考点 03 完形填空——2019-2020 学年高二《新题速递·英语》 (1)承德一中 2019-2020 学年度第一学期第三次月考高二英语 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When I was a little girl , there was the magic of Mercurochrome( 红 药 水 ) . It was good for cuts,scratches(抓痕),or other 36 .My brother and I tested and 37 the power of Mercurochrome many years ago. It was summer and hot.Mama was not feeling well and had become 38 tired.She told us that she was going to 39 on her bed.Only a few minutes had passed when Ronnie 40 a scratch on his knee that needed immediate 41 .We tiptoed(踮脚走) into Mama’s room and asked her if we could put Mercurochrome on Ronnie’s scratch. 42 on her back,Mama had fallen into a deep sleep and made no answer. We stole into the bathroom,took the Mercurochrome and 43 Ronnie’s knee.Undoubtedly,he immediately began to feel better. 44 , we tiptoed into Mama’s room to show her that we had taken care of our scratches without 45 her.But she was in sound sleep.Then we whispered that 46 Mama didn’t feel well , perhaps Mercurochrome would make her feel 47 . Twenty minutes 48 , we painted every scratch and every freckle( 雀 斑 ) of Mama’s skin.She had Mercurochrome 49 her legs,arms and face.At Ronnie’s encouraging,we 50 tried to paint her fingernails and toenails. When Mama screamed in 51 ,we knew that she was awake.With all the 52 ,it didn’t seem at first that she was feeling better, 53 she burst into laughter as she stared at her image in the mirror. We laughed a lot the next few days.If anyone had asked us,we would have 54 that Mama had been cured by the 55 of Mercurochrome. 36.A.matters B.worries C.troubles D.wounds 37.A.marked B.proved C.collected D.ignored 38.A.suddenly B.gradually C.hardly D.extremely 39.A.lie down B.settle down 40.A.doubted B.learnt 41.A.service B.attention 42.A.Round B.Tight 43.A.painted B.designed C.completed 44.A.Politely B.Proudly C.Carelessly D.Properly 45.A.pleasing B.bothering C.exciting D.worrying C.go down C.noticed D.recog nized C.advice C.Wide D.look down D.study D.Flat D.decorated 46.A.before B.unless 47.A.better B.rarer C.worse D.stranger 48.A.earlier B.ago C.later D.ahead 49.A.in B.on 50.A.always C.until C.over B.ever C.even 51.A.disappointment B.shame 52.A.laughing B.although 54.A.pretended 55.A.story D.only C.screaming C.because B.expected B.reality D.under C.horror B.talking 53.A.so D.since D.excitement D.joking D.but C.insisted C.secret [来源:Z|xx|k.Com] D.accepted D.magic 1-5 D B D A C 6-10 B D A B B 11-15 D A C B C 16-20 C C D C D (2) 河北枣强中学 2019-2020 学年度高二年级第四次月考 The most destructive ( 破 坏 性 的 ) wildfire in California’s history started on Nov 8, 2018, 41 electrical cables ( 电 缆 ) in the town of Paradise. It burned for 17 days and caused $16.5 billion in destroying nearly 19,000 buildings, killing 85 people and leaving 50,000 others homeless. Paradise was by bad 42 , 43 a paradise(乐土). Shane Grammer grew up 15 miles away in Chico, and he 44 the news of the fire’s deadly path from his home in Los Angeles. The 47-year-old father of three works as a creative director for Disney ’s theme parks. Grammer still has 45 in the Paradise area. When his childhood buddy, Shane Edwards, posted pictures of his white chimney ― the only part of his house to 46 ― Grammer felt helpless. And then he had a(n) 47 . “I’ve got to paint that 48 ,” he told Inside Edition. “It was an opportunity for me to express myself and be a(n) 49 . On Dec 31, Grammer 50 three hours painting a beautifully sad black-and-white image(画像)of a woman on the chimney — a reminder, perhaps, of the 51 of life, or even just of life itself. Grammer 52 the image on Instagram. The victims (受害者)of the fire, especially, had 53 feelings. “You bring beauty and hope,” one said. 54 , Grammer realized that his artistic expression had 55 into something deeper, the hallmark(特征)of true art. Over a period of three months he returned eight times, 56 17 pictures of victims and mythical(神话里 的) heroes on walls, pickup trucks, and ruined buildings. “There is 57 ,” he explains. “There is beauty in the ashes.” Grammer’s work in Paradise has become a bigger 58 . He has traveled the world painting big pictures in 59 places that needed some light: a home for orphans(孤儿)in Tijuana, Mexico; a youth center in San Francisco. “I want to do something powerful and create art that 60 people,” he says. 41. A. turned down B. put forward C. brought about D. broke out 42. A. damage B. use C. waste

doc文档 2019-2020学年高二《新题速递·英语》12月第01期 (考点03完形填空)

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