牛津译林七下第二单元易错汇总 单项选择 1. Can you _______ ii in English? Of course. A. say B. speak C. tell D. chat 2. He is ________ his little daughter now. A. worry about B. worrying for C. worried about D. worried for 3. The word comes from ______ English through even _______ German. A. old; old B. older; elder C. elder; elder D. old; older 4. I can _______ many different languages. A. speak B. say C. tell D. ask 5. We need help ________ all kinds of problems. A. with B. to C. about D. for 6. If the girl was so sensitive that she _______ sleep well because of a green pea even under many blankets, she _______ be a noble princess. A. could; would B. didn’t; shall C. couldn’t; must D. did; might 7. She was_____ beautiful that the young man fell in love quickly. A. so a B. such a C. so D. such 8. We couldn’t help but ________ each other. A. being with B. be around C. to be with D. to be around 9. Maybe you _______ help feeling bad, thought you _________ . A. can’t; mustn’t B. needn’t; couldn’t C. can’t; shouldn’t D. couldn’t; won’t 10. Who do you want ______? A. to speak B. to say C. to speak to D. to say with 11. I can’t help ______ he still wanted ___________ . A. thinking; to draw B. think; draw C. to think; to draw D. thinking; drawing 12. Most _______ , you are the most beautiful woman in most _______. A. we; of the room B. of all; rooms B. of us; rooms D. our; the rooms 13. I see people who are _______ but not _______. A. breaking; broken B. broke; breaking C. broken; broken D. broke; broken 14. The garden _________ the house is the best place ______ kids _______ kites. A. in front of; with; to fly B. in the front of; for; fly C. in front; for; flying D. in front of; for ; to fly 15. Western media often dub Merkel the "Iron Lady" _____ her no-nonsense approach to her work. A. with B. because C. like D. for 16. I think you should get at______ five _______ bags. A. least; more B. most; many C. least; another D. little; more 17. The queen had another son and a daughter, but the god took _____ of them to heaven. A. both B. all C. none D. some 18. ________your mother ______? She teaches elementary school. A. What does; like B. How is; like C. How is; / D. What does; do 19. Are there any _______ ways _______ them? A. others; helping B. other; to help C. another; help D. other; helping 20. I ______ hate her if I ________ you. A. will; were B. will; am C. will; will be C. /; were 21. _______ you know if there _____ a restroom around here? A. Will; is B. Do; is C. Do; was D. Will; be 22. Tom. with his friends, _______ watch a show tomorrow. A. is going to B. are going to C. / D. goes to 23. The woman always invites _______ dinner. A. her; for B. her; to C. herself; to D. herself; for 24. Thanks for inviting us ______ today. A. to B. for C. at D. / 25. Conceited people never ______ anything ______ praise. A. listen to; and B. hear; but C. sound; or D. listen; either 26. He ate extra bowls of rice when other students ______ them to him. A. prepared B. offered C. shared D. lent 27. He worked hard at school and _________ win a place at university. A. tried to B. managed to C. succeeded in D. failed to 28. Is there a light bub _______ my head? A. over B. on C. upstairs D. above 29. How ______ did the war last? A. long B. soon C. far D. often 30. If you like this program. don’t forget _______. A. to subscribe B. subscribing C. subscribe D. to subscribing 词汇运用 1. Thanks for your coming. The show _______ (begin) soon. 2. Some ______ (old) people enjoy Beijing opera. 3. _______ (luck), there is free entertainment tight outside. 4. These repeated exercises help _______ (make) their skills better. 5. Warner Media is one of the world’s _______ (big) movie studios 6. He tried to help people who couldn’t help _________ . (they) 7. __________ (luck), I didn’t know his address an no one could give it to me. 8. My brother mended the _______ (break) doll for me. 9. Last week, a seismic shift _______ (hit) the cinema industry. 10. Why would you let him stay for five ________ (many) seconds? 11. You can be good friends after ________ (spend) time together. 12. There ________ (be) something wrong with it. 13. People would see the tree something _______ (invite) 14. He joined the war but he felt _______ (strong) about equality. 15. I got an ________ (invite) from my friend. 16. The situation got _______ (bad) for native groups than before. 17. Many companies offered ________ (clean) the oil spills. 18. In July 1992, he _______ (speak) to the Un

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