珠海市 2019-2020 学年第二学期中小学学业质量监测 八年级英语试卷 二、语法选择(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子的语法性和上下文连贯的要求从 31-40 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项。 Yuan Longping is a very famous scientist in the world. He has grown hybrid rice( 杂交水稻) and is known as the Father of Hybrid Rice. Yuan was born____31____September 7, 1930 in Beijing. And he graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1963. After graduation, he worked as a teacher in Hunan Province. According to the older generation, in some parts of China, people couldn’t have enough____32_____until the late 1970s. In 1973, Yuan became ____33_____person in the world to grow rice that has a high output(高产). This special kind of rice makes _____34_____possible to produce 20% more than the ordinary one in the same field. Since then, finding ways to grow more _____35_____number of honors from international organizations, as many as the rice he produced. China has about nine hundred _____36_____farmers. Now over 60% of the rice____37_____from this kind of rice. Although he is one of the most famous scientists.Yuan regards himself as a farmer. He_____38_____working hard in the fields for the past fifty years. Using his hybrid rice, farmers are now producing____39______rice than before. Yuan works hard on his way full of difficulties and writes his green dreams on the ground. He experienced many failures, but he does not regret his _____40_____of growing hybrid rice. He not only solved the food problem, but also brought hope to humans. 31. A.in B.on C.at D.for 32. A.to eat B.eat C.eating D.eaten 33. A.one B.the one C.first D.the first 34. A.this B.that C.it D.its 35. A.the B.a C.an D./ 36. A.millions of B.millions C.million D.million of 37. A.are B.is C.were D.was 38. A.keeps B.is keeping C.kept D.has kept 39. A.much more B.many more C.more much D.more many 40. A.change B.chance C.choice D.challenge 三、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Once upon a time, there was a huge tree with many branches in the middle of a dry land. The tree gave rest and _____41______to thousands of travelers, so it was an important meeting place for travelers. One day, two travelers reached the tree after a long walk. It was a hot and sunny day, and they were very happy to _____42______under the tree. Completely tired, they _____43______under it. They slept and enjoyed the cool shade. After a while, one of the travelers got______44_____. But he had no food. He looked up at the tree to see_____45______there was any fruit. Finding none, he began to curse (诅咒)it. “This is just a ______46_____tree and it has nothing to feed us, not even a fruit or nuts! It is of no use!” The other traveler comforted(安慰) him and asked him to stay cool______47______, the hungry man went on cursing. The tree could not ______48______ the cursing words finally. He said in a sad but strong, “You can’t be so impolite to me. Just think of your condition when you got here in the hot and dry sun! I offered you a cool and comfortable place to rest and sleep. If I weren’t here, you would have died now! I saved your life_____50_____such a hot day, but you cursed me!” The traveler realized his mistake and said sorry to the tree. 41. A.home B.shade C.room D.address 42. A.take a turn B.take a shower C.take a walk D.take a rest 43. A.jumped B.laid C.lay D.stood 44. A.hungry B.thirsty C.sick D.angry 45. A.that B.if C.which D.how 46. A.priceless B.helpful C.useless D.valuable 47. A.However B.So C.And D.But 48. A.disagree B.believe C.like D.stand 49. A.sound B.voice C.noise D.shout 50. A.by B.at C.with D.from 四、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 阅读 A、B 两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给 句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所给的选项涂黑。 A HOUSE FOR RENT ($300 per month) Basic Information: 1. A house with a private yard 2. Available for parking two cards 3. Convenient for disabled people with a special entrance 4. A large living room: one sofa, six chairs, a round coffee table, a piano, a TV 5. A dining room and an open kitchen with many cookers Tenant(房客) preferences Family: YES Smokers: NO Pets: NO Job: Don’t mind Age:18-65 For more information, please contact Ellen or Jason. Address: 123 West 12th Street, New York (Near shopping center, bus stop, train station, major highways!) Tel: 212 321 3154 Welcome to Sunshine International School Foreign Teachers Wanted Age: 20-45 From: the US, the UK, Australia, Canada ※College/University degree or above, majoring in education ※At least 5 years’ teaching experience in high schools ※Good at both spoken and written English ※Good teamwork spir

doc文档 广东省珠海市2019-2020学年第二学期 中小学学业质量监测八年级期末英语试卷(无听力部分)

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