仁爱版八上期末写作主题汇总 一、话题分析 本模块以“运动、保持健康、爱好、保护环境、互联网”为话题,旨在使学生了解以上 话题的英语表达。在具体的写作中,学生应做到以下几点: 1.能根据提示写出英语句子描述; 2.能熟悉写作的段落和句型; 3.对作文的灵活应用的综合能力得到提升。 二、词汇积累 1.on the Internet 在网上 2.come into being 形成 3 become an important part of 变成…的重要部分 4 by doing sth. 通过什么方式 5With the help of = with one’s help of 在... 6. be important to sb 对某人来说是重要的 7. less and less 越来越少 more and more 越来越多 8. be in danger 处于危险状态 9. play an important part /role in sth/doing sth 在.....扮演重要角色 10 be popular with 在…中受欢迎 11have fun doing sth. 做某事开心 12 thousands of 成千上万的 13 follow the doctor’s advice 遵照医生的建议 14 give up doing sth.=stop doing sth.放弃做某事 15. be necessary for 对…必要 16.as soon as 一…就… 17. as soon as possible 尽快 18. keep/stay away from 远离 19 healthy eating habits 健康的饮食习惯 20.important to/for 对…重要 三、句型积累 1 You had better exercise as often as possible. 你应该尽量经常锻炼。 2. The more exercise we do ,the healthier we are.锻炼越多,我们就越健康。 3 We had better eat more fruits and vegetables instead of junk food 我们应该吃更多的蔬菜水果代替垃圾食品 4 Going to school without breakfast is bad for our health so we had better have breakfast every morning 不吃早饭上学对我们健康有害所以我们最好吃早饭 5 The Internet makes our life more interesting 网络使我们的生活更加有趣。 6 We can get a lot of information on the Internet and share it with others . 我们可以从网上得到 各种各样的信息而且同别人分享。 7 Some young people usually spend too much time playing computer games and it’s bad for their eyes and health. 有些年轻人花太多时间玩游戏等等。 8The Internet can change our life for the better ,but we should use it carefully. 只有我们运用恰当,因特网才能使我们生活变得更好。 9 It’s important for us to protect the animals /forests/environment 对我们来说保护动物/森林/环境是重要的 10. As we know ,animals and plants are both important to us 众所周知,动物和植物对我们都很重要 11 We share the same world with animals and plants 我们和动物和植物共同享有一个世界 12 Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests. 成百上千万的动物栖息在雨林中。 13Some people use the Internet to hurt others and try to get money by cheating. —些人用互联网伤害他人并通过欺骗来获取钱财。 14 In our daily life, we can relax ourselves by listening to music or watching movies online. 在我们日常生活中,我们可以通过在网上听音乐和看电影来放松我们自 己。 15 We can also find some information for our work and study.我们也可以找到对 于我们工作和学习的信息。 16 Computers make our life easier. For example, we can shop and chat face to face online. We can even find jobs on the Internet. 电脑使我们生活变得更容易,例如,我们可以网购并且面对面聊天,我们甚至可以在互联 网上找工作。 四、写作训练一 ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 五、写作训练二 _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 六 、写作训练三 随着社会的发展,网上购物成为一种新型的购物方式。请根据下表提示, 谈谈网上购物的利与弊。 要求:1.语句流畅,书写规范。2.包含提示内容,并可适当发挥。3.词数 80 左右,首句已给出,不计入总词数。4.文中不能出现人名、地名等真实信息。 Advantages Disadvantages 方便(convenient);24 小时营 看不见物品;容易受到欺骗(be 业; cheated); 不用排队 不能享受和朋友一起购物的乐趣 Shopping online is quite popular in our daily life now.___________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

docx文档 专题05 八上期末书面表达押题-2020-2021学年八年级英语单元话题写作(仁爱版)

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