完形填空专题 湖北省七市(州)教科研协作体 2021 届高三 3 月联考英语试题 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Adam Finley loves his job as a mail carrier. When the 41 in his community moved entirel y online, Finley felt sorry for the students 42 inside all day. One day, Finley decided to do something to help lift the 43 of the Jones sisters who haven’ t been able to go to school all year. After 44 with the girls’ parents, Finley drew some index cards ( 索 引 卡 ) out of his pocket and started the first of many 45 of Tic-tac-toe ( 井 字 棋 ). Every morning, the girls would run to the mailbox to see Finley’s latest move and make their strategic 46 , leave the cards in the mailbox, and wait for Mr. Adam to make his move when he retu rned with their mails the following day. “It was what they 47 every morning, seeing what move he would make,” said Mrs. Jones. Finley would let the girls 48 so he could reward them. “They are always 49 to win. I’ve su rprised them with gift cards for ice-cream, popcorn, anything to make them 50 . At 7:30 ever y morning, those girls are excited waving at the door. That’s my 51 ,” Finley said. Nowadays Finley is playing the game with other neighborhood kids. Mrs. Jones said altho ugh 2020 has been 52 , she is grateful for the 53 it taught her and her family about 54 the small moments in life. “Thank you, Finley, for bringing such 55 to such a dark year,” she added. 41. A. mails B. stores C. schools D. libraries 42. A. stuck B. hidden C. wandering D. quarrelling 43. A. voices B. parcels C. curtains D. spirits 44. A. bargaining B. checking C. trading D. fighting 45. A. games B. versions C. images D. wonders 46. A. preparations B. inventions C. moves D. cards 47. A. looked into B. looked forward to C. looked for D. looked back on 48. A. play B. wait C. create D. win 49. A. expected B. bored C. excited D. qualified 50. A. smile B. stay C. hesitate D. wave 51. A. suggestion B. reward C. decision D. ending 52. A. strange B. lengthy C. smooth D. tough 53. A. trick B. lesson C. story D. skill 54. A. appreciating B. spending C. collecting D. recording 55. A. honor B. credit C. opportunity 完形填空:41- 45 CADBA 46-50 CBDCA 51-55 BDBAD 完形填空 人与社会 D. light 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。美国邮政署的邮递员 Adam Finley 在疫情期间,通过玩井字棋游戏 给社区的孩子们带去欢乐。 41. C 句意:当他所在社区的学校完全进入网课状态,他不禁为终日呆在室内的学生感到难过。故 选 C 项。 42. A 见 41 题解析。 43. D 句意:芬尼决定做点什么来帮助振奋琼斯姐妹的精神,使她们高兴。 44. B 句意:和女孩们的父母了解核实过后,芬尼从口袋里拿出一些卡片,开始画井字游戏。故选 B 项。 45. A 见 44 题解析。 46. C 句意:每天早上,琼斯姐妹会跑到邮箱查看芬尼最新走的一步棋,然后在卡片上画出她们走 的一步,将卡片留在邮箱,等待亚当先生第二天返回时再走下一步。故选 C 项。 47. B 句意:他们每天早上盼望的就是看芬尼会怎样走一步。故选 A 项。 48. D 句意:芬尼说他总是会让女孩们赢,这样他就可以奖励她们一个奖品了。 49. C 句意:她们赢了总是会很兴奋。 50. A 句意:芬尼通过给姐妹俩礼物卡买冰激凌,爆米花或者任何让她们开心一笑的东西,带给她 们惊喜。 51. B 句意:当早上七点半,女孩们兴奋地在门口挥手(即女孩们渴望见到芬尼),这就是我所得 到的回报。根据语境,芬尼努力帮助孩子们振奋精神,看到孩子们期望和兴奋地招手就是对他最好 的回报,故选 B 项。 52. D 句意:琼斯太太说虽然 2020 年很艰难,但她很感恩这一年教会她和她的家人对生活中的每一 个瞬间充满感激。故选 D 项。 53. B 见 52 题解析。 54. A 见 52 题解析。 55. D 句意:“感谢你,芬尼,在这样黑暗的一年带来光芒。” 结合句子中的 such a dark year 可知,是带来了光,故选择 D 项。 湖北省荆门市龙泉中学、宜昌市第一中学 2021 届高三下学期 2 月联合考试英语试题 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Once I started working after graduating from Wilfrid Laurier University, I decided to stay in the workforce and go to school part-time. I began my journey as an adult ___21___ in the Business Administration program at Wilfrid Laurier University. When I ___22___ from Laurier, a colleague introduced me to the Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) program, which offered a professional credential(凭证)related to my field of ___23___ These days, I keep my industry knowledge ___24___ through reading industry publications, ___25___ relative conferences and taking an annual Continuing Education course. From a___26___interest perspective, I've taken music lessons and ___27___ in first aid, gardening and website development. Some might call me a learning ___28___. I honestly can't imagine a time when I want to stop learning. Sometimes people ask me why I ___29___ to take courses when I am getting close to “retirement’’. When I look to the ____30____, 30 years of sitting on the couch watching Netflix isn't the kind of life I want to live. I need a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and something to keep me ____31____ active. I am looking at the Plain Language program as an opportunity to learn a new skill that will not only make me ____32____ at my current job, but also will ____33____ some extra income once I leave my full- time career behind. The da

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