初三期中重点复习 一. 单词词组:9A-9B 重点单词词组 二. 语法点:时态语态,主从句,情态动词,特殊句型(反义疑问句/祈使句/感叹句/倒装句),词类 (数词/介词/形容词副词/冠词/动词词组),情景交际。。。 根据孩子入学时间及知识水平,重点复习时态语态/主从句知识点,最好语法点都能讲完 三.题型训练:重点基础题及解题要点分析,阅读题教学生快速寻找信息及句意理解 重点词汇总结: 9AU1 1.eat---ate---eaten ---eat up 吃光 Set up 建立 use up 用光 put up 举手,张贴,搭建 grow up 长大 pick up 捡起、接 turn up 调高,出现 make up 编造 2. create(v.)-creative(adj.),energy(n.)—energetic(adj.),organize(v.)—organized(adj.), patient(adj.)—impatient(反义词)—impatience(n.) be (im)patient with sb 对某人耐心的 3. keep sth in good order 使…尽然有序 4. show off 炫耀 turn off 关闭(电源) Take off 脱掉;起飞 注意词性变化 put off 推迟 get off 下车 5. think of=come up with 想出 What do you think of…? = How do you like…? 你认为…怎么样? 6. be curious about…. 对…感到好奇 7. neither…nor 两者都不---就近原则 或者..或者---就近原则 either…or not only…but also 不仅…而且…--就近原则 两者都---做主语,谓语动词看作复数形式 both…and all 三者或以上都 either none 三者或以上都不 两者中任意一个 8. a born artist 一个天生的艺术家 用…给某人留下印象 9. impress sb with sth 10.win high praise(n.) from… 赢得来自…的赞扬 Praise(v.) sb for sth 因为…而称赞某人 Praise(v.) sb as sth 称赞某人为… Be praised as… 某人被称赞为… 11.life is like a race, you either take the lead of fall behind 谚语扩充: 患难见真情 行动胜过语言 蜡烛两头烧,过度劳累 A friend in need is a friend indeed Actions speak louder than words Burn the candle at both ends 逆水行舟不进则退 人人皆有得意时 every dog has its day 祸不单行 It never rains but it pours 人多活轻 Many hands make light work 熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect 孤注一掷 pull all your eggs in one basket 失之毫厘,缪以千里 12. a miss is as good as a mile as good as 和…一样 as well as 和,与(连接主语,谓语就远原则);和…一样好 注意/关注做某事 13. pay attention to doing sth 被动: Attention be paid to doing sth 注意:what do you pay attention to to keep healthy? 不要理会… Pay no attention to… 工作高标准 14. work to high standards 再仔细也不为过 15. can’t be too careful 扩充:A boy can’t have too many toys. You can’t praise the film too much. 16.care(v.)---careful(adj.)---carefully(adv.) Careless(adj.)---carelessly(adv.)---carelessness(n.) 奉献时间/一生做某事 17.devote time/oneself/one’s life to doing sth 18. be suitable for being an artist 动词不要漏 事实并非如此 19. that’s not the case 20. be afraid of making a speech be afraid of doing sth 近义词:frightened 21. be absent from school 缺课 22. recommend sb as/to be 推荐某人做… 常考方向:辨析 Remind, repair, require, relax… 23. general manager In general 总经理 大体上 和…相连接 24. connect …to/with A railway connecting A to B(定语,主动 ing) 25. think twice about (doing)sth 三思而后行 26.do the dishes 洗碗 27. appear(v.) in a fixed order 以固定的顺序出现 Appearance(n.) 28. divide …into…----be divided into 划分 (近义词)separate 29. agree(v.) with sb Be in agreement(n.) that+从句 同意某人的观点/看法 同意。。。 9AU2 1. sth look good on sb--- sb look good in sth 影响我们的心情 2. influence(v.) our moods 对。。。有影响 have a great influence(n.) on sth 3.sleep(v./n.)—sleepy(adj.)---asleep(adj.) 区分用法和意思 Sleep for one hour Feel sleepy (反义词)awake stay/keep awake Fall asleep——(延续性动词)be asleep 4. sad(adj.)—sadly(adv.)—sadness(n.) 反义词:happy---happily---happiness 5. prefer doing sth to doing sth =would rather do sth than do sth 不加名词 prefer sth to sth 可以加名词 prefer to do sth 注意:prefer to do sth to do sth (过去式)preferred e.g He preferred to exercise more to keep healthy. 6. cheer you up 使你振作开心 7. remind sb of sth remind sb to do sth 提醒某人某事 提醒某人做某事 8. strong(adj.)---strength(n.) 9. have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth 注意点:The teacher wondered what difficulty we had (in) learning English well. 10. decide(v.)---decision(n.) make a decision to do sth decide to do sth 11. 宾语从句 连接词:肯动动词后(know, think, believe, be sure 等)用连接词 that 在疑问代词后(wonder, doubt, can you tell me…?, be not sure, not know)后面用 if,Whether 或者特殊疑问 词 语序:在宾语从句中用陈述句语序 疑问词+主语+动词 I wonder where he is from/what he likes What’s wrong/the matter? 本身就是陈述句语序,不需要再改语序 时态:主句是一般现在时,从句可以用任何时态,但不能用过去完成时和过去将来时 e.g I know Jim watched TV last night 主句是过去时,从句必须用过去的相应时态 e.g Tom told me Lucy was swimming then. Tom told me if he had time, he would go there 但注意分析主句时态: I have been told that…… He is often told….. It is said that…. 看准关键词 注意:考察宾语从句时,有时还考察一些其他知识点,例如延续性动词,词组搭配等 答应做某事 12. promise sb (not) to do sth 13.stress(n.)—stressed(adj.) feel a little/a bit/a little bit stressed 14. advice(n.)—advise(v.), suggest(v.)—suggestion(s)(n.) advise sb to do sth suggest doing sth---suggest sth to sb Unit3 1. stomach(n.) ---stomachs 2. be on 开着(状态) turn on 打开 和某人一样大,同龄的 3. of one’s age 4. manage your time better 更好的管理时间 5. how to deal with = what to do with…. 6. have no choice but to do sth Choose(v.)-choice(可数 n.) 7. stay up late 熬夜 stay out lat

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