备战 2021 年高考英语考前必背 14 高考英语写作能力突破必备高频词 注:写作时要恰当地使用一些大多数考生可能想不到的词汇,或多使用短语、习语来代 替一些单词,以提高文章的档次。 类型一 名词 1.old people→the elderly;senior citizens 老人 As is known to us,it is a fine tradition for us Chinese to show respect for senior citizens. 2.a way to do sth→an approach to doing sth 做某事的方法 We are supposed to adopt an appropriate approach to protecting us from the terrible virus.(2020·兰 州诊断书面表达) 3.all kinds of→a variety of/various/a wide range of 各种各样的 ①There is a wide range of local operas around China , such as Beijing Opera and Kun Opera. (2020·福建高三质量检查书面表达) ②In addition ,it is of great benefit to you if you participate in a variety of sports and wash your hands frequently with soap under running water.(2020·云南毕业班统一检测书面表达) 类型二 形容词、副词 1.hard/difficult→tough,challenging 困难的 Due to COVIN - 19 , it is tough for farmers to sell their produce , making them very hopeless. (2020·湖南省衡阳市第三次联考书面表达) 2.good→rewarding,worthwhile;beneficial,be of great benefit 有益的 From your letter you take a great interest in Chinese and Chinese culture , which is beneficial to you.(2020·沈阳市高三统考书面表达) 3.very→more than 非常 I’m more than delighted to learn that you take great interest in the Spring Festival.(2020·普通高等 学校招生全国统一考试模拟卷) 4.glad→pleased,delighted;cheerful,joyful 高兴的 I’m more than delighted to learn that some of us students will have an opportunity to study in the U.K.as exchange students for two months. 5.free→available 有空的 Please make sure you are available at that time and join us.(2020·东北三省四市二模) 6.be busy with→be absorbed in/be occupied with/be engaged in 忙于 Receving your e - mail is such a refreshing thing since I am fully occupied with making good preparations for the coming exam.(2020·石家庄高三年级阶段性训练) 7.important→of vital/great importance 重要的 That was a very good opportunity for me to improve my English and know more about the environmental protection which is of great importance to us human beings. 8.necessary→a must 必须 As is known to all Chinese,zongzi is a must in China to celebrate this traditional festival.(2020·辽 宁省抚顺市六校联合体 5 月联考) 9.possibly→whenever possible 可能地 I will also help clean up the roadside litter whenever possible. 10.properly→in place 合适地 Firstly I collected all the books,newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and put them in place. 11.quickly→without delay 迅速地 I’m writing to make an apology to you for not being able to reply without delay. 12.sorry→upset 难过的 What impressed me most was that I failed in an English exam , feeling extremely upset and disappointed. 13.proper→appropriate 合适的 With such a technique,examiners are able to provide various suggestions on appropriate ways of exercise for examinees. 14.actually→as a matter of fact 事实上 As a matter of fact,there are both advantages and disadvantages in using the shared bikes. 类型三 动词及动词短语 1.realize→raise one’s awareness of 意识到 The activity aims at raising students’ environmental protection awareness and urging students to take effective measures to protect our earth.(2020·江西省五校协作体高三模拟) 2.affect/work→make a difference 有影响;起作用 I do hope these suggestions make a great difference to you.(2020·福州市毕业班适应性检测书面 表达) 3.join in,take part in→participate in,get involved in,compete in 参加 Besides , Chinese is helpful for you to participate in cultural exchange activities and we can understand each other better through these activities.(2020·沈阳市第二次统考书面表达) 4.be coming→be approaching/be around the corner 到来,靠近,临近 With the fiftieth Each Day approaching,our school is going to hold a poster exhibition related to it. (2020·东北三校一模书面表达) 5.consider→take sth into account/consideration 考虑 I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.Looking forward to your approval. 6.deliver→give away 分发 That weekend,we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave them away to the people there. 7.master→have a good command of 对……掌握熟练 I have a good command of English,which enables me to communicate with foreign friends well. 8.thank→express one’s sincere gratitude to 感谢 I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for finding my bag,which I carelessly left at the library on Friday afternoon.(2020·福州高中质量检查书面表达) 9.improve→make great progress 取得进步 Speaking and listening are very important for language learning ,by which you are sure to make great progress. 10.finish→accomplish 完成 It tells us that whatever difficulty we meet,we should never easily give up,otherwise nothing will be accomplished.(2020·安徽部分重点中学联考书面表达) 11.use→make full use of/take full advantage

doc文档 必背14 高考英语写作能力突破必备高频词---备战2021年高考英语考前必背

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