Unit 5 随堂小测 [时间:40 分钟 分值:100 分] Ⅰ. 单项填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) (  )1.—Why do you think cats are ________? —Because they usually sleep all day. A.scary B.lazy C.cute D.ugly (  )2. —Where ________ Li Ning ________? —China. A.does; from B.is; from C.does; like D.is; come from (  )3.—________ do you like pandas? —Because they're cute. A.Where B.When C.Why D.Who (  )4.Don't forget ________ to me when you arrive in England. A.write B.writes C.writing D.to write (  )5. —Aren't these cards beautiful? —________. I love them. A.Yes, they are B.No, they aren't C.Yes, they aren't D.No, they are (  )6.I like my new teachers. They are ________ me and often help me. A.afraid of B.busy with C.friendly to D.good at (  )7. Let the children ________ on weekends. A.relax B.to relax C.relaxes D.relaxed (  )8. You can watch TV________, but you can't watch it ________ a long time. A.one; at B.one; for C.first; for D.first; at (  )9.—Why do some people ________ the elephants? —Because they want to get their ivory. A.kill B.help C.save D.bring (     )10.There are ________ animals in the zoo. I like the pandas best because they are ________ cute. A.kind of; kind of B.kinds of; kinds of C.all kinds of; kind of D.kind of; kinds of Ⅱ. 完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) My name is Cindy. I have a pet __11__. My friend gave her to me on my birthday. I call her Mimi. Mimi is very __12__. She has white fur(皮毛) and big blue eyes. Her mouth and ears are small. I think Mimi is a __13__ cat. She can do some things for me. She wakes( 弄 醒 ) me up __14__ about seven in the morning. Then she has __15__ with me at seven thirty. When I __16__ home after school, she always comes to my room. When I __17__ my homework, she sleeps on my legs. After dinner, I usually take Mimi __18__. I put her in my bag and take her __19__ the park. Mimi likes running in the house. Sometimes I run after her. We have much happy time. I'm very lucky( 幸运的) to have a beautiful and smart cat. She is always with me and also makes me __20__ every day. I really love Mimi. (  )11.A.dog B.cat (  )12.A.noisy B.terrible (  )13.A.smart B.shy (  )14.A.in B.on (  )15.A.breakfast B.lunch C.koala D.chicken C.beautiful C.lazy C.at D.busy D.clean D.to C.dinner D.class (  )16.A.find B.arrive C.leave D.follow (  )17.A.make B.read C.have D.do (  )18.A.out B.up C.down (  )19.A.to B.from C.in (  )20.A.bored B.healthy D.off D.at C.tidy D.happy Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) Most people don't know about blobfish(水滴鱼). They are the world's ugliest animals. Blobfish live in the sea near Australia and New Zealand. For most of the time, they stay in the water between 600 m and 1,200 m deep. When some little fish swim past them, they try to catch them for food. They can grow up to 30 cm long. They have very large heads, small bodies and thin tails. They look like a large jelly(果冻). So they get their name. People don't eat blobfish, because they are not good for people to eat. But fishermen kill thousands of them each year when they catch other fish in the sea. Scientists are worried that this will put the blobfish on the list of animals in danger. (  )21. What do blobfish look like? A.Cute. B.Ugly. C.Beautiful. D.Strong. (  )22.What can we learn about blobfish from the passage? A.Blobfish live in the sea around the world. B.Blobfish can grow up to 50 cm long. C.Blobfish look like other fish. D. Each year thousands of blobfish are killed. (  )23. Blobfish get their name because of their ________. A.shape B.color C.eyes D.heads (  )24. Which of the following is NOT true? A.Blobfish eat small fish. B.Fishermen catch blobfish for food. C.Blobfish's tails are thin. D.Blobfish's heads are big. (  )25. We can learn ________ from the passage. A.there will be rules to catch blobfish B.blobfish will become pets C.there will be fewer blobfish D.blobfish can swim fast Ⅳ. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) an, sleep, scary, year, tiger, animal, like, people, tree, Australia Welcome to our zoo. Here you can see all kinds of 26.________. First, you can see a 27.________ from Jilin. Don't be afraid of it. It's not 28.________. Next, you can see 29.________ elephant from South Africa. It's very friendly. What's that in the 30.________? Oh, it's a koala. It's from 31.________. The koala is very young. It's only two 32.________ old. It's very cute and smart. Lots of 33.________ like it. But it's best to come to see it at night, because i

doc文档 2020-2021学年人教新目标七年级英语下册Unit 5随堂小测

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