2020 届江苏高考英语 3500 词汇读练测(词汇晨读)04 说明:①本系列资料的例句尽可能多地选自高考真题或各地模拟试题; ② 凡是形容词+ly 构成的副词在本系列资料【拓展】栏目里不予列出。 (baby—bye) baby n.婴儿,孩子,宝贝儿,孩子气: She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.她生了一个健康漂亮的婴儿。 Though most companies allow women to leave their jobs for a short time to have a baby, they expect women with babies to give up their jobs.虽然大多数公司都允许女性在短期内离开工作岗位生孩子,但 他们希望有孩子的女性放弃工作。 Baby, come on, let’s go home, I’m tired.宝贝儿,快点儿,我们回家吧,我累了。 Don’t be such a baby.别那么孩子气。 【拓展】(作定语)小型,微型,婴儿用的:She has a baby car.她有一辆微型汽车。 bachelor n.① 单身汉:He remained a bachelor all his life.他做了一辈子单身汉。 ② 学士:We offer a wide choice of bachelor’s degrees for international students 我们为国际学生提供多种学士学位选择。 back adv.回(原处),向后:She walked away without looking back.她头都没回就走了。 adj.后面的:He came in by the back door.他从后门进来。 n.背,后部:Let’s go round to the back.让我们绕到后面去。 v.支持,后退: Some analysts suspected that the rebellion was backed and financed by a western country. 一些分析人士怀疑,这场叛乱是由一个西方国家支持和资助的。 You’ll have to back the car up into the garage.你得倒车,开进车库。 【拓展】动词 back 所构成的动词短语的意义: He appears to have backed himself into a tight corner.他似乎已把自己逼入了困境。 He promised to help me and then backed out.他许诺了帮助我,然后又反悔了(退缩了)。 The policeman wouldn’t have believed me if you hadn’t backed me up. 如果当时你不支持我,警察是不会相信我的。 I backed up carefully until I felt the wall against my back. 我小心翼翼地后退,直到感觉后背碰到了墙壁。 He’s backing away from the policies and style of his predecessor. 他正脱离其前任的政策和风格。 Don’t back away from this chance.不要放弃这个机会。 background n.背景,幕后: I’ll need a bit more background information.我需要再了解一点背景情况。 During his last lecture, the scientist found it easier to explain the theory to those with some background knowledge.在最后一次讲座中,这位科学家发现向那些有一定背景知识的人解释 这个理论更容易。 backward(s) adj.向后的,落后的: The Reform and Opening-up, having passed its brilliant age of 40 years, has changed the backward situation of the Chinese nation and influenced the world.改革开放,走过了辉煌的 40 年,改变了中 华民族的落后局面并影响世界。 adv.向后地,相反地(=backwards):Your hat is on backwards.你把帽子戴倒了。 It does not matter that you are a slow walker as long as you never walk backwards. 你走的慢没有关系,只要你不往回走。 bacon n.咸猪肉,熏猪肉:I’ll give you a slice of bacon.我给你一片熏猪肉; bad(worse, worst) adj. ① 坏的,不好的: She now thinks that keeping foreign pets is a bad idea.她现在认为养外国宠物是个坏主意 Bad news has wings.(谚语)(好事不出门)坏事传千里/坏消息不胫而走。 ② 有害的:Smoking is bad for your health.抽烟有害健康。 ③ 腐烂的,变质的:Don’t eat bad fish.不要吃腐烂的鱼。 ④ 严重的,厉害的,糟糕的: He has got a bad cold.他患了重感冒。 Follow your doctor’s advice, or your cough will get worse.听医生的嘱咐,否则你会咳得更厉害。 Ignoring the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make. 忽视这两项研究结果的差异将会是你所犯的最糟糕的错误之一。 【拓展 1】① from bad to worse 每况愈下,越来越糟,越来越坏: The service in this hotel goes from bad to worse.这个旅店的服务每况愈下。 Things seem to be going from bad to worse nowadays.现在情况似乎越来越糟了。 His temper is going from bad to worse these days.这些日子,他的脾气愈变愈坏。 ②What’s worse/Worse still 糟糕的是: And what’s worse, the number of short-sighted students ranks first across the whole world. 更糟糕的是,近视学生的数量在全世界排名第一。 Worse still, we got lost in the dark. 更糟的是,我们在黑暗中又迷路了。 【拓展 2】其副词 badly 有多重意思: ① 不好地,恶劣地:She did badly in the exams.她考试成绩很糟。 ② 大大地,严重地:The bridge was badly damaged by the flood.桥被洪水损坏得很严重。 ③ 非常,极度: He wants to go abroad badly.他非常想出国。 She was badly hurt when she fell from the ladder.她从梯子上跌下来,伤得很厉害。 ④badly off 贫穷的(其反义词为 well off): To keep Chinese economy going on, the government has established an employment service system for badly off jobless urban residents.为了使中国经济继续发展,政府已经为贫穷的 失业的城市居民建立了一个就业服务系统。 Most of these people aren’t very well off.这些人大都不算太富裕。 badminton n.羽毛球:The kids are playing badminton.孩子们在打羽毛球。 bag n.书包,提包,袋子:She carried the bag upstairs.她把袋子扛到了楼上。 baggage n.行李:How much baggage do you have?你有多少行李? I have five pieces of baggage.我有 5 件行李。 bake v.烤,烘(面包): He quickly learned what was the best way to bake his cakes.他很快就学会了烤蛋糕的最好方法。 bakery n.面包店(房):The bakery serves us with fresh bread daily.面包店每天都给我们提供新鲜面包。 balance n.① 平衡,均衡: When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his balance and had a bad fall. 男孩在追他哥哥时,失去了平衡,重重地摔了一跤。 Try to keep balance between work and relaxation.尽量保持工作与休闲的均衡。 The newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. 该报不偏不倚报道不同意见。 ② 天平:Will you weigh it in the balance?你用天平称一称好吗? v.权衡,使平衡,均衡,建立平衡,抵消,弥补: You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages. 你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。 A balanced diet can really improve your state of mind.平衡的饮食能真的改善你的精神状态。 What must a dancer do before she can balance herse

doc文档 词汇晨读04-2020届江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测

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