备战 2021 年高考英语篇章体裁分类专项训练 专题 01 说明文(一) 话题: 完形填空 幸福是什么?如何才能实现幸福的感觉。 阅读理解 A 篇 说明了北斗导航系统的应用功能等基本情况。 B 篇 介绍了食物渴望的定义以及对食物渴望的一些研究发现。 C 篇 可口可乐公司将提高产品包装材料的回收率,直至其所有包装完全 可回收。 七选五 面对诸多的压力时应该先做什么的建议。 改错 介绍了中国龙井茶,以及龙井茶与乾隆帝的故事。 语法填空 讲述了活字印刷的历史, 活字印刷的过程及活字印刷对世界文明的影响。 一、完形填空 Happiness, above all else in the world, is what people seek. They want to have happiness, and want to know they have a lot of it. But happiness, like air or water, is a if they have it? Is it just a Happiness is not not 5 4 1 thing to grasp in one’s hand. So how does one know 2 ? And if someone does not feel happy, how can they go about 3 that feeling? by material wealth. A new car or television, a waterskiing boat or a three-level house is to joyful feelings. They are status symbols, surely, but they don’t 6 wealth can be 7 , just as the poor can be living joyfully. Possessions can be fear. And fear 9 a happy life. People who have 8 and lost, and with that comes leads to happiness. So if it isn’t “stuff” that gains happiness, then what can? Well, 10 can. People need to have a sense of purpose. These people often have a feeling of satisfaction. They sense they were put on this planet for a each person, this purpose can be goals can be 13 11 . To 12 . Maybe they were meant to teach. Maybe they were meant to learn. And things, like taking an extra moment each day to breathe. But having 14 in life, a feeling of moving forward, can make people feel happy. But taking that forward motion too to the 16 of happiness. Life requires 15 can be a bad thing. Success at the expense of everything else leads 17 . And people who understand there is a balance between work and 18 are more in tune with the universe and, therefore, better able to achieve happiness. Life with a bit of humor is more 19 . So people can be happy if they have something to strive for and something to 1.A.vital B.hard C.strange D.magic 2.A.feeling B.sign C.gift D.reward 3.A.ignoring B.replacing C.achieving D.checking 4.A.measured B.exchanged C.bought D.controlled 5.A.close B.similar C.harmful D.equal 6.A.change B.guarantee C.start D.influence 7.A.proud B.stressed C.rude D.unhappy 8.A.borrowed B.robbed C.gained D.returned 9.A.rarely B.always C.even D.still 10.A.money B.jobs C.love D.goals 11.A.moment B.trip C.reason D.position 12.A.rewarding B.different C.challenging D.impractical 13.A.meaningful B.small C.instructive D.significant 14.A.creativity B.power C.wealth D.progress 15.A.far B.high C.late D.slowly 16.A.result B.change C.opposite D.imagination 17.A.balance B.care C.emotion D.friendship 18.A.music B.play C.art D.study 19.A.different B.worthwhile C.beneficial D.pleasant 20.A.worry B.talk C.laugh D.think 二、阅读选择 20 about. A In ancient times, our ancestors relied on stars to guide them on a clear night. Today, we have navigational systems to help us find our way, with the latest being the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS). The BDS is entirely built by Chinese engineers. With the launch of the last satellite from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center on June 23, the global network of 59 satellites has been completed. On July 31, Beidou started providing full-scale global services. It’s difficult to imagine the dramatic impact those satellites, orbiting the Earth, have on our daily lives. When you unlock one of Hellobike’s bicycles, you are using the BDS. The popular bike-sharing company came out with two new bike models this year that are equipped with the positioning service. “The intelligent lock on each bike receives Beidou satellite signals and sends positioning information to the data center, which will help collect big data on the bikes and estimate users’ riding demands in advance according to the data,” Chu Yiqun, a manager of Hellobike told Xinhua News Agency. Users can also find shared bikes more accurately thanks to Beidou’s global positioning accuracy of 2.34 meters. However, the BDS doesn’t just work one way. As the country’s largest space-based system and one of four global navigation networks, along with the United States’ GPS, Russia’s GLONASS and the European Union’s Galileo, Beidou adopts a unique two-way communication system, including its ability to receive messages sent by people from areas with poor communication signals. Obviously, this exclusive function isn’t designed for users to chat online. Instead, it plays a role when disasters occur and communic

doc文档 专题01:说明文(一)-备考2021年高考英语阅读理解体裁分类专练(含解析)

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