语法- 反意疑问句 练习: 1. His mother was ill in hospital, ____________? 2. They were afraid to see something dark, _____________? 3. The students are going to have a picnic this Friday, _____________? 4. She isn’t at home now, ______________? 5. They weren’t happy at the answer, ____________? 小结:当谓语动词为___________ 时,直接将其正确形式转化为疑问句的助动词即可。 1. He will help us with English, ___________? 2. He cannot swim, ___________? 3. They could see something in the tree, _____________? 4. The farmers will have a good harvest this year, _____________? 5. My uncle will never forget the day on the hill, _____________? 小结:当谓语动词为___________ +动词原形时,疑问句中用___________ 作助动词。 1. He doesn’t like sports, ______________? 2. Mary usually gets up at six, ______________? 3. The twins bought some flowers for their mother, ________________? 4. The workers made some model planes last year, ________________? 5. The cat climbed up the tree quickly, _______________? 小结:当谓语动词为___________ 时,根据时态以及人称变化,可分别使用 ___________ 作助动词。 1. There is going to be a football match between the two teams, ______________? 2. There weren’t many tall buildings in Guangzhou before, _______________? 小结:含 There be 句型的反意疑问句,在疑问句部分也用 ________ 形式。 1. There is little water in the bottle, _____________? 2. Linda has few friends in New York, ________________? 3. Helen never goes to bed after 11o’clock, _____________? 小结:当陈述句部分出现 ___________ 等否定词或半否定词时,即可判断句子结构为前 1. Open the door, ___________? 2. Let’s go to the cinema, ______________? 3. Let us go to the cinema, ______________? 后 ___________ 。 小结:祈使句不论肯定否定都用_____________________, let us 用______________________ 注意: 陈述部分有 little, few , nothing , hardly , seldom , never , neither, none, no,等否定词时,简略问句用肯定形式 反馈小测 1. The twins want to have the same hairstyle, ___________________? 2. Kelly wasn’t a cheerful student, ___________________? 3. The girl can’t speak Spanish, ___________________? 4. Most people can work out the problem, _______________? 5. Don’t be late for school, _____________? 6. Open the window, ____________? 7. Let’s go and enjoy the music, ____________? 8. Mr. and Mrs. Li have joined the program , _____________ ? 9. You usually have bread and egg for breakfast, _________________? 10. The boy can hardly solve the problem on his own, _______________? 11. He’s from America ,_____________? 12. He ’s been to the USA twice _____________? 13. She’s doing her homework carefully ________________? 14. He has to get up early in the morning, _____________? 15. --- We should finish our homework, shouldn’t we? 16. --- __________. Finishing homework is students’ duty. A. Yes, we shouldn’t B. No, we shouldn’t C. No, we shouldn’t D. Yes, we should

doc文档 Unit1 语法-反义疑问句 2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语九年级上册

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 Unit1 语法-反义疑问句 2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语九年级上册 第 1 页  Unit1 语法-反义疑问句 2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语九年级上册 第 2 页  Unit1 语法-反义疑问句 2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语九年级上册 第 3 页
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