必背高考英语作文范文 1. 写人记叙文 The Person I’m grateful to When it comes to (当提及) the person (that/who) I’m grateful to, I can tell you without hesitation ( 好 不 犹 豫 地 ) that it is my father, a middle-aged man of few words. Not only does he take good care of me physically ( 身 体 上 ), but he also inspires me spiritually (精神上). 【开门见山,点名感激之人,并简要描述外貌 品格】 Every morning, he gets up early to prepare a healthy breakfast for my family. No matter how busy he is, he will drive me to and from school, rain or shine (无论雨晴). When I am down or feel anxious about my grades (分数), my father will take me to a park, or invite me to see a movie to help me relax. What’s more, he has a positive attitude to life, which has an everlasting (永久的) effect on me. 【列举感激原因】 It is because of his care and consideration ( 体 贴 ) that I grow up happily and healthily. My gratitude (感激) to him is beyond description/words (无法描述). 【再 次表达感激之情】 2. 记事记叙文 A voluntary Activity of environment Protection Last Saturday, the Students’ Union of our school organized a voluntary activity whose theme(主题) is environment protection, which turned out to be (证明是/结果 是) extremely meaningful and rewarding. 【简要点明事件的时间、人物、地点、 意义目的等】 We gathered at our school gate at 8:30. Then, we went to the People’s Park by bike, which took us about half an hour. On arriving at the park (一达到公园), some of us handed out leaflets (发宣传单) to the passers-by (路人), telling them how to take action to protect the environment, and others picked up rubbish thrown by people. After two hours hard work, the activity came to an end. 【介绍事件的起因、经过 、 结果】 Tired as we were (尽管我我们很疲惫), we had a great sense of achievement. This voluntary activity not only offered us an opportunity to contribute to (为...做贡 献) protecting the environment, but also it raised people’s awareness of environment protection.【感人感受及事件意义】 3. 邀请信 (2017 年全国卷 II) 假定你是李华,想邀请外教 Henry 一起参观中国剪纸(papercutting) 艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括: 1.展览时间、地点; 2.展览内容。 Dear Henry, How is everything going? I’m LiHua, who is in charge of( 负 责 ) the papercutting club in our school. Knowing that you are interested in Chinese traditional culture, I am writing to invite you to participate in a paper-cutting art exhibition. 【寒 暄、自我介绍、写信背景及目的】 Here are some details about this exhibition. First and foremost, the exhibition will be held in Renmin Park at 8:30 am this Saturday, which will last about 4 days. What’s more, not only will you see a variety of the beautiful paper-cutting works( 作 品 ), but also you will learn the basic skills of paper cutting as well. Besides, there will be a lecture about the origin and development of Chinese paper-cutting. Last but not least, this exhibition aims to help them have a better understanding of the Chinese traditional culture.【活动的时间、地点、内容及目的等】 I would appreciate it if you could spare the time to come. I am looking forward to your early replay. 【期待对方接受盼回复】 Yours, Li Hua 4. 建议信 (2018 全国卷 I) 假如你是李华, 你的新西兰朋友 Terry 将去中国朋友家做客, 发邮 件向你询问有关习俗, 请你回复邮件, 内容包括: 1.到达时间; 2.合适的礼物; 3.餐桌礼仪 Dear Terry, How are you doing? Learning that you are about to ( 将 要 ) pay a visit to a Chinese friend and feel confused about the Chinese customs, I am writing to offer you some advice.【寒暄、写信背景及目的】 To begin with, I would like to suggest that you (should) arrive on time, because it is impolite to be late in Chinese traditional culture. In addition, it is a good idea to bring some appropriate/proper gifts, such as a bunch of flowers or a box of Chocolates. Last but not least, you are supposed to pay attention to table manners( 餐 桌 礼 仪 ) when enjoying the meal. For example, you should avoid making noise while chewing the food( 在 咀 嚼 食 物 时 发 出 声 音 ) or sticking your chopsticks into your food(把筷子插在食物里) .【建议内容】 I sincerely hope that my suggestions would be helpful/beneficial/be of benefit(有益的 ) to you. I am sure you will have a great time.【表达希望盼回复】 Yours, Li Hua 5. 申请信 (2019 年 1 卷)假定你是李华, 暑假在伦敦学习, 得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展。 请写一封信申请做志愿者, 内容包括: 1.写信目的; 2.个人优势; 3.能做的事情 Dear Sir or Madam, I am Li Hua, an exchange student from China currently studying in London. I am more than delighted to hear that a Chinese painting exhibition will be held in the local gallery and volunteers are needed, I am writing to apply for the position.【自我介绍、 写 信 背 景 及 目 的 】 The reasons for my application are as follows(如下) . First and foremost, I have a good knowledge of Chinese paintings, so not only can I explain to the visitors the beauty of the paintings, but also tell the stories behind them. In addition, I have

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