2021 年高考英语培优计划之高频短语对比练 900 例 高频短语对比练 14 1. "They are so used to me that they know my schedule," he muttered. Thinking about that for a moment, he realized that it could be the other way around: that it was he who had __________their schedule. A. become attached to B. been captured by C. become accustomed to D. become separated from 2. -The online shopkeeper has made an apology for his rude behavior. -OK. If you’re still not satisfied, you can _______ compensation. A. claim B. afford C. sacrifice D. dismiss 3. They _______ the business deal in less than an hour, after which they had a golf game. A. wrapped up B. picked up C. called up D. took up 4. The drums of war are beating once again. As tensions rise between America and Iran, China appeals to both sides to ________. A. stand by B. come along C. step back D. stick together 5. Only the hope that the rescuers were getting nearer the trapped miners. A. suspended B. subscribed C. sustained D. suspected 6. Most spending that results in debt is like a drug: a quick hit of pleasure that ______, only to drag you down for years to come. A. takes off B. wears off C. sets off D. shows off 7. When we have a chance to travel, we tend to ______ as many sights into the trip as we can--- seven countries in ten days, for example. A. squeeze B. sneeze C. subscribe D. substitute 8. The restaurant ____ us 1000 yuan for the wine which is worth one tenth in a grocery store. A. accused B. paid C. charged 9. The incident ____ a wave of fear and anger across the country. D. asked A. set out B. set off C. left out D. came off 10. Have any new novels about solving murder cases ____ up to the present? A. come out B. come about C. brought about D. brought out 11. A city is the product of the human hand and mind, ________ man’s intelligence and creativity. A. resembling B. reflecting C. reviewing D. restoring 12. More wind power stations will ________ to meet the demand for clean energy. A. take up B. clear up C. hold up D. spring up 13. Sympathy for the rebels, the government claimed, is beginning to ______because of more and more harm they did to common people. A. fade B. decline C. fail D. collapse 14. It is said that the only survivor in the car crash was badly injured. However, somehow the doctors managed to help him ______. A. pull through B. put through C. look through D. break through 15. In order to make my composition clearer and smoother, my teacher asked me to _________ the unnecessary words and sentences. A. leave alone B. leave behind C. leave off D. leave out 16. Tourists are required to _________ local customs and mind their manners when travelling abroad. A. spot B. confirm C. observe D. spread 17. Kate heard a man’s voice in the background, but she couldn’t ________ what he was saying. A. set aside B. take back C. make out D. keep off 18. Phelps was____________by his mother after his parents divorced when he was young. A. brought up B. brought in C. brought out D. brought about 19. As there was not much chance to find good jobs in their hometown, a lot of young people tried to ________ their fortune in cities. A. find B. find out C. seek D. look 20. He couldn't ________ the reason why the money was found in his room. A. answer for B. account for C. speak of D. result from 21. John ________ before he got word that the college he chose had accepted him. A. held his breath B. drew a breath C. took a breath D. got his breath 22. To my disappointment, Alice ________ my invitation to the ball because she said that she didn't like to ________ on such an occasion. A. turned down; turn up B. turned off; turn into C. turned back; turn in D. turned out; turn up 23. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped _______ India’s independence from Britain. A. get B. win C. gain D. make 24. To her happiness, her wish ______ at last. A. realized B. was come true C. was realized D. was destroyed 25. She had to _____ the plan in the end. A. give in B. give up C. give off D. give out 26. It is bad manners for us students to ______ lies. A. say B. speak C. talk about D. tell 27. All the patients _____ the doctors and nurses in the hospital. A. think good of B. speak high of C. think highly of D. speak kind of 28. Miss Wang is ill, so I’ll _____ to teach you Lesson 20. A. take place B. take his place C. take place of D. take a place 29.

doc文档 高频短语对比练14---2021年高考英语培优计划之高频短语对比练900例【名师堂】

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