Unit 1 Back to school 过关测试 一、阅读理解 A Amusement Parks in North America Disneyland Park Location: Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, California, USA The first theme park built in the Anaheim Disneyland Resort, the Disneyland Park was opened in 1955. This Californian park brings us eight different lands of adventure and fun. This is the right place to meet Disney princes, princesses, and go on themed adventure rides. Disney’s Hollywood Studios Location: Walt Disney World Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA Disney’s Hollywood Studios is where the magic of movies comes together with exciting rides and entertainment. The theme park opened up in May 1989. The park is divided into six zones, of which Pixar Place, and Animation Courtyard are favorites. Universal Studios Florida Location: Universal Orlando Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA Based on some of the best-loved movies, this fun and adventure theme park by Universal Studios opened up to the public in June 1990. The greatest attraction of this park is “the Wizarding World of Harry Potter”, which is a favorite with both kids and adults. It is also well-known for its yearly celebrations and Hollywood theme rides. Islands of Adventure Location: Universal Orlando Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA The Islands of Adventure opened up in May 1999. This theme park is divided into seven different themes. Marvel Super Hero Island, Jurassic Park, and Seuss Landing are among the most popular islands of the park. Apart from the exciting rides, the restaurants here are also themed on myths and legends. 1. Which park will you choose if you are a fan of Harry Potter? A. Disneyland Park. B. Disney’s Hollywood Studios. C. Universal Studios Florida. D. Islands of Adventure. 2. What can you do in Islands of Adventure? A. Watch Hollywood movies. B. Join in yearly celebrations. C. Meet different Disney characters. D. Enjoy food in theme restaurants. 3. What do the four parks have in common? A. They are located in Florida. B. They offer some exciting rides. C. They are designed for children. D. They opened in the same year. B Scientists have long known that a crow ( 乌鸦 ) native to New Caledonia is able to use tools. The birds use them to remove food from deep holes. Now, American researchers have discovered a second species of crow with the same ability. They reported on their experiments with Alala crows, which are from the Hawaiian Islands. In the experiment, the researchers placed pieces of food in holes inside the wood. The holes were too deep for the crows to reach with their beaks ( 鸟喙). But, by using small pieces of wood held in their beaks, Alala crows quickly got the food. They used small objects as tools, sometimes changing them by shortening too-long sticks. They also made tools from plant materials. “The crows use their beaks as people use fingers. Tool use is rare in the animal kingdom.” Said Chritian Rutz of University of St. Andrews. “Current evidence strongly suggests that tool use is part of the species’ natural behavioral pattern. These birds had no special training in the study, yet most of them were skilled at handling stick tools.” Bird experts claim finding out that the crows use tools is important discovery. “It makes us rethink how to look at the whole tool-use idea now and encourages us to go out and look for things that we may have ignored before.” All the Alala crows left in the world live in Hawaii. There were less than 20 Alalas left in the late 1990s when scientists decided to bring them into a protected area. Now, it is reported that there are over 100 birds living there. Scientists plan to release a small number of the birds back into the wild later. 4. What can Alala crows do according to the study? A. Storing food in the wood. B. Making holes in the wood. C. Processing tools as needed. D. Working together to get food. 5. What do Chritian Rutz’s words mean? A. Alala crows’ beaks look like people’s hands. B. Using stick tools is not easy for Alala crows. C. Using tools comes naturally to Alala crows. D. Alala crows won’t use tools without being trained. 6. What do scientists plan to do with Alala crows? A. Set some of them free in nature. B. Increase the population of them. C. Move all of them out of Hawaii. D. Build more protected areas for them. 7. Where does the text probably come from? A. A novel. B. A business report. C. A research plan. D. A science magazine. C If you are a teenager without a job, you probably do not have much extra money. Somet

doc文档 01 Unit 1 Back to school【过关测试】-2021-2022学年高一英语单元复习过过过(译林牛津版2020必修第一册)

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