应用文专题 02 非书信类 (发言稿、通知、报道、日记) 一、演讲稿(发言稿 ) ..........................................................................................1 Part 1:写作模板....................................................................................................1 Part 2:必背词句....................................................................................................4 Part 3:高考真题....................................................................................................7 二、通知..........................................................................................................................9 Part 1:写作模板....................................................................................................9 Part 2:必背词句 ...............................................................................................11 Part 3:高考真题..................................................................................................14 三、报道 .....................................................................................................................15 Part 1:写作模板..................................................................................................15 Part 2:必背词句 ...............................................................................................16 四、日记........................................................................................................................17 Part 1:写作模板..................................................................................................17 Part 2:必背词句..................................................................................................18 一、演讲稿(发言稿 ) Part 1:写作模板 模板① Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen, It’s a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech._________ ( 表 示 荣 幸 ) My name is __________.(自我介绍)The topic of my speech is ___________.(提出演讲主题) To begin with, many people suggest that ___________. ( 话 题 或 现 象 列 举)Secondly, ___________. Thirdly, ___________ . What I want to stress is that ___________. ( 重 申 主 题 ) For one thing, . For another, . Besides, ___________.(原因或重要性列举)In a word, ___________.(总结) 模板② Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone, It’s nice to see all of you here. I feel honored to have opportunity to give/make/deliver you a speech is a great pleasure for me to speak here. The topic of my speech is ___________________./Today I will talk about ________________. /It’s nice to talk /speak about…( 演 讲 的 主 题 ) First of all, ___________________. Besides, ________________. Secondly, _________________________. What’s more, __________________(具体内容) As far as I am concerned/In my opinion, _____________. From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that ____________. Thanks for your attention/listening. (总结演讲) 模板③ Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.Today I would like to talk about________________(提出话题).First of all,________________(叙述一). Secondly,________________(叙述二).When we_______________(提出条件),we should________________(提出计划). If everyone________________,I believe________________(自己的感想). Thank you for listening! 【演讲稿写作要点】 1. 为你的演讲选择一个主题,以听众为中心的方式选择你的演讲主题。 2. 设定明确的主旨句、中心思想和主要要点,以听众为中心的方式设定这些内容,称谓要 得体。 3. 演讲稿要根据不同听众的来源,搜集听众信息,体现出听众的爱好,这样才可以很好地 迎合他们的需要,更能确保听众会有正面的积极的反馈。 4. 为你的演讲找论据。论据材料必须中肯、多样、详尽、恰当。 【演讲稿的基本结构】 1. 欢迎听众 (welcome your audience) 2. 介绍主题 / 自我介绍 (brief introduction of your subject) * Today I am going to talk about … 首段 简短介 绍 * The purpose of my presentation is to introduce… 3. 说明演讲结构 (explain the structure of your speech) * I’ll mainly talk about three points… * During my talk, I’ll be looking at three areas. First,… Second,…Third, … * I’ve divided my presentation into four parts. They are… 陈述主题(present the subject itself) 主体 演讲的 正文 * So, to start with, I’d like to talk about the … * The first problem today is that … * Let’s go to the first topic… 1. 总结演讲(summarize your speech) * To conclude/ In conclusion/ Now, to sum up,… * So let me summarize what I’ve said. 结束 概括总 * Finally, I’d like to repeat the points I made at the beginning. 结 * In conclusion, my recommendations are… * I therefore suggest / propose / recommend the following strategy. 2. 致谢听众 (thank your audience) * Many thanks for your attention. * Thank you all for being such an attentive audience. 【演讲稿写作步骤】 第一步:对听众的称呼语 最常用的是 Ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 Fellow students, Distinguished guests, Mr Chairman, Honorable Judges(评委)等等。 第二步:提出论题 由于演讲的时间限制,必须开门见山,提出论题。提出论题的方法有各种各样,但最生动 最能引起注意的是用举例法。比如:你要呼吁大家关心贫穷地区的孩子,你可

docx文档 应用文专题03 非书信类(发言稿、通知、报道、日记) -2022年新高考英语新题型写作三合一解读+专项训练

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