专题 01 名词-2021 年高考学霸笔记 1.名词单复数 不规则: ① child-children; foot-feet; tooth-teeth; man-men ② 以 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的名词,bus, watch, box, glass, match, brush, dish ③ 以辅音字母+y 结尾,变 y 为 i 再加 es 【练一练】 (1) 【2018 浙江】Making Chinese _____ (dish) is seen as especially troublesome. (2) 【2016 全国卷 II】Recent ______ (study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regularly. (3) The most important thing a father can do for his ________(child) is to love their mother. (4) 【2020 高一上·绥化月考】Officials in the city of Linhai, near Taizhou, said on Sunday that the typhoon had caused the worst flooding there in the 70-year history of the People's Republic of China, with water levels as high as 36 ________(foot) causing major power failures. 【参考答案】dishes; studies; children; feet; 2. 冠词+名词 ① h 开头:hour, honest, honor ② university, united, union ③ useful, usual ④ European ⑤ one-eyed; one-way; one-stop 【考点一】序数词前选 the 1. 【2020 年全国卷 II】The plum trees are 70._____ first to flower even as the snow is melting(融化). 【考点二】of 后选 the 表特定范围(含最高级) 2. 【 2019 年 全 国 卷 I 】 Of ____ nineteen recognized polar bear sub-populations, three are declining, six are stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data. 3. 【2014 年全国卷 I】Now, years later, this river is one of ____ most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup. 【考点三】空后仅单个名词 4. 【2019 年全国卷 II】 When we got a call saying she was short-listed, we thought it was ______ joke. 【考点四】方位名词前加 the 5. 【2018 年全国卷 III】Unexpectedly, I'm face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at ______ top of her lungs. 6. 【2017 年全国卷 II】This included digging up the road, laying the track and then building a strong roof over _____ top. 【考点五】as 后 a/an 7. 【2017 年全国卷 I】As ______ result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. 8. 【2017 年全国卷 III】Instead, she is earning $6500 a day as _____ model in New York. 【考点六】a/an+adj.+n 9. ( 2021· 浙 江 杭 州 四 中 高 三 开 学 考 试 ) Tea is a wonderful drink originally produced in China about 4,000 years ago, which is ______ important contribution of the Chinese people to the world. 【考点七】其他(固定搭配) 10. 【2018 年全国卷 II】Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over _____ past 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent. 11. 【2016 年全国卷 I】The nursery team switches him every few days with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, ______ other is with mum-she never suspects. 12. 【2016 年全国卷 II】Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside for _____ while, exercising, or dong something you enjoy. 13. 【2015 年全 国卷 II】 The adobe dwellings ( 土坯 房) built by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even ____ most modern of architects and engineers. 单句改错 【考点一】前文提及选 the 14. 【2020 年全国卷 I】After that I poured oil into a pan and turned on the stove. Then I put the tomatoes and the beaten eggs into pan together. 15. 【2017 年全国卷 III】Around me in picture are the things that were very important in my life at that time, car magazines and musical instruments. 16. 【2015 年全国卷 II】A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop. 【考点二】量词选 a/an 17. 【2020 年全 国卷 III 】For example, every morning, my dad has to have the bowl of egg soup while I had to eat an apple. 【考点三】可数名词单数前加 a/an 18. 【2019 年全国卷 I】Suddenly football feel just in front of me but almost hit me. 【考点四】a 和 an 之间的互换 19. 【2019 年全国卷 III】Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique style. 20. 【2017 年全国卷 II】They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. 【考点五】country/countryside/world 前加 the 21. 【2018 年全国卷 I】During my last winter holiday, I went to countryside with my father to visit my grandparents. 22. 【2016 年全国卷 II】But in that case, we will learn little about world. 23. 【2015 年全国卷 I】Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. 【考点六】as 后冠词的选择 24. 【2018 年全国卷 II】As the kid, I loved to watch cartoons, but no matter how many times I asked to watch them, my parents would not let me. 25. 【2014 年全国卷 I】As result, the plants are growing somewhere. 【考点七】序数词前选 the 26. 【2017 年全国卷 I】I still remember how hard first day was. 【考点八】其他(固定搭配) 27. 【 2016 年 全 国 卷 I 】 My uncle says that he never dreams of becoming rich in the short period of time. 28. 【2016 年全国卷 III】At the first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by myself. 29. 【 2014 年 全 国 卷 II 】 There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. 3.名词常见后缀 ① ment: equipment (equip), environme

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