上宝初三英语冲刺班练习 名词、代词、数词、冠词、主谓一致 1. My brother is crazy about literature. He is fond of . A. Shakespeare’s long poem B. long poems of Shakespeare’s C. Shakespeare long poem D. the long poems of Shakespeare 2. When I walked along the street, I saw some playing drums loudly. A. youth B. youths C. few youth D. more youth 3. In this restaurant he found no dishes completely to his . A. tongue B. mouth C. taste D. style 4. He climbed up into the tree and picked all the peaches within . A. scope B. hand C. reach D. arm 5. The smell from the kitchen stimulated my . A. fovour B. appetite C. attraction D. focus 6. Fever is a of many illness. So I suggest you take it seriously and see a doctor as soon as possible. A. message B. symptom C. label D. clue 7. of migrating birds leave Dalian every fall. A. Swarms B. Flocks C. Herds D. Schools 8. What will it make whether Mr. Black tells us the story early or not? A. sense B. difference C. mistake D. use 9. Life is tough in the city. In order to lose their , some people drink alcohol. A. temper B. mood C. consciousness D. pressures 10. As a man ages, of brain cells and muscle cells decreases. A. the number B. a number C. the amount D. an amount 11. Why don’t you take to read on the train? Can you lend me interesting? A. anything, anything B. something, anything C. anything, something D. something, something 12. He rested his cheek on right hand and looked me in face. A. his, his B. the, the C. his, the D. the, his 13. troublesome persons as you described are to be found everywhere. A. So B. Such C. That D. He 14. The films that create a high box office are not necessary with high investment. A. these B. the ones C. that D. one 15. As the world changes faster than ever, our greatest concern is making sure that of these changes do us harm. A. any B. some C. neither D. none 16. ---Do you often talk with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone? --. I like using QQ. A. None B. Either C. Any D. Neither 17. Countries tend to specialize in the production and export of those goods and services that can produce relatively cheaply. A. it B. you C. they D. we 18. Between , that woman shouldn’t allow her son to drive a car after drinking. A. I and you B. you and I C. me and you D. you and me 19. Given the huge price increase in food market, is expecting the government to take action. A. nobody B. everybody C. either D. none 20. of society’s wealth is controlled by large corporation and government agencies. A. Most B. Many C. Much D. Few 21. Our school will move to the north of the city, and the new school is the old one. A. twice the size of B. twice times as big as C. twice the size of D. twice times bigger than 22. The star appears small because they are miles away from the earth. A. several thousands of B. several thousand of C. several thousands D. several thousand 23. Nearly of the men in the village received advanced education. A. three-five B. three-fifth C. three-fives D. three-fifths 24. Though in their , many old people go on a trip to enjoy their life. A. seventy B. seventies C. seventieth D. seventieths 25. The development of professional sports in the United States dates back to century. A. nineteenth B. the nineteenth C. nineteen D. the nineteen 26. He spent saving money for his trip to England. A. half year B. half a year C. of a half year D. half of a year 27. Jack got a good mark though he had done the others. A. as much as half B. as half as C. half as much as D. as much half as 28. I don’t want to go there again. I’ve been there . A. dozen of time B. dozen of times C. dozens of time D. dozens of times 29. It’s drive from Shanghai to Hangzhou. A. five hours B. five hours’ C. five hour’s D. five hour 30. When I asked what he thought of the book, he said that is wonderful, especially , which he thought was the best in the whole book. A. Part Second B. second part C. the second part D. Two Part 31. Nanjing Road is not far from People’s Square. It is one of the best known sights in Shanghai. A. The, / B. /, the C. The, the D. /, / 32. By nature, you are an adventure, full of amazement and curiosity about world bigger than life itself. A. a, the B. the, the C. /, a D. the, / 33. Such fine weather is unusual chance for us to go fishing. A. a, an B. /, an C. /, a D. /, the 34. People in the west celebrate Christmas while we Chinese observe Spring Festival. A. the, the B. /, / C. a, a D. /, the 35. Many people agree that knowledge of English is a must in international trade today. A

doc文档 2022年中考复习英语专题练习2(名词、代词、数词、冠词、主谓一致)

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