Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Using Language & Assessing Your Progress——2021-2022 学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第 三册随堂检测 一、填空 1.It is very pleasant for him to travel and to explore _____ is new. 2.Alone in a strange city, without friends and money, he fell _____ despair. 3.Though some of the questions seem unfamiliar to me, they are easy _____(answer). 4.Without passion, people won't have the _____(motive) or the joy necessary for creative thinking. 5.He was a good man who was _____(commit) to his family as well as to his work. 6.Thanks to your hard work, we can finish the task ahead _____ schedule. 7._____ she could move out of the room, she heard a loud noise. 8.I have arranged for Tom _____(pick) up the experts at the airport. 9.They are looking for someone with a real sense of _______ (commit) to the job. 10.Nobody was very ________ (enthusiasm) about it, so they decided to cancel the trip. 11.He abandoned himself _______ drinking after his wife deserted him. 12.The tiger is a fierce large animal _______ (belong) to the cat family. 13.Though they failed time and time again, they ______ (persevere) in their attempts to fly around the world in a balloon. 14.Every time he ______ (resolve) a troublesome problem, he feels he is getting closer to his final goal. 15.When it starts boiling, turn ______ the stove just to keep the soup boiling. 二、阅读理解 16. For hours after their boat sank, Ken Henderson and Coen trod(踏) water in the Gulf of Mexico, talking about life and death while struggling to survive. For more than 30 hours, it worked. Then Henderson was forced to make a decision. "I'm going to go for help or you're not going to make it,'' Henderson told Coen, just before cutting the strap(带子) that connected them in the deep, cold waters. "I understand," Coen responded, giving Henderson a last set of instructions. "Kiss my babies for me.'' Days after the fishing trip ended in tragedy, Henderson told the story for The Associated Press. They had been fishing for a few hours when suddenly Coen noticed the boat was filling with water. Henderson got both motors roaring, only to have the salt water that had leaked in break them straight away...Coen jumped to the right, his sunglasses and cap flying off. The two grabbed extra life jackets and other floating items, including a half full bottle of Diet Coke. "The water was so cold and it took your breath away," Henderson said. They immediately began to tremble. The pair prepared for a long wait. And they talked. "We discussed things and discussed life. We discussed families. We just tried to keep occupied," Henderson said. Eventually Coen started hallucinating(有幻觉). Henderson tried to keep Coen's arms and legs moving. But as morning came, Coen's situation worsened. So Henderson decided to cut the strap. He swam for two hours, tired, frustrated and depressed. Then he saw an oil rig(钻探平台) in the distance. He swam, seeing ice and crystal trees in the water. He reminded himself constantly there were no trees. His legs were so weak that he could barely lift them. Henderson slowly pulled himself up the rig's ladder. It was over 50 miles from where they had gone in the water. All he could think of was Coen. Convinced his friend would survive, he told the coast guard where they had parted. Two hours later, a fisherman found a body in a life jacket. Later, in the hospital, Henderson saw his friend. He apologized and asked for forgiveness. He promised to realize his wishes and look after his girls. "I felt like a part of me had died out there," Henderson said. 1. What do we know from the article? A. Henderson first noticed something was wrong with the boat. B. What the men did to get the boat to work made matters worse. C. Henderson alone did what he could but it had little effect. D. The men's long discussion about life and death filled them with sadness. 2. After Henderson cut the strap and swam away, _____. A. he regretted his decision to leave his friend B. he knew he had a good chance of being saved C. he had to fight against exhaustion and hallucinations D. he got encouraged by remembering the talk with Coen 3. What can we conclude from the article? A. Henderson tried to rescue both of them. B. They kept talking because they felt excited. C. Coen would have survived if he had believed in his friend. D. Coen was unwilling to be left alone but he eventually agreed. 4. What kind of person is Henderson? A. Strong-willed and loyal. B. Selfish but decisive. C. Smart and creative. D. Experience

doc文档 Unit 4 Using Language & Assessing Your Progress 随堂检测-2021-2022学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册

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Unit 4 Using Language & Assessing Your Progress 随堂检测-2021-2022学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 第 1 页 Unit 4 Using Language & Assessing Your Progress 随堂检测-2021-2022学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 第 2 页 Unit 4 Using Language & Assessing Your Progress 随堂检测-2021-2022学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 第 3 页 Unit 4 Using Language & Assessing Your Progress 随堂检测-2021-2022学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 第 4 页 Unit 4 Using Language & Assessing Your Progress 随堂检测-2021-2022学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 第 5 页
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