高考语法填空 最新整理总结解题技巧与方法 全国通用 后附:近三年全国高考题和北京高考题模考题及答案 根据语法填空的特点我们可以分成两大部分来分析,一部分是给出提示词用 其适当形式填空,另一部分是纯空格填空。 (1)用括号中所给词填空:通常考动词、名词,形容词和副词这四类词,主要运 用词类转换技巧。一个空格可以填 多个个单词 (2)纯空格题:通常考 冠词、介词、代词和连词 四类词。一个空格只能填 一个单 词。 一 .第一部分用括号中所给词填空有提示词 用括号中所给词填空即有提示词:这类题主要考查学生对基本语法规则和单 词形式变化的掌握程度和运用能力。单词形式变化主要有两种,一是词的形、数、 格、式的变化,一是词的派生变化。在判断出词的变化之后还应该进一步审题, 看是否需要使用复合的变化形式,这一点同学们一定要注意。 考点一:名词 给名词:一般给单数形式,首先要考虑名词是否要变复数,主要通过名词前的提 示语,如有 many,a few,several,a lot of 等,还可能通过句子谓语动词的形式提 供线索,如谓语动词是,were,goes,has done 这种类型的形式,都是在表明单复 数。不是上述情况再考虑转化成形容词。 名词转化成复数形式 1.Now, lots of___________(country) and regions are taking action to ban the  sale of such bags to stop people using them. 2020 北京高考 2.No matter what you like to do, there is a way to get involved in various _____(activity) on Earth Day.2019 北京高考 3.Brian Skerry is an underwater photo journalist As part of his job, he encounters mysterious sea _______ (creature) such as whales and sharks.2021 海淀区一模 名词转化成形容词做定语 1.Branches of Plum Blossoms (梅花): The (beauty) long branches covered with pink- colored buds (蓓蕾) make fantastic decorations.2020 全国卷 2 2. it’s never too early to make necessary preparations for a healthy and (meaning)college experience. 2019 北京高考 3.They also shared with us many (tradition)stories about Hawaii that were (huge)popular with tourists.2019 全国卷 3 名词转化成形容词做表语 1.We are so proud of her. It's (wonder)2019 全国卷 2 2.Oliver says if you're_______(luck) enough to have someone close to you who  enjoys cooking, ask …..  possible. 2020 北京高考 3.After a lot of preparation, Joseph ….Amazon rainforest. They were feeling __ ________ (cheer) as they sailed down the great river.2021 北京西城区一模 提示:语法填空想让我们填名词的时候,一般该横线处如果是在冠词、形容词、 形容词性物主代词、名词所有格或者指示代词后面时,则考虑填入的是名词 考点二:形容词和副词 形容词与副词我们放在一起讲,因为二者联系紧密一般放一起考。通过分 析近些年高考试卷我们发现都是给出形容词,我们首先考虑是否需要填其副词形 式,看空格处是否修饰实意动词,形容词或副词,有时也可能修饰整个句子,如 果是上述情况要填副词形式做状语,如果不是,很有可能要变比较级或最高级, 看句子中是否有 than,of all,in the class,in/of +名词复数,等表范围的词 组有这些提示语基本可确定填比较级,或最高级。还有一种情况,形容词可以转 化成同源名词,2020 年全国卷 1 和卷 2 去年同时出现了形转名。同学们也要高 度注意,前些年未出现过,这是新动向。 形容词转化成副词后修饰实意动词作状语 1.As the small boat moved (gentle) along the river he was left speechless by the mountains being silently reflected in the water.2020 全国卷 3 2.It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been (poor) studied .2019 全国卷 1 形容词转化成副词后修饰形容词 1.They also shared with us many traditional stories about Hawaii that were (huge)popular with tourists.2019 全国卷 3 2.The unmanned Chang’e-4 probe (探测器) ..........South Pole-Aitken basin. Landing on the moon’s far side is __________ (extreme) challenging.2020 全国 1 形容词转化成副词后修饰整个句子 1. Bamboo: Chinese love their “Lucky Bamboo” plants and you will see them often in their homes and office. (certain) during the holiday period, this plant is a must.2020 全国卷 2 2.A taste for meat is (actual) behind the change: An important part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle.2018 全国卷 2 3. (lucky),she hasn’t got much hurt. 形容词转化成比较级,最高级 1.One day the emperor wanted to get his portrait (画像) done so he called all great artists to come and present their (fine) work, so that he could choose the best. 2020 全国卷 3 2. He screams the________ (loud) of all. The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me.2018 全国卷 3 3. He pulled in a great white shark that weighed 2,664 pounds ……. in length. That is ____________(big) fish ever caught by a single person. 2021 朝阳区一模 4.They were much stronger than modern humans, but it's long been assumed  that human ancestors were_______(smart)than the Neanderthals.2020 北京高考 5. According to a review of evidence in a medical journal, runners live three years (long) than non-runners.2018 全国卷 1 形容词转化成名词 1.The far side of the moon is of particular (interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (环形山), more so than the familiar near side.2020 全国卷 1 2.Filled with (curious), the artist packed his bags and left. ……they smiled and……. down the river.2020 全国卷 2 考点三:动词 动词是高中英语核心基础,也是最难的部分,它形式变化比较多,有谓语的 变化(时态、语态、语气),有非谓语的变化(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分 词。在考察时会给出动词原形,我们分析时要先判断是谓语动词还是非谓语动词, 这点至关重要。首先看动词所处位置,在主语后与主语构成主谓结构,或有 and,but,or 连接做并列谓语,这时就要填谓语动词,要考虑时态语态以及主 谓一致, 谓语动词 根据位置和语法关系我们判断出如果是谓语动词,接下来就要确定使用 什么时态和语态,并且保持主谓一致 句子中有明显的时间状语,这类提示语提供时态的依据 1.The unmanned Chang’e-4 probe (探测器) - the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess (touch) down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin. 2020 全国卷 1 2. In recent years some Inuit people in Nunayut (report) i

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