was a heavy fog this morning. Is everybody in our class here? ---Yes, and ____ of the students was late for school. A. none B. all C. every D. each (19-20)一 How many cranes did you see on the lake last Sunday? 一_______. They all flew south for the winter. 【A】Nothing 【B】Nobody 【C】No one 【D】None 【答案】:DAD 名词 (17-18) 28. There are some _________ in my reading room. For example, you must keep quiet in it. A. paintings B. rules C. plans D. records (19-20)If you want to join the Singing Club, you should fill in the_________form . Everyone is welcome! 【A】application 【B】instruction【C】competition 【D】action 【答案】:BA 形容词&副词 (17-18) 25. I spend the ________ time on Maths, but why do I still have the _________ scores? A. least, lowest B. least, highest C. most, lowest D. more, highest (17-18) 26. Don’t get out of the car in the wild park. You may be ________ because there are many _______ animals there. A. dangerous, in danger B. in danger, in danger C. in danger, dangerous D. dangerous, dangerous (18-19) 27. The students were very ____ after they ____ at the top of the mountain in the end. A. exciting; arrived B. excited; arrived C. exciting; reached D. excited; reached (18-19) 28. The eggs cooked with tea leaves smell ____ , but taste ____. Many people like them. A. good; bad B. bad; good C. well; badly D. badly; well (19-20)Tom reads_______books and plays______computer games than he did last year. So he is becoming better and better in his study. 【A】fewer; more 【答案】CCBBC 【B】fewer; less 【 C】more; fewer 【D】more; less 情态动词 (17-18) 27. ---Will your mother be back home on time this evening? ---She should. But she _________ not. She sometimes does some shopping on the way. A. can B. must C. need D. may (18-19) ---I’m afraid Mary ____ not be fit for the job. A. may B. need C. should ---But I’m sure she will try her best. D. must (19-20)—Is Lucy in the classroom now? —I'm not sure. She_______not be there. I saw her in the library ten minutes ago. 【A】may 【B】must 【C】shall 【D】would 【答案】:DAA 动词及动词词组 (17-18) 22. ---Mike, how about your trip to the wetland? ---Not very good. Because our car ________ on the way. A. went down B. turned down C. broke down D. put down (18-19) 24. ---Daniel, do you remember the earthquake in Taiwan last February? --Yes, a lot of houses and buildings _______ during the disaster. A. fell over B. fell off C. fell down D. fell behind (19-20)The bus_________on the half way and I had to wait for ten minutes. 【A】put down 【B】broke down 【C】looked down 【D】fell down 【答案】:CCB 非谓语动词 (18-19) 24. ---Why are you sad? ---I didn’t remember ____ my homework yesterday. Mr Li will make me ____ it in his office today. A. finishing; do 【答案】:C B. finishing; to do C. to finish; do D. to finish; to do 时态 (17-18) 24. Many people _________ when the earthquake _________. Sadly, some of them were trapped. A. slept, were sleeping

doc文档 期末知识复习讲义2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级上学期英语

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