八下 Unit 6 Sunshine for all 课题 导学 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 课型 新授课 课时来 By the end of the class, the students should be able to 1. understand the meanings of special groups of people. 目标 2. cultivate students’ sympathy and the ability of taking care of others. 导学 How to talk about helping people who need help 重点 How to cultivate students’ sympathy and the ability of taking care of others. 导学 How to talk about helping people who need help 难点 How to cultivate students’ sympathy and the ability of taking care of others. 教学 准备 第 1 课时 A computer, notebooks and work sheets. 教师活动内容、方式 Step 1 Lead-in Free talk T: Show a picture of The Project Hope.How do yo u help them? Step 2 Practice 1. Listen and answer T: Listen to Eddie and Hobo’s conversation and answer the following questions. (1) What is Hobo doing? (2) Will Eddie support Hobo? Why? (3) How does Hobo want Eddie to help? 2. Read and act T: Read and act out the conversation. Work in pairs and you have two minutes to prepare. 3. Complete and discuss T: Complete the passage and discuss: What do you think of Eddie? T: You have passed three levels and I know you are suitable to be volunteers. Congratulations! Welcome to the unit Step 1 Presentation 1. Watch and learn people who are old—the elderly people; people having little money—the poor people; 学生活动内容、方式 Learn new words 复备 some part of the body does not work properly—a disabled person people having no home—the homeless people people who cannot see—the blind people people who cannot hear—the deaf people 2. Match and discuss. Step 2 Practice 1. Part AT: Here are some pictures of the people who need help. Write the correct words under the pictures. Then put a tick in the boxes if you have ever helped these people. 2. Part BT: Listen to Amy and Daniel’s conversation and find out how to help homeless people. T: Let’s think of some other ways to help people who need help. 3. Make up new conversations T: Work in pairs and discuss the people in Part A. You can use the conversation in Part B as a model. Step 3 Conclusion T: Audrey Hepburn once said, “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.” Helping others is helping ourselves. Step 8:Homework 1. Recite the new words and phrases in the article. 2. Search for more information about the 2007 Special Olympics World Games. 教学反思: 课题 Reading I 课型 课型课型 新授课 课时来源学| 第 2 课时 导学 目标 By the end of the class, the students should be able to 1. develop the ability to infer the general meaning from the title and context. 2. revise and expand vocabulary in the context article and conservation. 3. reinforce students’ ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for details. 4. encourage the students to try to help the others. 导学重点 To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from title and context. 导学难点 To reinforce students’ ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for details 教学准备 A computer, notebooks and work sheets. 教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 复备 Step 1 Lead-in T: Good morning, everyone! Yesterday we learned a lot about the people in need. Do you still remember them? OK, now let’s look at some pictures and talk about them. A: What kind of people are they ? B: They are…. A: How can we help them? B:… A: Are there any other ways to help them? B:… Look at some pictures and talk about them Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Show some pictures of people with intellectual disabilities .Then introduce the new words. e.g. T: Those deaf people, blind people and disabled people need our help. They have physical disabilities. Another group of people need our help too. They have intellectual disabilities. How can we help people with intellectual disabilities? S:… T: Besides what you have mentioned, there is another way to help them. We can volunteer for the Special Olympics World Games. The Special Olympics World Games are different from other events. Learn some new words Have you heard of this event? Can you tell me something about it? S:… T: The athletes in the Special Olympics World Games are children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The game gives them a chance to show their skills to the world. If you are a volunteer, what will you do for the games? 2. Skim the article and answer the following questions. (1) Who is a volunteer? Liu Ming (2) What do volunteers need to do for the Special Olympics World Games? They need to provide support for the athletes and help make

doc文档 Unit 6【教案】-【上好课】2020-2021学年八年级英语下册同步备课系列(牛津译林版)

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