七下 Module 3 Making plans 一.单项选择 ( )1. I like to enjoy my father ' s meal , he is a good ______ . A. teacher B. worker C. cook D. farmer ( )2. Lucy is going to learn English because he wants to ______ some American friends. A. have B. get C. visit D. make. ( ) 3.Jim is going to stay at home ______ it is raining outside. A. so B. because C. and D. but ( )4. Do you have any plans for your vacations ? I am ______ for London next Sunday. A. going to B. will go C. will leave D. leaving ( )5.Lin Tao usually goes to bed early ______ the evening, but he goes to bed late ______ Friday evening. A. on , on B. in , on C. on , in D. in ,in ( )6. Tom, please ______ your test paper carefully. A. go for B. take away C. go over D. take out ( )7. Who ______ is at the party ? jack. A. other B. else C. another D. others ( )8. what are you going to do this weekend ? I am going ______ my grand parents. A. visit B visits C. to visit D. visiting ( ) 9. Your sweater is so beautiful. . How much did you spend ______ it ? A. on B. in C. at D. of ( )10. The students in Class 1 ______ to climb Mountain Tai next week . A. goes B. are going C. to go D. going ( )11. It is sunny today . Let' s go ______ to the West Lake. A. sightseeing B. shopping C. dancing D. sing ( )12. He is looking forward to ______. A. have a picnic B. do some sightseeing C. going sightseeing D. watch TV ( )13. ______ are you late today ? Because my bike is broken on the way. A. What B. How C. When D. Why ( )14. Beijing is a beautiful city ,so many people ______ there every year. A. go sleeping B. go swimming C. go shopping D. go sightseeing ( )15. There is a football match______ S unday evening . A. on B. in C. at D. to 二.词汇填空 1.Everyone in the team wants to (赢)the football match. 2.I’m going on a summer (营地)in Beijing. 3.The (第二)picture is very beautiful. 4.There are lots of fantastic (海滩)in Hainan. 5.My brother likes (收集)stamps very much. 6.It began d________ the Western Han Dynasty. 7.We enjoy the sunshine on the b________. 8.I'm going on a summer ________(度假营) in Beijing. 9.I'm going to have a ________(野餐) in the park. 10.—Who e________will go to the park with us? —My brother and my sister. 三.完成句子 1. 我们将遇见其他球迷, 结交一些新朋友。 We're going to meet other fans, and________ some new ________. 2. 五一假期我将会过得很开心。 I'm going to________ ________ during the ________ ________ holiday. 3. 我们将会在乡间散步或者去游泳。 We're going to ________ ________ ________ in the country or ________ ________. 4. 我们也将会去观光并去海滩野餐。 We're also ________ ________ and going to ________ ________ ________ on the beach. 5. 孩子们总是盼望着春节。 Children always ________ ________ ________ the Spring Festival. 6. 露西看起来很悲伤, 咱们使她振作起来。 Lucy looks sad. Let's ________ ________ ________. 7. 我希望你暑假愉快。 I ________ you have a nice ________ ________. 8. 她期盼着见到她的父母。 She ________ ________ ________ ________ her parents. 四.完形填空 The Browns are 1 Smiths’neighbours. Mr Brown’s name is John. But when his neighbours talk about him, they 2 him “Mr Going-to-do”. Doyouknow why ? Mr Brown always says he is going to do something, but he 3 does it. Every Saturday Mr Brown 4 to the Smiths’back door and talks to Mr Smith. He always says he 5 do something. “I’m going to clean my house today,” he says, 6 “I’m going to wash my car tomorrow,” or “These trees in front of my house are 7 big. I’m going to cut them down next week.” Mr Smith usually says, “ 8 , John?” He knows his neighbour is not going to clean his house, or wash his car, or cut down any trees. Then he says, “Well, excuse me, John. I’m going to do some work in the house.” And he 9 . Mr and Mrs Smith often say to their only child Dick, “Are you going to do something? Then do it . Don’r be 10 ‘Mr Going-to-do’.” ( )1.A.the B.a C.one D.\ ( )2.A.speak B.tell C.say D.call ( )3.A.usually B.never C.often D.sometimes ( )4.A.is going B.gets C.goes D.comes on ( )5.A.wants B.likes C.is going to D.would like ( )6.A.or B.and C.but D.so ( )7.A.very B.too C.quite D.so ( )8.A.Yes B.Sure C.Do you D.Are ( )9.A.goes B.does C.leaves D.walks ( )10.A.\ B.that C.another D.like 五.阅读理解 Some people in the West like to stay at home during their weekends.They work in the garden, visit their friends, read books or watch television. Many families take their lunch to a park or somewhere far from the city. They like to eat under some trees or near a nice lake. If they live near the sea, they often go to the seaside. There they can fish, swim or enjoy the sunshine. Some people in the West like travelling. They think travelling and outdoor activi

doc文档 Module3 Making plans单元同步练习2021-2022学年外研版七年级英语下册

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Module3 Making plans单元同步练习2021-2022学年外研版七年级英语下册 第 1 页 Module3 Making plans单元同步练习2021-2022学年外研版七年级英语下册 第 2 页 Module3 Making plans单元同步练习2021-2022学年外研版七年级英语下册 第 3 页 Module3 Making plans单元同步练习2021-2022学年外研版七年级英语下册 第 4 页
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