高一语法填空每日一练(四) Day1 In a snow-covered world, there's one sure way to get somewhere fast---use a snowmobile! In some snowy places, people drive these vehicles instead of cars! But most people just ride them for fun or sport. Not ___41___(fix) wheels, people use a wide belt (皮带) to move the snowmobile across the ground. As the belt turns,it pushes the machine across the snow. A ski(滑雪板) on each side of the front end of the snowmobile ____42___ (alow) the driver to steer( 驾驶 ). In the early 1920s, a Wisconsin man 43 (name)Carl Eliason built the first snowmobile. Quickly it became 44 ___ (extreme) popular in places with lots of snow because it was very 45 __(use). At that time, snowmobiles were large and could carry many people. They were used 46 school buses and army vehicles during World War II. In 1959 Canadian Joseph-Armand Bombardier invented a smaller snowmobile two people. His 47 could carry one or 48 (invent) became the modern snowmobile: light, fast and fun. Now people use snowmobiles to explore the outdoors, 49 (race) or just to get around. 50 it comes to snow, there is no better way to go. Day2 It's one of those things people use every day,but few know its true origin. Why are pencils_ 41 (traditional) yellow? Why not red or green or whatever? Even though yellow pencils are now regarded as an American icon, it all started in Europe. Ati the end of the 19th century, Czech producer Kooh-I-Noor 42 (develop) a high quality pencil, pencil1500. Koh-I-Noor is a famous yellow Indian diamond 43 is on the right of Queen Elizabeth crown. Inspired by 44 (it) name, the company was determined 45 (paint) new pencils yellow. This yellow color, though, had another very symbolic meaning At the time, China 46 (consider) the country with the best graphite (石墨) in the world. In China.the color yellow is connected with royalty(王室成员) and respect. Koh-I-Noor wanted a special way to tell people that their pencils contained Chinese graphite. So they began painting their pencils bright yellow to show this 47 (connect) with China The pencil 1500 was quite expensive but it became 48 huge success. It was quickly regarded as the 49 (good ) pencil on the market. As a result, other producers started imitating the pencil 50 some ways and that s why even today many pencils are yellow. Day3 Beijing Opera is a(n)____41_____(tradition) form of Chinese theatre. It dates back to old local operas, especially Anhui Opera, which was___42____(wide) popular in northern China in the 18th century. In 1790, the first Anhui Opera performance was held in Beijing to celebrate the emperor’s birthday. Later, some other Anhui Opera troupes(剧团)went on to perform in Beijing. Anhui Opera was good at 43 (take) in the acting styles of other operas. Beljing accumulated ( 聚 集 ) many local operas, 44 made Anhui Opera improve quickly. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20 th century, Beijing opera finally formed. Beijing Opera has 45 rich list of plays, artists, troupes, audiences, and wide influences, making it the (famous) opera in China. 46 Beijing Opera combines singing, reading, acting, fighting and dancing 47 (tell) stories and describe characters. The 48 (perform) in Beijing Opera include the male, female, painted-face, and comedic roles. Besides, 49 are other supporting roles as well.In addition, the 50 (type) of facial make-up, especially in color, are a special art in Beijing Opera, because they can show the personalities of the roles. Day4 Andy Warhol was one of the most famous artists of pop art. He is best remembered 41 his paintings of Campbell's Soup Cans. Pop art was a new style of art 42 began in England in the mid-1950s and tried to show popular, everyday things. Warhol chose 45 (use) paint and canvas( 画 布 ) but in the beginning he had some trouble 44 (decide) what to paint. Warhol began with Coke bottles but his work wasn't getting the attention he wanted. Later, a friend advised him to paint something like money and a can of soup. Warhol painted both of 45 . Warhol's first 46 (exhibit) came in 1962 at the Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles. He exhibited his canvases of Campbell’s Soup, one canvas for each of of the thirty-two 47 (type) of Campbel’s Soup. However, Warhol found that he couldn’t make his paintings fast enough on canvas. Luckily in July 1962, he 48 (discover) the process of silk screening. It uses a (special) prepared piece of silk as a stencil( 模 版 ), 50 49 (allow) one si

doc文档 04-2020-2021学年高一英语期末备考语法填空每日一练

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