教学教材:外研版高中英语新教材必修第三 册 教学内容: Unit 3 The world of Science 第五课时: Developing ideas: Franklin's experiment:how much is true? 深圳市宝安中学(集团)高中部 March 24th, 2021 Before reading Who is he? What made him famous? Founding Fathers of the US Declaration of Independence leading author, printer, publisher, diplomat, scientist and inventor. Benjamin Franklin Before reading Read the short introduction to Benjamin Franklin. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment (启蒙) and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. As an inventor, he was known for the lightning rod (避雷 针) , and the Franklin stove. He founded many civic (市政的) organizations, including the Library Company, Philadelphia's first fire department and the University of Pennsylvania. Before reading Title:Franklin's Experiment: How Much Is True? What can you infer from the essay title? The essay title is explicit, making it clear that the story about Franklin's experiment may be fictional. Before reading Game Time! Facts VS Fiction F 1. An egg can bear at least 10kg. act F icti 2. Watt invented the steam engine on inspired by the jumping lid of a boiling kettle. F ctio 3. Cut an earthworm into two, iand n you can get two living earthworms. Now read the essay and 4. Franklin's checkkite-in-a-thunderstorm your prediction. experiment While reading Task 1 Read the para 1-2 and find out what Franklin’s experiment aimed to prove(1m') P32 2 Franklin’s experiment aimed to prove if lightning was really produced by electricity or something else. Task 2 Experiment Aim Material Procedure Conclusion Read the para 2 and Fill in the experiment report (2m') The kite lightning experiment To test if lightning was really produced by electricity. A kite with a string and a metal key First, Franklin flew a kite with a string and a metal key. Then, when a flash of lightning hit the kite, electricity was conducted through the string to the key. Finally, touching the key, Franklin got an electric shock. Lightning was a form of electricity. Task 3 Read the para 3-6 and number the statements to show how people’s attitudes towards Franklin’s experiment have changed.(3m') 3 Franklin’s spirit of scientific exploration is still considered an inspiration. 1 People are amazed at and inspired by Franklin’s experiment. Scientists question what really 2 happened in Franklin’s experiment. Task 4 Look through the passage and answer the question. Q1:What’s the meaning of“…if Franklin had actually touched the key, he would certainly have died from the electric shock.” He didn’t touch the key. Q2: Thus how much is true in this experiment? Flying the kite and the kite was hit by a lightning may have happened, but Franklin didn’t touch the key. While reading The title contains a question being answered in the essay. The answer of the question in title Introduction Learn to analyze an What is the essay. experiment? The author’s opinion 1 People's attitudes have changed over years. Conclusion post reading 1. He raised the kite with a piece of string tied to it. with 宾语 宾语补足语 with 复合结构: Sentence analyzing for 2 /with+ 宾语 + 宾补( adj./adv./ 介词短语 better understanding ing/-ed/to do ) ① With a lot work to do, I have no time to work with you. (未来) ②We found the house easily with the little boy leading the way. (主动) ③With all the things she needed bought, she post reading 并列主语、插入语 2. Franklin, along with many other scientists, has inspired us and taught us that宾语从句 scientific experiments are important in order to establish the truth and to当连接两个主语时 contribute towards ,谓语动词单复数 later scientific discoveries应与前面主语一致 and inventions. 。 along with 富兰克林和许多其他科学家一起启发并告 ①Jim, along with his classmates, has seen the 诉我们,科学实验对于确立真理和为后来 film. ②My father, along with I, is a base-ball fan. 的科学发现和发明做出贡献是很重要的。 post reading 3. But scientists all agree that if Franklin had 宾语从句 actually touched the key, he would certainly have died from the electric shock. If 引导虚拟条件状语从句,与过去事实相反 ,从句用过去完成时,主句用 would/could/might/ should have done. If 但是科学家们一致认为如果富兰克林真的 you had followed (follow)my advice yesterday, 碰到钥匙的话,他一定会死于触电。 you would not have made (make) such a mistake. post reading practice 1. 我在房间坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花板。 (with 复合 结构 ) I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling. 2. 假如他昨天来这儿的话,就会看见他的老朋友。 ( If 对过去的虚拟语气) If he had come here yesterday, he would have seen his old friend. post reading aim Franklin’s experim

ppt文档 Unit 3 Developing ideas 课件-广东省深圳市宝安中学(集团)高中部2020-2021学年高一下学期英语外研版(2019)必修第三册

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