过去分词作定语 一、过去分词概述 1.前置定语与后置定语: 单前短后不定后 动词的-ed 形式作定语在句中,如果是单个的动词的-ing 形式作定语,常放在被修饰词 前作前置定语;如果是动词的-ed 形式的短语作定语,常放在被修饰词后作后置定语。 如:Last Monday our class went on an organized trip to a forest. Last Monday we went on a trip organized by our school to a forest. The retired man was very interested in painting. The man retired three years ago was very interested in painting. 特殊情况一: 当被修饰的词是由 some/any/no+thing/body/one 所构成的不定代词或指示代词 those 等时, 虽然是一个单一的分词作形容词用,但也要放在其后。例如: Nothing reported in the newspaper attracts him. She is one of those invited. 特殊情况二:有些过去分词作前置定语与后置定语时意义不同 如 a wanted person 被通缉的人 the words given 所给的单词 worker wanted 招聘工人 the given time 既定的时间 跟踪训练一: 1) 中国不是个发达国家。 __________________________________________________ 2)受伤的工人们立即被送往医院。 __________________________________________________ 3)昨天会议上讨论的问题非常重要。 __________________________________________________ 4) 任何使用过的东西都可回收。 __________________________________________________ 二、过去分词的用法 补充:及物动词 VS 不及物动词 在英语中按动词后可否直接跟宾语,可以把动词分成两种:及物动词与不及物动词。 1. 及物动词表被动意义或已完成的被动动作 My mother orders the robot to clean the broken glass. The experience gained is very useful. They decided to change the product used Most of the people questioned were students. 2. 不及物动词表示完成意义 The retired man got up early to sweep the fallen leaves. The newly arrived student is warmly welcomed by all the teachers and students. All the police are sent to arrest the escaped convict. 3. 说明被修饰词的特点与状态。 An experienced teacher is good at solving urgent problem in class. We fail to open the locked door without a right key. 三、区分 ved 与 v-ing 与 being done 作定语 Eg: China is not a developed country. China is a developing country. Eg: The problem discussed at yesterday's meeting is very important. 昨天会上讨论的问题很重要。 The problem being discussed now is very important. 正在讨论的问题很重要。 跟踪训练二: 1. Those ____________(repeat) efforts were still inadequate. 2. There are many beautifully ____________(decorate) houses in this rich area. 3. The idea ____________(present) by Peter is supported by all workers. 4. It is a house ____________(build) by the famous engineer. 5. The man ____________(follow) by security guards is a super star. 6. The bridge ____________(build) these days will be put into use next year. 参考答案: 跟踪训练一: China is not a developed country. The injured workers were sent to the hospital. The problem discussed at yesterday's meeting is very important. Everything used can be recycled. 跟踪训练二: 1. repeated 2.decorated 3. presented 4. built 5.followed 6.being built

doc文档 Unit 2 Making a Difference Using language过去分词作定语学案-2021-2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册

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Unit 2 Making a Difference Using language过去分词作定语学案-2021-2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册 第 1 页 Unit 2 Making a Difference Using language过去分词作定语学案-2021-2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册 第 2 页 Unit 2 Making a Difference Using language过去分词作定语学案-2021-2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册 第 3 页 Unit 2 Making a Difference Using language过去分词作定语学案-2021-2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册 第 4 页
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