7A 江南中学 U2 单元测试 一、单词辩音(10) ( )1.A.happy B.many C.habit ( )2.A.else B.behind C.help ( )3.A.with B.listen C.kind ( )4.A.shop B.lot C.hope ( )5.A.fun B.club C.sun ( )6.A.ball B.talk C.walk ( )7.A.her B.master C.teacher ( )8.A.now B.bowl C.how ( )9.A.orange B.English C.think ( )10.A.maps B.bikes C.names Keys:BBCCD DABAC D.man D.member D.film D.long D.ruler D.also D.newspaper D.flower D.uncle D.shops 二、词汇(15) 1.I am____________(的确,确实) sorry that I left my homework at home. 2.—Can you help me open the window,please? —Of___________(当然). 3.Jack likes baseball very much and he has many basketball___________(英雄). 4.In Wuxi, there’s ___________(许多) of rain in spring. 5.How many___________(碗) are there on the table? 6.Yao Ming is my___________(最喜欢的) basketball star. 7.My sister likes playing____________(排球) after class. 8.Who is better at____________(画画),you or your sister? 9.What he said is___________(真实的).We should believe him. 10.There are two basketball ___________(match) in our school this week. 11.My ruler is at home.Can I use_________(you)? 12.Are you sure those footballs are those___________(play)? 13.Let me look at your__________(photo).Where did you take them? 14.We should take____________(shop) bags when going to supermarkets. 15.They want to be good_________(swim) like Sun Yang? Keys:1-5:really; course; heroes; lots; bowls; 6-10:favourite; volleyball; drawing; true; matches; 11-15:yours; players’; photos; shopping; swimmers; 三、单项选择(15) ( )1. That is _________ basketball. I like playing _________ basketball very much. A. a; the ( D. /; / B. a lot of; a lot C. many; much D. a lot; a lot of )3. _________ he _________ from the USA? A. Does; / ( C. a; a )2. He always gives me _________ help and his wife helps me _________, too. A. a lot; a lot ( B. a; / B. Is; come C. Does; comes )4. ---Is there _________ juice in the fridge? D. Is; / ---Yes, there is _________ juice. Do you want to drink it? A. some; any ( B. any; any C. any; some D. some; some )5. ---Are these your books? ---Yes, they're mine. Give _________ to _________ . A. me; them ( B. are C. have B. to; for C. for; have B. very well; very well C. very much; very well D. very well; very much C. How many D. How many times B. play with C. to play D. to play with B. How; by foot C. How; on feet D. How; on foot B. have fun C. to have fun D. have many fun )14. Who are they talking _________ the trip to Suzhou? A. to ( B. How often )13. Some students don't know how _________ at school. A. to have a fun ( D. were; in; in )12. --- _________ do you go to school every day? ---I go to school _________ . A. What; on foot ( C. was; in; in )11. ---Who do you often _________ ? ---Amy. A. play ( B. were; on; in )10. --- _________ do you go to the dancing club? ---Once a week. A. How long ( D. to; to have )9. I _________ born _________ the morning of June 11th,2005 _________ Wuxi. A. was; on; in ( D. is )8. They know you _________ and like you _________ too. A. very much; very much ( D. us; them )7. It's time _________ me _________ breakfast. A. for; to have ( C. them; us )6. There _________ a big garden and many buildings near our school. A. has ( B. them; me B. with C. to about D. of with )15. ---You look so beautiful. --- _________ . A. Not at all B. Thank you C. Just so so D. Don't say that 答案:BBDCB DADAB BDCCB 四、动词填空(10) 1.Funny stories can make people__________(laugh). 2.What would you and your mother like____________(buy) before Christmas Day? 3.Mary hopes__________(study) in Jiangnan Middle School. 4.Sometimes Kitty with her friends__________(fly) kites after school. 5.—Where is your mother? —She__________(cook) in the kitchen. 6.What about__________(meet) at the gate of the park? 7.One of the boys___________(not do) well in Maths. 8.Trees___________(turn) green in spring. 9.__________(look) at your books,and tell me the answer. 10._________(eat) too much isn’t good for your health. Keys:laugh; to buy; to study; flies; is cooking; meeting; doesn’t do; turn; Look; Eating; 五、完成句子(15) 1. 她闲暇时喜欢散步。 She likes _________ _________ _________ _________ time. 2. ——你喜欢看《极限挑战》吗? ——是的,我一个月看四次。 --- _________ you like _________ Go Fighting? ---Yes, I do. I watch it _________ _________ a month. 3. ——王小姐看起来怎么样? ——她看起来苗条的。 --- _________ does Miss Wang _________ ? --- She _________ _________ . 4. 他喜欢听音乐,因为音乐总能使他开心。 He enjoys _________ _________ music, because _________ always _________ _________ happy. 5. 我堂哥周末还

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