2021 年日照市实验中学人教版英语八年级下册 Unit8 同步检测卷 一、单项选择 1.—Look at the blue sky.The rain ______. —Let's go out for a walk. A.stops B.will stop C.has stopped D.had stopped 2.—______ my dictionary?I can't find it anywhere. —I ______it on the shelf when I came in. A.Did you see;have seen B.Have you seen;saw C.Did you see;see D.Have you seen;have seen 3.—______,or we'll be late for the meeting. —It's only half past one by my watch.We have enough time left. A.Hurry up B.Don't worry C.Never mind D.Be quiet 4.Mom,I am going to ______ my best friend to you this afternoon. A.achieve B.protect C.introduce D.visit 5.______ the girl is only nine,she takes care of her brothers and cooks meals every day. A.If B.Because C.Although D.As 6.—Whose book is this? —It ________ belong to Lucy.Her name is on it. A.must B.need C.could D.will 7.The movie is so interesting that about ________ people have seen it in the past few days. A.two million B.two millions C.two million of D.two millions of 8.—Do you know the world's first highspeed train line circling an island (环岛高铁线 路) opened in Hainan? —Yes.And I can't wait ________ that train. A.to take B.taking C.to get D.getting 9.—Would you like to visit the fire station with us? —I'd love to,but I ________ it. A.visit B.will visit C.am visiting D.have visited 10.—Your parents bought you ________ books last year,right? —Yes,________ them is 20. A.the number of;a number of B.the number of;the number of C.a number of;the number of D.a number of;a number of 11.—Is Finland______island country? —Yes,it is. A.a B.an C.the D./ 12.If we work hard,our future will be______hope. A.because of B.full of C.instead of D.proud of 13.—______you washed your dirty clothes? —No,I haven't. A.Have B.Do C.Did D.Are 14.Frank is a creative boy.He had a great______in yesterday's speech competition. A.succeed B.success C.successful D.successes 15.—Harry Potter is very interesting and it is one of the most popular books in the world. —______.And I don't know why so many people are interested in it. A.That sounds great B.I can believe that C.I just don't like it D.It is not true 二、完形填空 It was my first day at Grade 6.And the first lesson was  1  English.When I was doing nothing,Mr.Gough,our new English teacher, 2  into the classroom. To my surprise,he held up a book,The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe,and asked “Who 3  it?” I put my hand up,because Poe was my favorite writer.Mr.Gough asked if I really understood 4  the author tried to say in his book.My reply made him smile,and he asked me 5  an essay on that subject. After that,English classes became a new interest for me.Mr.Gough thought that students had to 6  a play to understand it.“Don’t just read it,” he said. As time passed,we developed a real friendship.He encouraged me to be a  7  in the future. When I left school,he said to me,“You have a gift for writing,Tony,and one day you’ll come to realize how  8  it is.Make use of it if you want your life to be complete.”  9  has passed.Now,every time I sit down to write  10 ,I think of Mr.Gough.He was more than just an English teacher,because he also taught me useful lessons in life. 1.A.boring B.bored C.interesting D.interested 2.A.walks B.walked C.was walkingD.is walking 3.A.reads B.read C.has read D.had read 4.A.if B.when C.what D.how 5.A.wrote B.writing C.to write D.written 6.A.work out B.act out C.put out D.come out 7.A.teacher B.actor C.waiter D.writer 8.A.useful B.beautiful C.careful D.thankful 9.A.A year B.Some year C.Years D.Every year 10.A.anything new B.something new C.new anything D.new something 三、阅读理解 A In many Englishspeaking countries,young children believe in a magical character,the Tooth Fairy(牙仙).The Tooth Fairy is a pretty little girl with wings(翅膀). Can you guess what she does? She takes care of children's baby teeth. Usually,children's baby teeth begin to fall as they reach six.When a baby tooth falls,children do not throw it away. Instead, they put it under their pillow(枕 头)when they go to bed.They are very ____.They think about the Tooth Fairy as they fall asleep. They truly believe that the Tooth Fairy will visit them during the night. And best of all,they believe she will do something special when she arrives.During the night,the Tooth Fairy comes and takes the tooth away.And she will leave a few coins (硬币) under the pillow. When the children wake up the next morning, the first thing they do is to look under the pillow.The tooth is gone,but there is money in its place. Can you guess how happy the chil

doc文档 Unit8同步检测卷2020-2021学年山东省日照香河实验学校人教版英语八年级下册

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