2020-2021 学年钱塘新区八年级第二学期学业水平测试英语试卷 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,计 40 分) 第一节:(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,计 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。 A Fact File Writer: Johanna Spyri From: Hirzel, Switzerland Born: 1827 Died: 1901 Book title: Heidi Published(出版):In l880 in German and in over forty language Story Summary Heidi is a young Swiss girl. Her mother and father are dead. One day she goes to stay with her grandfather. He lives alone in a small wooden house in the Swiss mountains. Heidi makes a new friend called Peter on the mountain. Peter is a poor goatherd. He takes the goats up the mountain every morning, and he gives the goats food and cares for them. Heidi loves living with her grandfather. But one day, her aunt arrives. She works in the city of Frankfurt. She takes Heidi to live in Frankfurt with a girl called Clara. Clara lives in a big house in the city, but she is ill and cannot walk and she feels lonely. Heidi likes Clara and Clara’s grandmother teaches Heidi to read. But Heidi really wants to go and live in the Swiss mountains again. When she goes to live with her grandfather again, she teaches Peter to read When Clara comes to visit her. she helps to make Clara well again 1. When was book published? A. In1827 B. In1880 C. In1901 D. In1989 2. Who does Heidi like to live with best? A. Her grandfather B. Her aunt C. Peter D. Clara 3. Which is the correct event order to Heidi? ①She moves to the city ②She makes friends with Peter ③She learns to read ④She makes Clara well again A.①②③④ B.③①②④ C.④②①③ D.②①③④ 4. Which word can best describe the girl Heidi? A. Helpful B. Pretty C. Lonely D. Poor B South Africa is home to 299 types of mammals(哺乳动物). There are20 national parks in South Africa. These parks protect wild animals, plants and natural environments. Many people visit these parks to go on Safari and see the animals. The most famous animals in South Africa are the “Big Four”--the buffalo(水牛), elephant, leopard(豹) and lion. Buffalo Cape Buffaloes are very dangerous animals. They weigh around 900 kilograms and are about 1. 7 meters tall! They move in big groups and eat a lot of grass. Elephant African elephants are four meters tall and weigh about 6.5 tons. They eat about 300 kilograms of plants every day. Elephants are very smart animals and have excellent memories. Leopard 豹 Leopards live alone. They can run at 58 kilometers an hour and they are very good swimmers and climbers. They live in many different environments from desert to the forest。 Lion Lions weigh around 250 kilograms. They are very social and live in groups called “prides”, They relax for around 20 hours a day! 1. Why do people visit the national parks in South Africa? A. To protect the environment. B. To see the animals. C. To research the mammals D. To enjoy the plants 2. How heavy is a buffalo? A. About 58 kilograms. B. About 250 kilograms. C. About 900 kilograms. D. About 6.5 tons 3. Which animal relaxes for most time of the day? A. The buffalo B. The elephant C. The leopard D. The lion C You probably already know that exercise can help you stay healthy. Are you healthy? Even if you are, there are several reasons that you should exercise. First. exercise can give you energy(力量). When you are tired during the day and you can’t study or work, don’t take a short sleep. Take a walk or go for a run instead. Researchers looked at 70 different studies about exercise and fatigue(疲劳). In the studies, people who didn’t exercise started to exercise. As a result. They felt less fatigue. They didn’t feel tired during the day. Over 90 percent of the studies showed the same results. Second, exercise can help you sleep better. Exercising makes your body temperature higher Your temperature goes back to normal about five to six hours after you exercise. You become sleepy at this point because the drop in temperature tells your body that it’s time to sleep Also, exercise can reduce stress. When you exercise, you have to pay more attention(注 意)to your body, so you can’t think about you stressful thoughts too much. Finally, studies show that exercise is good for your memory. Exercising can improve your memory and make it easier to learn new things. Regular exercise can improve your life in so many ways. It can make you feel better, look better, and do more. So why are you sitting there reading? Go out and exercise! 1. What can make you feel less tired? A. Reading books B. Stopping exercising. C. Going for a run. D. Taking a short sleep 2. What does the underlined word “reduce

doc文档 2020-2021学年浙江省杭州市钱塘新区八年级下学期学业水平测试英语试卷

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