第一章 语法篇 ★ “important something”还是“something important”傻傻分不清楚!(近三年错误率:60%) 1. – Is there ________ in today‘s magazine? -- Yes. Premier Li Keqiang saw ________ ―stay-home children‖ ________ May 25th. A. anything special; hundreds of; on B. something special; hundreds of; in C. special anything; hundreds of; on D. anything special; hundreds of; in (2016,西关外国语) 2. -----What are you going to give your mother for her birthday? -----I‘m not sure. But I‘ll buy her ________. A. something special B. anything special C. special something D. special anything 3. This movie shows 4. (2017,五中) happened in the US in the 1980s. A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything (2016,真光) Where is Tom? I have ________ to tell him. A. anything important B. important anything C. something important D. important something (2016,华附) 5. – There is _________ in today‘s newspaper. – Really? I will read it later. A. important something B. anything important C. something important D. important something (2016,一中) 6. Is there ________ in this room? A. something strange B. anything strange C. strange something D. strange anything (2017,省实) 7. -Have you found ________ here in the room? -Everything is OK ________ the broken window. A. special anything; except B. anything special; besides C. special anything; besides D. anything special; except (2017,五中) 8. We should find ________ to cut the welcome ribbon. A. someone important B. important someone C. no one important D. important no one (2017,广大附) 1 9. We can‘t find ________ to spend time at. A. interesting somewhere B. interesting anywhere C. somewhere interesting D. anywhere interesting (2017,三中) 10. Tim wants to get ________ for his birthday. A. something different B. different something C. anything different D. different anything (2017,省实) ★ enough,放前?放后?怎么判?(近三年错误率:62%) 1.If I have ________, I can do the work ________. A. time enough; good enough B. enough time; well enough C. time enough; enough good D. enough time; enough well (2016,育才) 2. Tim is not________ to do the job alone. A. enough strong B. enough weak C. strong enough D. weak enough (2017,五中) ★ “other”家族,如何认祖归宗?(近三年错误率:80%) 1. ________ people like going shopping while ________ people like staying at home. A. Some, others B. Some, other C. Some, the others D. Some, the other (2016,西关外国语) 2. Yesterday I lost one of my shoes, and a good man help me find ________. A. other B. the other C. others D. another (2017,广大附) 3. Different students have different hobbies. ________ students like to play instruments, ________ like to do sports. A. Some; other B. One; another C. Some; others D. All the; other (2017,越秀) 4. Mother bought a big bottle of milk for me. I only drank half of it just now. The ________ of it ________ in the fridge now. A. others, are B. other, is C. rest, are D. rest, is (2016,海珠区) 5. If you are wrong, correct your mistakes quickly, don‘t let _______ down. A. other B. the other C. others D. another (2017,广雅) 2 ★ -ed 还是-ing?懵懵懂懂搞不清!(近三年错误率:60%) 1. When we feel angry or ________, we may not want to eat. A. excited B. exciting C. excite (2016,西关外国语) D. excitement ★ “四大金花”--spend, take, cost, pay 怎么搭?(近三年错误率:68%) 1. We should stop students from spending too much time ________ computer games. A. play B. to play C. in playing D. on playing (2017,番禺华附) 2. It always time and experience to find out the really amazing things. A. spends B. takes C. costs (2017,广大附) D. pays 3. Nowadays, people ________ too much time playing computer games. It is bad ________ their eyes. A. spend; for B. cost; for C. cost; to D. spend; to (2017,五中) D. costs (2016,培正) 4. Mr. Green always ________ a weekend playing with his children. A. spends B. takes C. pays 5. The James________ the whole week________ in Tokyo. It was really a great holiday. A. spent, to stay B. took, staying C. took, stay D. spent, staying (2017,省实) 6. They spent the whole week________ in the park. A. play B. playing C. to play (2016,育才) D. played 7. I bought a new computer. It ________ me 7,000 yuan, but it was powerful. A. spent B. cost C. paid D. used (2017,三中) D. cost (2017,白云区) 8. Students________ five days finishing their homework. A. Pay B. took C. spent ★ 初中特殊 to doing(近三年错误率:72%) 1. We are looking forward to________ you again. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. sees (2017,中大附) 2. Dick ________ in America, but

doc文档 期中复习宝典(无答案)2018-2019学年广东省广州市英语八年级上学期

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