2020 届星海实验中学高三英语二轮补充讲义 4(作文表达) 第一部分:常用句型 表示引发讨论 1. put the spotlight on…/ …come into spotlight 2. ...find its way into... 3. spark a heated discussion 4. arouse a great deal of controversy over… 5. ignite a heated debate over 6. … has become the subject of a fierce debate 表示重要性 1. important=crucial =vital=essential=critical=decisive 2. … play an indispensable/ irreplaceable/ inseparable role in… 3. It is important to remember…is no substitute for… 表示影响 1. …have a far-reaching/ tremendous impact on… 2. be beneficial to…/ bring benefits to…/ be favorable to… 3. exert negative impact on…/ be detrimental to…/ be harmful to… 4. if… go uncontrolled, then it will exert negative influence on… 表示原因 1. … result in/ lead to/ contribute to… 2. this is largely/ partly because… 3. ...stem in large part from... 4. … has a role to play in… 5. …be responsible for/ be held responsible for… 6. …be to blame for…/ put the blame on… 7. …be a contributing factor in… 8. A crucial factor leading to/ accounting for… is… 9. …can be attributed to… 10. …should also be taken into accountant. 11. The fact that… cannot be ignored. 12. What lies at the root of the problem is… 13. What aggravate the situation is… 14. be heavily influenced by… 15. reasons may involve… 16. Failure to…/ Reluctance to…/ Disregard for…/ Lack of... 表示看法 1. my view is… 2. be fully convinced that… 3. claim/ maintain/ hold the view that… 4. I tend to agree/ /be in favor of/ approve of/ applaud/ subscribe to/ side with… / object to/ oppose doing/ be opposed to doing 5. I am inclined to agree… 6. people interpret… in different ways 7. proponents/ opponent of this view… 8. On a personal note,… 9. most people hold a conservative attitude, claiming that… 10. opinion is divided on… 11. attitudes vary from… to… 12. opinions differ as to… 表示做法 1. Priority should be given to… 2. …should be put high on the agenda. 3. It is high time that relevant laws should be put in place to regulate…/ supervise/ monitor/ punish… 4. It is high time that we shifted our attention from… to…/ struck a balance between… and… 5. It is high time that we took action to curb…/ alleviate…/ reverse the trend. 6. To narrow the gap between…we need… 7. be strictly regulated and restricted 8. proper supervision and guidance is necessary 9. the solution lies with sb/ in sth 10. prevention is better than cure 11. put more resources into health education and preventive measures 12. propose heavier penalties on 表示转折 1. in spite of this, the obvious benefits of…cannot be denied 2. however… 3. as/though 倒装 4. on the other hand, we cannot lose sight of the negative effects caused by… 5. it is true that… 结尾 1. there is no denying that…/ it goes without saying that… 2. …still have a long way to go/ is far from being perfect/ there is much room for improvement 3. we have the obligations to see to it that… 4. there is no simple answer to… but one thing we should bear in mind is… 5. nevertheless, under no circumstances can we… 6. if… then… 7. if future generations are to remember us with gratitude rather than contempt, we must... 8. it is no exaggeration to say… 9. a very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions 表示两者关系 1. a strong correlation between… and… 2. be in conflict with 3. be not mutually exclusive 4. be a necessary complement to/ be complementary to 连词和副词 1. 因果 thus/ consequently/ in turn 2. …, especially… 3. nevertheless,… 第二部分:词汇升级 1. common= universal= ubiquitous= general= widely 2. huge= mounting= considerable 3. stick to= adhere to= abide by 4. enough= abundant= sufficient= ample 5. neglect= overlook= lose sight of 6. pursue= seek= aspire 7. competitor= rival= opponent 8. primary= fundamental 9. ease= relieve= alleviate 10. complex= sophisticated 11. hard-working= industrious 12. fragile= vulnerable 13. always= frequently 14. luxurious= lavish 15. nowadays= currently 16. stop= cease 17. part= component 18. result= consequence 19. obvious= apparent 20. quite= fairly 21. famous= distinguished 22. possible= feasible 23. so= consequently 24. difficulty= hardship= obstacle 25. ability= capability= competence 26. responsibility= obligation 27. produce= generate= yield 28. however= nonetheless= nevertheless 29. come from= arise from= derive from 30. struggle for= spare no efforts for= strive for 31. make sb do= enable sb to do 32. be

docx文档 作文表达讲义(常用句型和话题表达)

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