八下 Unit7 International Charities Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 【学习目标】 1.了解世界上的几大慈善组织。 2.探讨如何才能更好地帮助贫困地区的人们。 【导学过程】 一.自主预习(3 分钟,正确读音,书写工整) 知道下列单词的意思并背诵 1.especially __________ 4.equal ____________ 2.basic __________ 3. education__________ 5.right ____________ 6.spread ___________ 二.课堂探究 Task 1.Warming up by questioning What charities in China do you know of? What do they help? In this unit, we’ll learn some international charities. What international charities do you know of? Have you ever heard of famous international charities like: ORBIS, Oxfam, UNICEF, World Vision and World Wide Fund for Nature? Task Two Finishing off Part A On page 93 are some logos or pictures. Could you match the logos with the charities? I will check the answers later on Task Three: Discussing What do you think people in poor countries need most? Do they get help from international charities? What can you do for charities? (We can donate our pocket money to them.) Task Four listening and acting Oxfam needs money to carry on with their work. Will he donate his own pocket money? (No) Whose pocket money does he want to donate? (Eddie’s) When does he want to go to donate money? (Right now, at lunchtime) Does Eddie agree? (Of course not) Why not? (He doesn’t often go out before lunch. That is to say, he isn’t used to going out before lunch.) What does Eddie think of Hobo? (Hobo was kind to him before, but now he isn’t. That is to say, Hobo used to be kind to Eddie.) Where will Hobo take Eddie to have lunch? Do you think Eddie is willing to go to Oxfam right now? Why? Task Five Practise the dialogue in Part B Task Five homework 1. do exercises on the workbook 2. copy the new words 【当堂反馈】 Retelling the story Today Hobo tells Eddie that Oxfam needs m_____. He remembers that Eddie has some p_____ money l_____ , so he asks Eddie to go and donate some of it. But Eddie says that he always has l_____ at twelve o’clock. He isn’t used to going out before lunch. “Don’t w_____ .” Hobo says, “We can have a big lunch a_____ that.” At last, Eddie has to go with Hobo and he says sadly, “ now I’m so w_____ that I can’t walk any f_____ . ” 二、单项选择 ( )1. I always have __________ lunch at school. Today is my birthday and I together with my parents had ________ big lunch in a big restaurant. A. a; a ( B. a; / C. /; a )2. The problem is _________ difficult for the students___________ work out. A. so; that B. not; but ( D /; / C.such;that D.too; to )3.He is very surprise that all the houses in the village ________ white. A. paint B. painted C. are painting D.are painted Reading 1 【学习目标】 1.通过上下文语境猜测生词词义。 2.读懂文章,了解奥比斯医生的基本工作情况。 3.学会用正确的语言介绍奥比斯医生的工作。 4.理解采访中使用的开放性问题。 【导学过程】 一、自主预习(3 分钟,正确读音,书写工整) 1.大约这些病例的 80%_____________________ 2.干某事自豪___________________ _ 3.被用作一个培训中心_____________ 4.承担不起去医院的费用________ ___________ 5.通过培训他们____________________6.在一次拜访中________________ ____________ 二.课堂探究 Task One Leading – in Step 1 Review something about comics and welcome to the unit. Ⅰ.Translate phrases and sentences. Ⅱ.Charities around the world Step 2 T: ORBIS is an international charity which can help people with eye problems. Do you want to know more about ORBIS? Task Two Pre-reading Step 1 Watch a video about ORBIS. Question: Why is there a plane in the logo? Step 2 Information about ORBIS Step 3 Use pictures to talk about some important words and complete Part B1 on page 96. Task Three While-reading Step 1 Skim and write T or F. Step 2 Read lines 1-6, lines 7-15, lines 16-20 and lines 21-26 separately and answer some questions or do some other exercises. Step 3 Try to divide the interview into four parts and conclude the main idea of each part. Step 4 Read the whole interview again and complete Part B3 and B4 on page 97. Help Amy complete the notes and the article. Activity Four Post-reading T: After reading the interview, what do you think of Dr Ma’s job? Do you want to be a person like him? Why? (Discuss in groups.) Task Five: Exercises Step5 Homework: 1. Read the interview three times after the tape. 2. Try to retell the interview. 3. Finish B2 on Page 96 三、当堂反馈 一.用所给词的适当形式填空 1. 80 percent of the cases of _________ (blind) can be cured or prevented. 2. At present, Mr. Li is in hospital receiving _________ (medicine) treatment. 3. Tom is searching the Internet for ______ (far) information. 4. Dr. Ma does five __________ (operate) every day. 5. He is used to____________ (drink) milk in the morning. 6. Lucy didn’t go to school because of her ______

doc文档 Unit 7【学案】-【上好课】2020-2021学年八年级英语下册同步备课系列(牛津译林版)

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