任务型阅读 玄武区 A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后 56-65 小题的空格里填入一个最恰当 的单词, 并将答案填写在答卷纸上标号为 56---65 的相应位置上。 注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。 Is a hotel pool even really there if you don’t put it on social media (社交媒体)? It’s a question that one Bali resort ( 巴厘岛某度假村) is encouraging its guests to put to the test by stopping people using phones and mobile devices by the pool, in order to encourage people to enjoy the beautiful views of their surroundings rather than lookingat a screen for a long time. The “ digital detox ruling ( 数 码 戒 断 规 定 ) ” at Ayana Resort in Bali,whichis suitable for all smart phones and digital devices, makes a try to forcibly get people to move their mind off the global addiction ( 上 瘾 ) of checking the news, taking photos without control, updating social media and replying to emails even when on holiday. The fact of being unable to turn off, or being parted from your phone, has even be n given a name: nomophobia, described as the “21st century disease”. Social media use h as a bad influence on people’s mental health. It has also been connected with depress ion — the state of being very sad especially among young people. A recent survey of American holiday-makers found that more than 20% said they checked their smart phones once per hour during their most recent vacation and realized that was too often In another survey in Britain in 2017 , 38% of adults said they thought hey were using their phones too much and made their decisions to change. As a result, there has been an increasing interest in so-called digital detox holidays ( 数 码 戒 断 旅 行 ), as people look for ways to take a break from their phones. Seeing this, travel companies and hotels plan to catch the business chance because of people’sinabili ty to turn off their devices if they aren’t forced. Ayana resort’s no-phone policy is unlikely to be popular with everyone. However, another recent survey by Travelzoo found that 30% of respondents ( 受访着) boked holiday destinations only because whether they could take great photos to show on social media or not. Digital Detox Ruling Purpose of the rule To encourage their guests to lose themselves in beautiful views of looking at a screen for a long time. Content of the rules The rule is suitable for all smart phones and digital devices, to force people to move their mind off the gl o b a l addiction, such as checking the news, taking photos w i t h o u t control, updating social media, sending to emails. ○ Nomophobia refers to the fact of being unable to turn off, or being overusing smart phones parted from smart phones. ○ Social media use can people, especially y oung people, feel depressed. ○ Luckily, some people began to their overuse ofsmart phones and had a thought of changing the situation. ○ Some other people are becoming more digital detox holidays so that they can take a break from their phones. ○ Travel companies and hotels plan to Different reactions (反应) to the rule the business chance because people are unable to turn off their d e v i c e s they are forced. ○ It is that the no-phone policy is welcome toeveryone. 30%of respondents book their holiday destinations, depending on whether they can take great photos to show on social media or not. 任务型阅 读 56. instead 转化词,定位原文第二段末,“rather than”变为“ of”, 故填 instead。 57. trying 转化词,定位原文第三段第二行,“makes a try”变为一个词,即“try”,另外注 意这句句子的 语法准确性,若直接填入“try”则句子在没有连词的情况下,包含 两个谓语,是错误的。因 此,将“try”变为分词形式的动词非谓语“trying”。 58. replies 转化词,定位原文第三段末,“replying to emails”,这里将原文中的 reply ( v.)变 为 reply (n.) 时,需要变成复数。 59. influence(s) 原文词,定位原文第四段第二行。“has a bad influence”,故填“influence(s)”。 60. make 释义词,定位原文第四段最后一句,句意为“过度使用手机与抑郁情绪有关联,这 种情况在青少年群体中尤其常见”。根据题目所给句子中的搭配,此处只能填入 make,意为 “过度使用手机会‘使’青少年抑郁”。 61. realize 原文词,定位第五段第二行。 62. interested 转化词,定位倒数第二段第一行。原文为“ interest in”,题目中需要填入形容词, 故将 “interest”转换为“interested”。 63. catch 原文词,定位倒数第二段第三行。 64. unless 转化词,定位倒数第二段最后一行,原文为“if they aren’t forced”,包含“if… not”的形式,转化为一个词即“unless”。 65. unlikely 原文词,定位最后一段第一行。原文中的搭配为“be unlikely to do”,可以转换为 题目中的 “It is unlikely that …”,意思相同。 首字母填空: 66. With with 表示方式,意为“‘凭借’Face ID”。 67. shape 根据句意,“用 30000 个点勾画出脸部的 和轮廓”,由首字母 s 帮助确 定 此空需填的词为 shape(形状)。 68. created 根据句意,“脸部的数字模型就被 空需填的词为 created(创建)。 69. match,并且被保存”,由首字母 c 帮助确定此 根据句意,“如果两者 ,就可以解锁手机”,填入 match,意为“匹配”。 70. less 根据句意,“解锁耗时‘不到’1 秒钟”,因此填入 less。 71. still 根据句意,“如果你改变了发型,化了妆,戴了眼镜,或者在黑暗中使用手机, Face ID‘仍然’可以使用。”“仍然”对应 s 开头的词,即 still 72. worries 根据句意,“虽然这项技术听起来很好,但是人们仍然存在着‘担忧’”。 w 开头 表示负面情感的词不多,worries 即为这里的答案。 73. chance 根据句意,“ 手机被别人解锁成功的‘概率’为百万分之一”。“

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